Про матеріал
 практична: формувати вміння учнів з читання, аудіювання, усного мовлення; допомогти учням активніше і повніше засвоїти необхідний лексико-граматичний матеріал;  виховна: виховувати почуття відповідальності, культуру спілкування та бажання спілкуватись англійською мовою; розширювати знання учнів про свята та традиції свого народу;  розвивальна: розвивати пам'ять, мислення, уяву, зв’язне усне мовлення.
Перегляд файлу




  • практична: формувати вміння учнів з читання, аудіювання, усного мовлення; допомогти учням активніше і повніше засвоїти необхідний лексико-граматичний матеріал;
  • виховна: виховувати почуття відповідальності, культуру спілкування та бажання спілкуватись англійською мовою; розширювати знання учнів про свята та традиції свого народу;
  • розвивальна: розвивати пам'ять, мислення, уяву, зв’язне усне мовлення.




Хід проведення



Good afternoon, dear friends! Glad to see you! You are welcome to our English party "All Seasons Are Beautiful". We are going to speak about seasons and months of the year. What do you know about months?


Pupil 1

January with cold is set,

February is chilly and wet,

March wind is often ranges


Pupil 2

In hot July sky is clear,

Then August with corn is here.

For fruit September opens



As you know, there are four seasons in a year. Let's guess their names.



This is the season when the sun is bright,

And we have holidays each day and night. (Summer)



This is the season with snow so white.

We ski and skate with all our might. (Winter)


Р.3.       It is sunny. The trees are green. It is windy.

              We cannot swim. What season is it? (Spring)


P.4.      The trees are yellow, red and brown.

             It is raining. This is the season when the

             children go to school. (Autumn)



Good for you! So, the first season of the year is winter. Come here winter months! Children, what are their names?



December comes with white snow

And cold winds begin to blow

From the cold and nasty sky

Merry snowflakes fly and fly.

Children, what holiday do we celebrate in December?

St. Nicolas Day!

Yes! And when December ends, the New Year will begin!

In January Ukrainians celebrate many holidays and the greatest is Christmas with its carols.




            It's winter, it's Christmas tree!

            There are big balls and lovely dolls.

Many children you can see.

There are flags and there are ribbons,



Winter, winter, you are white,

You are frosty, light and bright!

Trees and streets and parks with snow,

And the flowers do not grow.

Children can in winter skate,

They can ski, but they can't bathe.


Thank you, Winter Months. Children, what is the next season? Yes, it's spring. What spring months do you know? (Відповіді)

Come here, March, April and May!


Spring, spring, spring,

The trees are green,

Blue skies are seen,

Grey winters gone away,

The world looks new and gay.


This is the season,

When birds make their nests.

This is the season

We like the best!


In the merry month of May

All the little birds are gay.

They hop about and sing and say:

"Winter days are far away.

Welcome, welcome, merry May!"


             Thank you! Spring is really a nice season. Do you like to sing songs? Let’s sing.

But it's time to guess what season comes after it. Yes, you are right, it's summer! What are the sum­mer    months? Come here June, July and August!


The sun is yellow

The sky is blue.

Now it's summer,

And holidays too!


This is the season, when nights are short.

And children have plenty fun and sport,

Boating and swimming all day long

Will make us well and very strong.


In summer the sun is bright

And children have holidays

each day and night.

In summer we celebrate a big holiday –

Day of Independence of Ukraine.

And the holidays too!

Now it's summer,

And the holidays too!



So, we come up to the next season. Yes, it's autumn! Autumn months, come here!


This is the season when fruit is sweet,

This is the season when school friends meet,

When noisy and gay, and brown in the sun,

With their books and bags to school they run.


What a rainy season!

The sky is dark and grey,

No sunshine any more,

No playing out-of-doors.


Red leaves, yellow leaves,

Orange and brown,

The leaves are on the trees,

The leaves are all around.

Brown leaves, orange leaves,

Yellow and gold,






Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, 4 клас, Сценарії
13 березня 2023
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