Завдання для уроків англійської мови

Про матеріал
У навчальній практиці, особливо на молодшому та середньому етапах, все більшого значення набувають ігри, спрямовані на формування усних мовленнєвих умінь. Ці вправи можуть носити індивідуальний чи командний характер, з використанням спеціально підготовленої наочності.
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Tim's Day

     Tim works for a company in Sacramento, California. He's              a customer service representative. He gets up at six o'clock each workday. He drives to work and begins his job at eight o'clock.        He speaks to people on the telephone to help them with their banking problems. People telephone the bank to ask questions about their accounts. He doesn't give information about accounts until people answer a few questions. Tim asks callers their birth date, the last four digits of their social security number and their address. If a person gives incorrect information, Tim asks him to call back with the correct information. Tim is polite and friendly with everyone. He has lunch in a park next to his office. He returns home at five o'clock in the evening. After work, he goes to the gym to work out. He has dinner at seven o'clock. Tim likes watching TV after dinner. He goes to bed at eleven o'clock at night.

Key:  1) b;  2) b;  3) b;  4) b;  5) a);  6) b;  7) b;  8) c;  9) b;  10) a.







1. Where does Tim work?

   a) In Europe
  b) In the USA
   c) In Asia

               2. When does he get up?

a) He gets up at seven o'clock in the morning.
b) He gets up at six o'clock in the morning.
c) He gets up at six o'clock in the afternoon.


3. How does he get to work?

     a) He walks to work.
     b) He drives to work.
     c) He takes the bus to work.


4. What does he do during the day?

     a) He helps customers in a bank.
     b) He helps customers on the telephone.
     c) He helps customers outside.


5. What does he do to check information?

     a) He asks people some questions.
     b) He tells them to call later.
     c) He asks to see documents.

6. Which question does he NOT ask?

     a) What is your birth date?
     b) What is your job?
     c) What is your address?


                7. What does he do if the information is incorrect?

          a) He gives banking account information.
          b) He asks the callers to call back with correct information.
          c) He asks to speak to the parents.


                8. What is Tim like on the job?

          a) He is unfriendly and helpful.
          b) He is funny and helpful.
          c) He is polite and friendly.


                9. Where does he eat lunch?

          a) At work
          b) In a park near work
          c) At home


              10. What does he do in the evening?

          a) He works out at the gym and watches TV.
          b) He works out at the gym and reads a book.
          c) He watches TV and plays ping pong.
















A Cozy Home

     Marie grew up in a suburb of Cleveland. Her home was certainly no mansion, but it wasn't  a shack either. It was a cozy bungalow built for a small family. The roof was made of cedar shingles and the window shutters were painted blue. The house didn't have a garage, but you could see the local church steeple from the backyard. The home was built on a solid foundation. All in all, it was an excellent home in which to grow up. There was enough property for a small garden and lawn and Marie used to go jogging around the reservoir that served the city for drinking water at the end of the road. Marie looks back fondly on her family's cozy dwelling in Cleveland.


Key:  1) b;  2) b;  3) c;  4) b;  5) c;  6) c;  7) c;  8) b;  9) b;  10) c; 

         11) b;  12) a;  13) c;  14) c;  15) a.







Dialogue: A Busy Day

(two friends speaking in a park when they meet each other jogging)


Barbara: Well, first of all, I have to do the shopping. We don't have anything to eat at home.
Katherine: ... and then?

Barbara: Little Johnny has a basketball game this afternoon. I'm driving him to the game.
Katherine: Oh, how is his team doing?

Barbara: They're doing very well. Next week, they're travelling to Toronto for a tournament.
Katherine: That's impressive.

Barbara: Well, Johnny likes playing basketball. I'm happy he's enjoying it. What are you doing   today?
Katherine: I'm not doing much. I'm meeting some friends for lunch, but, other than that, I don't have much to do today.

Barbara: You're so lucky!
Katherine: No, you're the lucky one. I'd like to have so many things to do.







Dialogue: A Busy Day

 (two friends speaking in a park when they meet each other jogging)


Barbara: Well, first of all, I have to do the shopping. We don't have anything to eat at home.
Katherine: ... and then?

Barbara: Little Johnny has a basketball game this afternoon. I'm driving him to the game.
Katherine: Oh, how is his team doing?

Barbara: They're doing very well. Next week, they're travelling to Toronto for a tournament.
Katherine: That's impressive.

Barbara: Well, Johnny likes playing basketball. I'm happy he's enjoying it. What are you doing   today?
Katherine: I'm not doing much. I'm meeting some friends for lunch, but, other than that, I don't have much to do today.

Barbara: You're so lucky!
Katherine: No, you're the lucky one. I'd like to have so many things to do.





1. Who's busy?

a) Katherine
b) Barbara
c) Neither

          2. Who doesn't have a busy day?

a) Katherine
b) Barbara
c) Neither

          3. What are they doing?

a) Shopping
b) Jogging
c) Watching a basketball game

          4. Why is Barbara going to Toronto?

a) To meet some friends
b) Her son has a basketball tournament
c) To meet some friends for lunch

          5. What's Katherine doing later today?

a) Going to the park
b) Meeting some friends for lunch
c) Nothing





1. Who's busy?

a) Katherine
b) Barbara
c) Neither

2. Who doesn't have a busy day?

a) Katherine
b) Barbara
c) Neither

3. What are they doing?

a) Shopping
b) Jogging
c) Watching a basketball game

4. Why is Barbara going to Toronto?

a) To meet some friends
b) Her son has a basketball tournament
c) To meet some friends for lunch

5. What's Katherine doing later today?

a) Going to the park
b) Meeting some friends for lunch
c) Nothing






Choose the correct answer:


           1. Many children who grow up in the _____ are disadvantaged.

a) suburbs
b) slums
c) quarters

         2. The billionaire's _____ was impressive!

a) shack
b) mansion
c) studio

           3. I own some _____ in Oregon.

a) grounds
b) earth
c) property           

         4. The car ran into a _____ and had to be towed.

a) gutter
b) ditch
c) spring

         5. The _____ of the house are very solid.

a) roots
b) establishment
c) foundations






6. The city _____ holds enough water for a three month supply           of  drinking water.

a) lake
b) pond
c) reservoir

             7. I lived in a _____ growing up in the suburbs.

a) warehouse
b) garage
c) duplex

         8. The roof _____ are made of synthetic materials.

a) boards
b) shingles
c) tiles

         9. The _____ keeps the bugs out when I open the windows.

a) shutters
b) screen
c) pane

       10. You can see the _____ of Mount Rushmore in the distance.

a) steeple
b) dome
c) summit




         11. We keep those items in the _____. I'll call and place an order.

a) duplex
b) warehouse
c) retail

       12. We keep the dog in the _____ so he can play.

a) backyard
b) fields
c) property

13. He grew up in a _____ of New Orleans and moved into the city       when he was 21.

a) quarter
b) slum
c) suburb

       14. The kitchen _____ were imported from Italy.

a) shingles
b) boards
c) tiles

       15. We painted the _____ blue to match the doors.

a) shutters
b) screens
c) panes







До підручника
Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 4 клас (Павліченко О.М., Доценко І.В., Євчук О.В.)
6 лютого 2019
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