Як швидко плине час. Розробка уроку про історію рідного міста.

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Розробка уроку про історію рідного міста.6 клас .Спуціалізована школа. Патріотичне виховання.
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Як швидко плине час!

Моє рідне місто 100 років тому

Розробка уроку у 6-му класі спеціалізованої школи

Рівень – А 2



  • комунікативні - організувати вміння спілкуватись, учити творчого застосування набутих знань у нових ситуаціях, аналізувати та систематизувати інформацію, висловлювати свою думку;
  • навчальні – поглиблювати та систематизувати знання з теми;
  • виховні –учити самостійної роботи та роботи у групах з урахуванням індивідуальних особливостей , інтересів та можливостей співучасників процесу;
  • прогресивні – розвивати світогляд, логіку, мислення, формувати об’єктивність самооцінки

Підручники та обладнання:

  • Enterprise 1, Express Publishing, 2007,Course Book, CD, DVD
  • More 2, Cambridge, 2011, CD
  • CD-player,
  • DVD-player
  • Multi-media- projector

Хід уроку

  1. Greeting (привітання, ознайомлення із темою уроку)

T: Good morning everybody! Today we are going to have a lesson – travelling. We are working in two groups. The theme is “Time changes” But it’ll be an unusual journey. Have a look at this picture. Do you know what it is? Yes, it’s a Time Machine. We’ll turn the wheel… and here we are in the year 1912.

  1. Recollecting the vocabulary (names of road signs) (повторення лексики попередніх уроків)

T: But how can we find our way? Let’s ask somebody .Remember the road signs.







  1. ------------------











T: One  representative from each group will come here and assist me in finding the correct name a)turn left: b) go as far as; c) cross the bridge; d) take the first turning right; e)  take the second turning left; f) go past; g) go straight ahead; h) turn right


  1. Developing listening habits (розвиток навичок аудіювання)

T: Now let’s  listen and follow directions .Find the way on the interactive map.

  • Let’s ask someone, Natasha.
  • We’re not stupid. We’ve got the map.
  • OK.
  • We’re here at the corner of Bridge Street and Defoe street.
  • Let me see.
  • OK. So we go across the Bridge and then turn left. Then we take the second on the right.
  • Shouldn’t we ask someone?
  • No, it’s easy. We then go past the park. We cross the railway line and go straight ahead.
  • Please, let’s ask.
  • No way. Let’s go.
  • OK. So we cross the railway line then what?
  • We walk straight ahead. And then we’re here.The swimming pool is on the left.
  • Natasha!
  • What’s that?
  • I left my swimming trunks at the youth hostel.
  • I can’t believe that!
  1. Making up dialogues, developing listening habits .T: Now listen to the jumbled dialogue and put the mixed lines into the correct order. (Put the numbers next to the lines) (складання діалогів з розрізаних фраз, драматизація діалогів)
  • Excuse me, where’s the post office please?
  • No, the first right and then the second left.
  • and then the second left
  • Thank you.
  • Go straight ahead, then take the first turning right
  • and then the second left
  • You ‘re welcome
  • OK. straight ahead and then take the second turning left
  • and then the first right.
  • OK ,I understand. the first turning right
  1. Developing listening habits .Work with the vocabulary. Refreshing grammar (past simple).

(Розвиток навичок слухання. Робота із словником. Повторення утворення минулого часу правильних дієслів)

Listen and fill in the gaps.




Canary Wharf was a d……….area  20

years ago.

There were e………………warehouses.

There weren’t m ………………shops or people.

People didn’t have m ……………… money or n ……………… house or cars.

People could only get around by bus or on foot.

Canary Wharf is a c……….area  nowadays.

There are b ………………flats, lots of shops, offices, restaurants and cafes.

People  have got a lot of  money,  l……………… houses and n ……………… cars.

People can get around by train, bus or taxi.


  1. Revising vocabulary: means of transport. (Повторення лексики з теми «Транспорт»)

T: One representative from each group will come here and assist me in finding the correct name for means of transport. They are: bus, bike, motorbike, tram, tube, scooter, ferry.( computer presentation, More 2 Unit 3 Vocabulary 2 )

  1. Practicing the structure There were… Were there…? Did people have …? (Відпрацьовування граматичної структури There were… Were there…?)

T: Were there buses (bikes….) in Kryvyy Rih 100 years ago?

Ss : Yes, there were. No, there weren’t.

 Yes. They did. No, they didn’t.

Teacher: Fill in Was, were , had, didn’t have




an airport




    in Krivoy Rog 100 years ago?

a railway station


running water







nice houses


People………only small houses.


People     ………..         …………    much money.        

Teacher: Work in groups. Ask and answer as in the example.

Example: Were there buses (bikes….) in Kryvyy Rih 100 years ago?

                 Yes, there were. No, there weren’t.

                 Was there electricity in Kryvyy Rih 100 years ago?

                 Yes, there was. No, there wasn’t.

Did people have nice houses?

 Yes. They did. No, they didn’t.

  1. Watching video and comparing life in a small town 100 years ago and now. (Enterprise 1, DVD Unit 9) (перегляд відео та обговорення життя 100 років назад та  в наш час)
  2. Making and presenting group projects. (Захист групових проектів)

T: Now you work in groups .The first group will compare the life in Kryvyy Rih 100 years ago and nowadays. The second group will make similar comparison with the town of Oxford.

<Ss glue photos and short sentences onto sheets of paper adding some information after group discussion>

Sample answers:

Kryvyy Rih:  Kryvyy Rih was a dirty area 100 years ago. There were a lot of mines but no shops or cinema. Life was difficult. People didn’t have much money or nice houses or cars. There was no an airport or metro. People could only get around by horse or on foot.

There were only small wooden houses for workers.There was no running water. But there was electricity. There was a railway station.

Nowadays, Kryvyy Rih is a big industrial area. There are beautiful flats, lots of supermarkets, offices, restaurants and cafes. People can travel by train. They can get around by bus, by car, by trolley bus, by fast tram or taxi.

We have got running water and electricity. There are a lot of parks, palaces, theatres and even a flower clock – the biggest in the world!

Oxford: Oxford was a students’ town 100 years ago. There were a lot of colleges, churches, bookshops and youth hostels. There wasn’t electricity or running water.

There weren’t buses or an airport. People could only get around by horse, by bike or on foot. But there was a railway station.

Nowadays, Oxford is a famous students  and cultural centre. There are modern houses, electricity, running water. There are computers, laboratories and museums.

 People can travel by train. They can get around by bus, by car, by taxi or on foot.

Life is easy now. People have a lot of money. A lot of tourists want to visit Oxford. There are a lot of guest houses and restaurants.

Oxford is beautiful.

  1. Discussing projects (Обговорення)
  2. Estimation and reflection (Оцінювання та рефлексія)
  3. <Optional> Listening to the song, inserting verbs in past simple (прослуховування пісні та виконання завдань)
  4. Giving home task.

T: Your home task is to write an article about Canary Wharf. (SB, p.67)  (Домашнє завдання)


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