Writing test Semester 1

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Writing test 10th Form Semester I

Variant 1

Task 1. Complete the sentences with the correct words.

  1. My family is quite big. I even have a g_________-g_________; he’s my grandmother’s father and he will be 90 this year!
  2. My brother and his girlfriend are g_________ m_________ this spring. They have already booked a date at the local castle and bought the rings.
  3. My brother is my aunt’s n_________ and my sister and I are her n_________.
  4. My grandma r_________ f_________ work in June and so she could spend the summer going for trips and gardening.
  5. My sister was very much in love with her boyfriend, but then, something happened and they s_________ u_________. It’s a pity, he was good fun!
  6. When we go on holiday, my uncle t_________ c_________ of our dog. He feeds him and takes him for walks.

Task 2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. We’re hoping _____________________ (go) on holiday next year.

2. Josh is planning _____________________ (study) engineering at university.

3. It’s not worth _____________________ (watch) that film. It’s rubbish!

4. She refused _____________________ (accept) his apology.

5. _____________________ (eat) too much junk food is bad for your health.

6. How about _____________________ (visit) Sandra tomorrow?

Task 3. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition (in, at or on).

1. The children are playing _________ the garden.

2. _________ Monday afternoons we meet for a game of football.

3. We always spend Christmas _________ home.

4. But _________ Easter we’re usually with my grandparents at the cottage.

5. Our school is _________ Keble Street, opposite the hotel.

6. Can you find the highest mountain in Britain, Ben Nevis, _________ the map?

Task 4. Complete the sentences with the correct articles (a, an, the or – no article).

       1. I was at _________ train station when you called me.

2. I left work at _________ 6 p.m.

3. Yellowstone National Park is in _________ Rocky  Mountains.

4. Our new neighbours, _________ Greens, have got a cat and a dog.

5. We practise three times _________ week.

6. Are you going to _________ beach this afternoon?

Writing test 10th Form Semester I

Variant 2


Task 1. Complete the sentences with the correct words.

  1. My older brother’s son is my n_________ and his daughter is my n_________.
  2. Tom’s sister is going to have a baby, she’s p_________.
  3. Everybody says I am very much like my grandfather, but I don’t think I t_________ a_________ him.
  4. My sister and her boyfriend fell in love a_________ f_________ s_________ and they have been together for a year now!
  5. I really l_________ u_________ to my Dad. He’s so clever, witty and always helpful. I’d like to be like him, one day.
  6. We have a big house and live together with my g_________. It’s great because my grandad loves gardening and my grandmother bakes wonderful cakes.

Task 2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. We’re thinking of _____________________ (move) to a different city.

2. He told me _____________________ (stop) talking in class.

3. Do you fancy _____________________ (go) to the cinema this weekend?

4. Marta suggested _____________________ (visit) the museum instead of the zoo.

5. You must remember _____________________ (pay) for your coffee before you leave.

6. I need _____________________ (wash) my car. It’s very dirty.

    Task 3. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition (in, at or on).

1. ___ Christmas, all our family get together.

2. I cannot recognize the people ___ the photo, it’s too dark.

3. Hurry up. The bus leaves ___ five minutes.

4. I like to spend holidays ___ my aunt’s cottage.

5. Tom has a football practice ___ Wednesday afternoons.

6. Where does your brother study? ___ a Technical College in Poland?

Task 4. Complete the sentences with the correct articles (a, an, the or – no article).

1. I bought _________ pair of new shoes yesterday.

2. They are staying at _________ Mc Cartneys’ while in London.

3. Look at _________ woman over there! She’s a famous actress.

4. My brother doesn’t eat _________ chicken.

5. Sarah plays tennis three times _________ week.

6. John travelled to _________ United States.