Завдання до теми Nature and Climate за підручником Нерсисян М.А., Піроженко А.О.

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Документ містить 3 завдання до підручника Нерсисян М.А., Піроженко А.О. 10 клас. «Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту)» підручник для 10 класу закладів загальної середньої освіти / Нерсисян М. А., Піроженко А. О — К.; Ірпінь: ТОВ «Видавництво «Перун», 2018 — 192 с.: іл. ( сторінки 106-107) на закріплення лексики" Natural Disasters"
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Unit 4  Nature and Climate

Lesson 2

TASK 1. Macht the definition to the words

desert ,  island, reef , canyon, waterfall, cliffs , bay


The­­­­_____________ is a vast expanse of sand and rocks, with occasional oases providing relief for weary travelers.

The __________ cascaded down the cliff face, its thundering roar echoing throughout the canyon.

The __________was surrounded by a turquoise ocean, its crystal-clear waters teeming with colorful fish and coral reefs.

The _________ stretched for miles, its steep walls rising up to meet the towering mountain peaks.

The __________ along the bay were a popular spot for cliff diving, with adventurous thrill-seekers leaping into the water below.

The  ________was a delicate ecosystem, home to a variety of marine life and a popular destination for snorkelers and scuba divers.

The _________was sheltered from the rough ocean waves, providing a safe haven for boats and ships.

TASK 2 .Read the text. Make a list of natural disasters. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the definition of the term “natural disaster” in your opinion?
  2. What is the most dangerous natural disaster according to the text?
  3. What can people do to prevent all these disasters?

 Natural disasters can strike at any time, leaving devastating consequences in their wake. Drought is a particularly insidious disaster, slowly creeping up on communities and causing widespread crop failures and water shortages. In some cases, drought can last for years, leading to famine and other humanitarian crises.

Famine, like drought, is often the result of environmental factors such as drought or floods, which can devastate crops and lead to food shortages. Famine can also be caused by political or economic factors, such as war or government policies that restrict access to food.

 Wildfires are a common occurrence during times of drought, when dry conditions and high temperatures create the perfect environment for a spark to ignite and quickly spread. Hurricanes can also lead to wildfires, as strong winds and heavy rains can down power lines and create other hazards. In addition to wildfires, hurricanes can cause a host of other disasters, including flooding and landslides.

Floods are another common disaster, and can be caused by a variety of factors, including heavy rain, melting snow, and storm surge. Floodwaters can be extremely dangerous, carrying debris and contaminants that can pose a serious health risk.

Another common disaster is hurricanes, which can cause widespread destruction through high winds, heavy rain, and storm surges. Hurricanes can be particularly devastating in coastal areas, where infrastructure and homes are vulnerable to flooding and other damage.

Earthquakes are another type of disaster that can strike suddenly and without warning, causing widespread damage and loss of life. In some cases, earthquakes can trigger other disasters such as landslides and tsunamis, which can compound the destruction.

One more natural disaster that can have devastating consequences is a tsunami, which occurs when a large wave is generated by an underwater earthquake or other seismic activity. Tsunamis can cause widespread destruction, wiping out entire communities and leaving survivors struggling to rebuild.

In mountainous areas, avalanches can be a serious threat, particularly during periods of heavy snowfall or rapid temperature changes. Similarly, landslides can occur when the ground becomes saturated with water, causing soil and rock to slide downhill and potentially burying homes and other structures.

Volcanic eruptions are the type of natural disaster that can have far-reaching consequences, including damage to infrastructure, displacement of populations, and environmental impacts such as air pollution and acid rain.

Epidemics, such as the recent COVID-19 outbreak, can also be considered natural disasters, as they can have a profound impact on society and the economy. Finally, earthquakes and famines are two other types of disasters that can strike without warning, leaving communities reeling and in need of assistance.

Overall, natural disasters are a constant threat that require careful planning and preparedness to minimize their impact. By investing in infrastructure, disaster preparedness programs, and emergency response capabilities, communities can better withstand the impacts of drought, hurricanes, earthquakes, famine, and other disasters.

TASK 3. Define if the sentences are TRUE or FALSE

  1. Natural disaster is a problem that is caused by nature only.
  2. Bad weather conditions influence the number of crops.
  3. Lack of water can lead to droughts.
  4. Tsunamis are the results of earthquakes that occur underwater.
  5. People can prevent all these problems from happening.

TASK 4. Choose the correct answer

1. What are some environmental factors that can cause famine?

a) War and government policies

 b) Flooding and landslides

c) Droughts and floods

 d) Heavy rain and storm surge

2. Which natural disaster is particularly insidious and can last for years, leading to humanitarian crises?

a) Famine

 b) Wildfires

 c) Floods

d) Droughts

3. What is a tsunami?

a) A large wave generated by an underwater earthquake or other seismic activity b) A sudden, destructive shaking of the earth's surface caused by the movement of tectonic plates

 c) A powerful storm with high winds and heavy rain

 d) A rapid flow of snow and ice down a steep slope

4. What are some potential consequences of a volcanic eruption?

a) Damage to infrastructure

 b) Displacement of populations

 c) Environmental impacts such as air pollution and acid rain

d) All of the above

5. How can communities better withstand the impacts of natural disasters?

a) By investing in infrastructure

b) By developing disaster preparedness programs

c) By building emergency response capabilities

d) All of the above











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