Тетяна Сергіївна Саган - вчитель англійської мови Чемеровецького НВК №2
Назва: Англійська мова. Міні -ЗНО: збірник тестових завдань для учнів 5 – 6 класів – Чемеровецький НВК № 2., 2015р. - 63с.
Місце видання: Чемеровецький НВК № 2
Рік видання: 2015
Кількість сторінок: 63
У збірнику вміщено тестові завдання з тем програми для перевірки навичок читання, використання лексики, граматики та письма.
Збірник адресовано учням 5 - 6 класів.
Рецензент: Пазинюк Оксана Сергіївна – методист з іноземних мов
Чемеровецького РМК
Критерії оцінювання…………………………………………………………….5
Test 1………………………………………………………………………...7
Test 2……………………………………………………………………….13
Test 3……………………………………………………………………….18
Test 4……………………………………………………………………….23
Test 5……………………………………………………………………….29
Test 1……………………………………………………………………….34
Test 2……………………………………………………………………….40
Test 3……………………………………………………………………….46
Test 4……………………………………………………………………….53
Бланк відповідей………………………………………………………………..59
Список використаних джерел………………………………………………...63
Даний посібник містить тестові завдання для учнів 5-6 класів, які розроблені відповідно до тем, пропонованих чинною програмою загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів з іноземних мов.
Завдання створені у форматі міні-ЗНО, і це не випадково. Адже зміст завдань для здійснення контролю за знаннями учнів повинен враховувати головну мету навчання іноземної мови – формування в учнів комунікативної компетенції. Саме вищезазначений формат, на нашу думку, дозволить вчителю неупереджено та незалежно оцінити рівень знань учнів.
Об'єктами контролю є читання і письмо як види мовленнєвої діяльності, а також лексичний і граматичний аспекти іншомовної комунікації (використання мови).
Завдання для визначення рівня сформованості іншомовної компетенції в читанні орієнтуються на різні його стратегії: з розумінням основної інформації (ознайомлювальне читання), повної інформації (вивчаюче читання) та пошук окремих фактів (вибіркове читання) – Tasks 1-2.
Контроль лексичної та граматичної компетенції (використання мови) передбачає визначення рівня сформованості мовних навичок: здатності самостійно добирати лексичні одиниці та граматичні явища відповідно до комунікативних потреб спілкування у межах сформульованих завдань – Tasks 3-4.
Завдання для визначення рівня сформованості навичок письма зорієнтовані на виконання комунікативно-творчих видів діяльності: написання повідомлення, електронних листів, листів-вітаннь, запрошень на основі вивчених тем – Task 5.
Критерії оцінювання
На виконання всіх завдань кожного із тестів міні-ЗНО ми пропонуємо відвести 60 хвилин або розподілити виконання завдань на 2 академічні години.
У завданнях на встановлення відповідності – Task 1 – учням пропонується підібрати заголовки до текстів або частин текстів із поданих варіантів. Завдання вважається виконаним, якщо учень встановив правильну відповідність і позначив правильний варіант у бланку відповідей.
Тест містить 5 завдань цієї форми (від №1 до №5 ), виконання яких буде оцінено в 0 або 1 бал.
У завданнях з вибором однієї правильної відповіді – Task2 – до кожного завдання подано чотири варіанти відповіді, з яких лише один є правильним. Завдання вважається виконаним, якщо учень вибрав і позначив правильну відповідь у бланку відповідей.
До тесту включено 5 завдань з вибором однієї правильної відповіді (від №6 до №10), що теж оцінюються в 0 або 1 бал.
Завдання на заповнення пропусків у тексті – Tasks 3-4 – пропонують доповнити речення в тексті словами чи словосполученнями із поданих варіантів. Завдання вважається виконаним, якщо учасник тестування обрав і позначив правильний варіант відповіді у бланку відповідей .
Тест містить 10 завдань цієї форми (від №11 до №20), що оцінюватимуться як і попередні завдання.
Завдання з розгорнутою відповіддю передбачає створення учнем на бланку власного висловлювання у письмовій формі відповідно до запропонованої комунікативної ситуації. Це завдання оцінюється від 0 до 12 балів.
Таким чином, максимально можлива набрана кількість балів за виконання тестових завдань складає 32 бали.
Таблиця оцінювання.
