Урок "Travelling Around the Town"

Про матеріал
Це урок для шостого класу, спрямований на розвиток критичного і логічного мислення, а також на розвиток ключових компетентностей учнів: спілкування іноземною мовою, уміння висловлювати свої думки англійською мовою, уміння працювати в групах, ініціативність та підприємливість - ініціювати усну взаємодію для розв'язання конкретної проблеми (ситуативне мовлення), уміння вчитися впродовж життя - уміння учнів самостійно шукати інформацію та складати повідомлення з заданої теми у висловлюванні іноземною мовою, соціальна та громадянська компетентності - уміння учнів формулювати власну позицію, співпрацювати з іншими на результат.
Перегляд файлу

Travelling Around the Town (Form 6)


- to encourage students to make announcement on the speaking situations;

- extend students' sightseeing to promote developing critical and logical thinking.

Outcomes of the lesson: at the end of the lesson students will be able to activate using lexical and grammar structures, train memory and attention, develop communicative skills.



I. Introduction. Warming-up

T:  Good morning, everyone!  I hope everything is Ok! Am I right? To know the topic of our lesson you should undcramble the word.


Ss: Travelling.

T:  You are right! The topic of our lesson is "Travelling".

II. The Main Part

Vocabulary Practice

T: Look at the board, please! It's a Fishbone. Now I am going to write our topic on the head of the fish. The small bones are the ways of travelling. Let's remember them and write down. Complete my sentence: We can travel by...

Ss: We can travel by car, by plane, by train and by ship.

T: What is your favourite way of travelling and why?

Ss: My favourite way of travelling is..., because it is...and...

T: These small bones are for necessary things. Let's try to remember them. Complete my sentence: We usually take... for travelling.

Ss: We usually take a ticket, a suitcase and a phone for travelling.

T: What two things are the most important for you and why?

Ss: The most important things for me are the documents and my mobile phone, because they are very useful.

T: The tail is for the purposes of the traveling. Complete my sentence: Travelling is the best way to...

Ss: Travelling is the best way to meet new people ( to make friends, to rest, to see sights, to learn languages).

T: Our fishbone looks wonderful because you know well all the necessary words.

Checking up homework

T: Your homework was to present travel agencies and advertise the best places in your town.

Group 1 presents the agency "The World of Interaction"

Group 2 presents the agency "The Shopoholic"

Group 3 presents the agency "Little theatre-goers"

Group 4 presents the agency "Box Office"

(Students present their projects before class and choose the best presentation.)

III. Summing-up. Home Assignment. Reflection

T: Our lesson is coming to its end. I think you were full of impressions and all the presentations are super. Well done!

After visiting your town someone wrote a postcard for you but there is one problem, some words are missing. So, your home task will be to complete the postcard.


I'm in Kyiv now.

It's a... city and the people are....

The weather is very...

I have just visited....

My dream has come true....

See you soon.



T:  Your marks for today are... What activities did you like at the lesson? What was difficult for you? What was easy for you? (Students answer.) Thank you for the lesson. See you soon!






2 жовтня 2021
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