Writing " An Opinion Essay"

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Презентація до підручника Focus4. Основні пункти написання "An opinion essay" винесені у призентації, що допоможе учням чітко зрозуміти тему.
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Номер слайду 1

An Opinion Essay    

Номер слайду 2

Номер слайду 3

IMHOIn My Humble Opinion. Today's question: should the media have greater respect for the private lives of public persons77% say Yes. Latest comment. Yes! Politicians, sports personalities do their jobs in the public eye, but they have the same rights to privacy and fair treatement by the media as you or me. Working life and private life are separate and the media should respect this.23% say No. Latest comment: No! Public figures use the media to increase their popularity and sometimes to earn large amounts of money. Dealing with media is part ofr being famous.

Номер слайду 4

The private life of public figures are often reported in the media. Personally, I think this shoul only be allowed when there is a clear benefit to society. To justify this point of view, it is necessary to concidef public figures' responsibility as role models as well as their rights to privacy.

Номер слайду 5

Writing  Focus. An Opinion Essay    Introduction. Introduce the topic and state your main opinion. Say which two points of view or aspects will be discussed.     Main paragraphs. Discuss different aspects of the issue and support the main opinion you stated in the introduction. Expand the discussion by giving examples.     Conclusion. Use a linking phrase to introduce a conclusion. In conclusion,…. To sum up... All things considered, All in all,

Номер слайду 6

Situations1. A friend has cooked a meal for you. The food is tasteless and looks awful. However, they seem to be enjoying it and ask for your opinion.2. You saw your friend's girlfriend on a date with someone else. Your friend is clearly falling in love and asks what you think of his  new partner.3. A friend has spent a lot of money on a new outfit which, in your opinion, doesnt fit well and doesn't suit well. She asks if you think she should wear it for the first date she is going tonight.

Номер слайду 7

Some people say that it's not always a good idea to be completely honest. Do you agree?

19 лютого 2022
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