Кількість набраних балів |
Оціночні бали |
25-32 |
10-12 |
17-24 |
7-9 |
9-16 |
4-6 |
1-8 |
1-3 |
Task 1
Read the texts below. Match choices (A-G). There are two choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
It's seven o'clock in the morning. It's time to get up. Mother Hen says to her four little children, "Get up! Get up! Get up! It's time to go to school". The children don't want to get up, but they do. "Good chicken!" says Mother Hen. "Now do your morning exercises", "Very good", says Mother Hen. "Look at the clock. Do you know the time?" "Yes, we do", say four little chickens. "So, what's the time?" "It's eight o'clock". Mother Hen says, "It's time to go to school, isn't it?" "Oh, yes!" say four little chickens. They take their schoolbags, say "Goodbye" to their mother and go to school.
At lessons of History pupils read and speak about the life of people in the past. At Math lessons we use numbers and calculations. Lessons of PE are very popular because we play different sports there. Lessons of Biology are interesting because pupils learn about a human body, animals and plants. Lessons of IT are useful because pupils learn how to use the computer. At Craft lessons we make different things and cook. I like to paint and to draw and I'm crazy about our Art lessons.
Summerhill School in England is a private school, and it’s very different from most other schools. There is a timetable, but students don’t have to the lessons. They sometimes play football instead! There is a meeting every week for all the children and teachers at the school, and they vote to decide the school rules there. The teachers and students all have to follow the rules. Does the head teacher have to follow the rules? Yes, she does!
Carol : |
Good morning! I’m Carol Gray! Who are you? |
Peter: |
Good morning! I’m Peter James and this is my new friend Veronica Caleb. |
Carol: |
Hi, Veronica! How are you? |
Veronica: |
I’m fine, thanks! And you? |
Carol : |
I’m OK. How old are you? |
Peter: |
I’m fourteen years old. Veronica is fourteen too. We are students. |
Carol : |
I’m fifteen! Nice to meet you! |
Peter: |
Nice to meet you too!
I go to Louis Armstrong Middle School in Queens, New York. It’s an old school, but I like it very much. There are about a thousand students and 130 teachers. We start lessons at 8:00 and finish at 2:30.
The school is divided into three 4-storey buildings. The classrooms have old furniture, but they all have an interactive board, which make lessons much more interesting. The gymnasiums are well equipped, but there aren’t enough showers and the water is cold. The library has a huge amount of old books and I hate the smell of it. The canteen is big and clean and the food is quite good. The students’ room is too small so we spend a lot of time in the playground, my favourite place.
Task 2
Read the text below. Choose the correct variant (A, B, C, D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Hello! I’m Kate Stuart. This is my day at school in an ordinary Friday. I start school at 9:00 with a double lesson of English. I’m a lucky girl, because English is my favourite school subject. Then, I have a fifteen minutes break and start again at a quarter to eleven with Maths. After Maths, I have got PE and then Music. Lunch time is between five past one and half past two. I always eat lunch at the school canteen. In the afternoon, I also have a double lesson again: Art. I hate Art, because I can’t draw or paint. Classes finish at four o’clock and it’s WEEKEND!
A. Kate’s favourite day C. Kate’s day at school
B. Kate’s favourite lessons D. Kate’s weekend
A. three C. two
B. one D. none
A. the school canteen C. home
B. the school yard D. the friend’s home
A. English C. Art
B. Maths D. PE
A. Friday C. Saturday
B. Monday D. Sunday
Task 3
Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (11-15) choose the correct variant (A, B, C, D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
The Same Cat
Joan and Mark were twins. They were ten years 11.______ , and they were in the same class in their school. A few weeks ago their English teacher said to the 12.______, “I haven’t given you any homework for two weeks, children. Now this week write a composition about “Our cat” and give it to me next Monday. Have you all got a 13._______ at home?”
“Yes, Ms. Jones”, all of them answered.
All the pupils did the composition and they 14.______ it to the teacher on 15._______. The teacher read all the compositions and then she gave them back to the pupils on Tuesday.
“Jean”, she said. “Your composition is the same as your brother’s”.
“Yes”, answered Jean quickly. “It’s the same cat!”
№ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
11. |
old |
young |
older |
elder |
12 |
child |
children |
childrens |
parents |
13. |
dog |
kitten |
cat |
puppy |
14. |
put |
took |
take |
gave |
15. |
Monday |
Wednesday |
Saturday |
Sunday |
Task 4
Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (16-20) choose the correct variant (A, B, C, D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
A typical morning
Sarah 16.______ at six o’clock. She has her breakfast and then she goes to the bathroom. She takes a shower and 17._____ her teeth. Then, she puts 18.______ her clothes. Sarah closes the door and leaves her house. She goes 19.______ the bus stop and waits for the number 32 bus. 20.______ the bus arrives she gets on the bus and goes to her job at school.
№ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
16. |
wake up |
gets up |
stand up |
get up |
17. |
brushes |
brush |
brushing |
brushed |
18. |
up |
on |
off |
out |
19. |
to |
in |
- |
by |
20. |
Why |
When |
Where |
While |
Task 5
21. Write about your usual school day.
Task 1
Read the texts below. Match choices (A-G). There are three choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
1.______ My best friend’s name is Susan. She is twelve years old. We live in the neighbouring houses and play in the same yard. We are classmates. So we can see each other every day.
2.______ Susan is a slim and pretty girl. She is not very tall. She has got long dark curly hair, blue eyes and a straight nose. Susan is kind and careful. She is always ready to help me if I need it. She is very good at Maths, so we often do our homework in Maths together.
3.______ Susan is always honest with her parents, teachers and friends. She loves animals. There is a cat in her house and Susan takes care of him.
4.______ We spend a lot of time together. We go to school and come back home together; we go to the cinema at the weekend together, too. In the evening, we often phone each other. I am happy that I have got such a nice friend as Susan.
A. Appearance
B. Short biography
C. School life
D. Spending time together
E. Character
F. Travelling
G. Shopping
Task 2
Read the text below. Choose the correct variant (A,B,C,D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
I like music very much. I can play the violin. I have violin lessons on Tuesdays and Fridays. I play in the school orchestra. We play together on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Sometimes we give concerts. I play the piano, too. But I can’t play it well.
I like classical music. But my favourite kind of music is pop music. I listen to pop music a lot and I read about it. My friend likes rap, but I don’t. My favourite singer is Ricky Martin. Last year I went to his concert. That was great! I like Mariah Carey, too. She is so beautiful!
1. Which musical instruments can Helen play?
A. piano C. violin
B. violin and piano D. violin and guitar
2. When does she have violin lessons?
A. on Tuesdays and Wednesday C. on Fridays and Mondays
B. on Tuesdays and Fridays D. on Wednesdays and Saturdays
3. What is her favourite kind of music?
A. classical music C. folk music
B. rap music D. pop music
4. Who is her favourite singer?
A. Mariah Carey C. Christina Aguilera
B. Riana D. Ricky Martin
5. Where did Helen go last year?
A. to the concert C. to the cinema
B. to the library D. to the theatre
6. This text about…
A. Helen’s hobby C. Helen’s orchestra
B. Helen’s violin D. Helen’s music
Task 3
Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (11-15) choose the correct variant (A,B,C,D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Hallo, Nick!
I’d like to share my experience of 11._____ an e-mail friend. I was bad at English and I wasn’t very good at Computer Studies. My English teacher 12._____ me a good piece of advice to use the Internet and make an e-mail friend. I found the “E-mail Friends’ Club” website and 13._____ the name of my future friend. It 14.____ Helen from Switzerland. We started sending e-mails to each other. We’re good friends now. My English is much better. I’m very good at 15._____the computer now, too.
Alec Fitzer
№ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
11. |
having |
had |
has |
have |
12. |
gives |
given |
give |
gave |
13. |
choose |
chose |
chosen |
chooses |
14. |
is |
are |
was |
were |
15. |
used |
use |
using |
uses |
Task 4
Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (16-20) choose the correct variant (A,B,C,D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Super J: Hello, Helen. So you are the winner! Congratulations!
Helen: Thank you!
Super J: It was cool! 16. ______form are you in?
Helen: The fifth.
Super J: You are a real dancer. What dance was it?
Helen: Oh, I don’t know what dance. My own creation.
Super J: What kind of music 17.______you like?
Helen: Latino music. And I play the piano, so I love classical music as well.
Super J: 18.______ you in love Helen?
Helen: Of course I am. Love gives me the energy to dance.
Super J: 19.______your prince charming from our school?
Helen: Yes, he is. But it’s a secret. Hush, hush. He 20.______ know it yet.
№ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
16. |
who |
why |
when |
what |
17. |
does |
do |
is |
are |
18. |
is |
am |
are |
was |
19. |
is |
were |
are |
was |
20. |
doesn’t |
don’t |
hasn’t |
Haven’t |
Task 5
21. Write an e-mail to find a friend. Follow the plan.
Task 1
Read the texts below. Match choices (A-G). There are three choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
1.______ Ukrainians like going on picnics in summer and in spring. They can choose some nice place in the forest and enjoy the fresh air and scenic views. People take sandwiches, crisps, fruit, cakes and drinks. And, of course, it’s a ritual to cook a shashlyk (barbecue). But a sudden downpour can spoil the meal. So, if you have the dacha, it’s better to organize everything there.
