Youth groups and subcultures

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План-конспект уроку на тему "Youth groups and subcultures" для учнів 9 класів.
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Theme: Youth groups and subcultures


  • to develop pupil’s creative thinking and pupil’s skills in speaking, reading, listening, writing
  • to promote the development of cognitive interests of the students and expand their worldview.
  • to cultivate respect to other people, their opinions and lifestyles

Equipment: presentation, video, online-resources  “Wordwall” , “ Mentimeter”.




1. Organization moment: greeting and introductory word of the teacher.

- Good morning, dear pupils. How are you today?







2. Warming-up

 - Let’s remember some information about youth groups


 And now let’s do online exercise

( )


 - Are you interested in youth subcultures? Do you think it is a positive or a negative phenomenon? Would you like to learn more about them? So, let’s start.











3.  Speaking

- And now, let’s answer the question - How do teens express their individuality?(

- What does the term SUBCULTURE mean?

subculture is a  particular group of people within a society, which is often opposed the traditional world and the members of this group express their disapproval with the help of their behaviour, beliefs and activities.

 (It is not a fan club. A subculture is a way of life.)

When we tell about subcultures we first of all mean youth subcultures because the core of this social phenomena is the search for identity and the attempt to change the world to the best . 

4. Brain storm

 - What youth subcultures do you know?

 - How do they differ from each other? (Possible answers: music, image, lifestyle, pastime, behaviour, language)

- Why do young people join different subcultures? (pupils’ opinions)








5. Reading

- Let’s read about some of subcultures
























  - Why do young people choose a subculture ?

6. Listening

- Lets watch the video about very popular teen group – SKATEBOARDERS

and after watching we’ll do some tasks.

























7. Reflection:


 Now I want to learn your opinion about different subcultures. What youth subcultures do you like and what youth subcultures  you don’t like? Why?


The expressions on the slide can help you:

  • Shocking looks
  • Strange image
  • Unusual clothes
  • Dangerous behaviour
  • Drug and alcohol addiction
  • Amazing style of music
  • Aggressiveness
  • Rejection of everything
  • Very intelligent
  • Very cool clothes
  • Nice motto
  • Peaceful beliefs


Do you belong to any subculture? Why? Why not?

Do you think it is necessary for a young person to belong to any subculture? What do you usually do if you have any problems or difficulties or if you want to protest against anything?

What are other ways to show your feelings, emotions or cope with problems?


8. Homework

I hope you liked this lesson, it was useful for you and it made you think a lot. Your homework is to write a composition about youth subcultures using the plan:


1 What subcultures do you know? Describe some of them.

2 Do you belong to any subculture? Why? Why not?

9. Summarizing

As the  conclusion of our lesson, let’s read the poem “Wisdom” and translate it.

If there is right in the soul,

There is beauty in the person.

If there is beauty in the person,

There will be harmony in the home.

If there is harmony in the home,

There will be order in the nation.

If there is order in the nation,

There will be peace in the world.

I wish you right in the soul and harmony in the home.


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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
29 листопада 2024
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