2.______ Ukrainians don’t often visit restaurants because of the high prices, so then eat there on special occasions only. Some places have their own speciality like French or Indian cuisine, while others focus on the traditional Ukrainian menu.
3. ______Fast food restaurants are popular with young people as the atmosphere is informal, the service is quick and the prices are reasonable. Food includes hamburgars, pizzas, salads, French fries and fizzy drinks. Some people, however, find places like “McDonalds” too noisy and the food too greasy.
There are a lot of cafes and restaurants with national Ukrainian cuisine.
4._____ Their names are easy to remember. “Velyka lozhka”, “Puzata khata”, “Domashnya kukhnya”. They serve dishes that you normally eat at home: borshch, fried fish, chops, holubtsi (cabage roles), potato, buckwheat porridge, mlyntsi (pancakes) and varenyky stiffed with cottage cheese or cabbage. As these places are not very expensive many people visit for a lunch break.
A. Outdoor activities
B. Indian meal
C. Dislikes of restaurants
D. Young people’s favourite places
E. National cuisine
F. Popular restaurants
G. English restaurants
Task 2
Read the text below. Choose the correct variant (A,B,C,D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
I live in three-room flat.
The room I like best in our flat is mine. It is very nice and cosy.
There isn’t much furniture in it, only the most necessary pieces. On the left there is my bed and desk. The desk has a lot of drawers where I keep my text-books, notes, pens, pencils and other necessary things. On the right there is a sofa and a built-in-wardrobe. In the right corner there is a comfortable arm-chair. Beside it stands a lamp with blue shade. I like to turn on the lamp, sit in the arm-chair and read an interesting book. There are some shelves with books in my room. There is a big thick carpet on the floor. There are some posters with my favourite singers on the wall.
I like my room very much. When my friends come to visit me, I invite them into my room.
A.Sofa C. Arm-chair
B. Desk D. Bed
2. What is there on the left?
A. Bed and desk C. Shelves with books
B. Sofa and a built-in-wardrobe D. Lamp
3. How many rooms are there in your flat?
A.4 C. 3
B. 5 D. 1
4. What are on the wall?
A.Pictures C. Posters
B. Plants D. Rugs
5. Where is the lamp?
A.Near the bed C. Near the arm-chair
B.Near the window D. Near the desk
6. The author … his/her room.
A. likes C. hates
B. dislikes D. adores
Task 3
Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (11-15) choose the correct variant (A,B,C,D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
A father lived 11. ___ the country with his four sons. The sons liked to quarrel. So the family was unhappy.
One day the father called his sons together. He put some sticks 12.____ the ground in front of them. He picked up one of the sticks and broke it with his hands. Then he picked up five sticks and tied them together. He gave them 13. ____ the strongest son and said, “Break them!”
The young man couldn’t break the five sticks. 14. ____ other three sons couldn’t break them either.
Then the farmer said, “It’s easy to break one stick. But it’s not easy to break five sticks together. Our family 15. ___ like those sticks. By quarrelling you’ll be strong”.
№ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
11. |
under |
on |
in |
at |
12. |
on |
at |
to |
in |
13. |
at |
to |
on |
14. |
an |
a |
the |
- |
15. |
are |
am |
is not |
is |
Task 4
Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (16-20) choose the correct variant (A,B,C,D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Some foods have a lot of proteins, vitamins and fibre. These foods are healthy and you 16.______ eat a lot of them. Other foods have a lot of sugar and fat. You shouldn’t eat too much of them. Eat more fruit and vegetables. They 17.______ a lot of vitamins, minerals and fibre. Fruit have all the sugar your body needs. Too much salt is as bad for your health as too much sugar. Don’t add salt when you are 18._____or eating. Add lemon juice or spices instead. Eat fewer chips and salted nuts. We don’t need 19.______ fat, so choose low-fat products if possible. Grilled food is 20._____ healthier then fried. There’s less fat in it. Another important piece of advice is to eat regularly and drink five or six glasses of water every day.
№ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
16. |
should |
can |
may |
must |
17. |
has |
having |
have |
had |
18. |
cook |
cooking |
cooks |
coked |
19. |
a lot of |
many |
much |
less |
20. |
a little |
many |
much |
a lot of |
Task 5
21. Write about a New Year celebration in your family.
- Where do you usually celebrate it?
- Who do you celebrate with?
- What dishes do you like to eat?
Task 1
Read the texts below. Match choices (A-G). There are two choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Dear Vicky,
I’m from Ukraine. Now I am on holiday in Yalta with my family. I am having a very good time. I love swimming in the sea. My brother likes playing on the beach. But our mum doesn’t like the beach. She is lying in the sun. She is wearing sunglasses. At the moment she is reading her favourite book. Our dad doesn’t like the sea. Now he is swimming in the swimming pool.
I hope you are fine.
Best wishes, Asya
It was a fine Saturday morning in May. Finley was in the garden cleaning his bike when he saw someone starting in front of him. It was an old man in a grey suit. He was smiling, and he was holding a bouquet of flowers.
“Good morning, young man”, the old gentleman said kindly. “Is Helen Miles at home?” “I’m sorry, sir”, said Finley, “but there’s no one called Helen Miles in this house. Are you sure you have come to the right address?”
“Oh, well, maybe I came to the wrong house”, said the old man, he walked towards the end of the garden.
“Sir, you’re going the wrong way!” said Finley.
The big problem is water pollution. Do you like swimming in the sea or drinking a cool gas water on a hot day? These simple pleasures may soon become a thing of past. Factories are polluting our rivers and lakes with dangerous chemicals. Oil tankers are releasing black oil into our oceans. Consequently, sea life is threatened with extinction.
Air pollution is another important issue. The cars and plants are giving off dangerous fumes. In the last few years, more and more people have developed allergies and breathing problems. If we don’t do something now, our cities will become impossible to live in.
Responsibility for pollution control rests with local and central government. Pollution control restricts emissions to air, water and land plus recycling of wastes. This is seen as a duty of any local government, not to mention centralized authorities.
In Scotland and Northern Ireland there will be heavy rain and maybe some snow during the afternoon, and on the hills temperatures will drop to below freezing, minus four or five. Over much of Scotland it will be cloudy, and windy, too, as the cold front moves in over the Atlantic. Northern Ireland can expect the same, but the rain will end: before evening comes. But again, very cold, with temperatures close to minus two or three. And that’s all from me.
A. Pollution Control
B. Emissions to air, water and land
C. Weather forecasts
D. Problems of the planet
E. The old man in the garden
F. Family activities in summer
G. Entertainments in Scotland and Ireland
Task 2
Read the text below. Choose the correct variant (A,B,C,D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Climate is the weather a certain place has over a long period of time. Climate influences plants, animals and people in different parts of the world. Ukraine is the largest country in Europe. It stretches from the mountains in the West to the steppes in the East, and from the marshes in the North to the sea in the South. Ukraine has picturesque scenery and a temperate continental climate. It has cold winters with snow and warm summers. The temperature is between +25°С and -8°С. But the climate has recently changed. The world is becoming hotter. Winters have become warmer. There is little snow in January and February. It is so because of the “greenhouse” effect. It works like this: sunlight gives us heat. Some of the heat warms the atmosphere, and some of the heat goes back into space. Nowadays the air is getting warmer because the heat can’t go back into space. That’s why winter and summer temperatures in some places are higher.
These climatic changes are dangerous for our planet. Earth is millions years old, much older than people. We know many of its secrets, but there is still much to learn yet.
6. Ukraine is the largest country in...
A. Asia C. Africa
B. Europe D. America
7.The Black Sea is in the...
B. East D. North
8.The world is becoming...
A. colder C. chillier
B. hotter D. better
9.... gives us heat.
A. sunlight C. stars
B. moon D. planet
10.The climatic changes are ... for our planet.
A. good C. necessary
B. dangerous D. important
Task 3
Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (11-15) choose the correct variant (A,B,C,D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Natural World in Danger
You have 11.________ seen a dodo. Your grandparents never saw it either. The last of these large birds that couldn’t fly died many years ago. Now it is extinct. A lot more species - fish, reptiles, insects, birds, mammals - may die before you have children. The 12.________ is Man that kills animals and destroys their habitats. Plants are in danger, too. Every day we use paper made from wood. We use furniture, too. Rainforests in South America, Africa and Asia are cut down regularly. These forests 13.________ to control the world’s weather and to produce the oxygen in the 14.________. There are many illnesses which we still can’t cure. The medicines can be found in wild plants of these rainforests. If we 15._______ them we will never find the cure. If we want to have a healthy and interesting life we must take care of all living creatures and plants on our planet.
№ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
11. |
never |
ever |
before |
usually |
12 |
problem |
reason |
motive |
origin |
13. |
need |
have |
help |
improve |
14. |
water |
air |
soil |
planet |
15. |
destroy |
find |
ruin |
save |
Task 4
Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (16-20) choose the correct variant (A,B,C,D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Weather forecasts
We usually 16.__________ wet when a rainstorm catches us without a coat and an umbrella. Sometimes we put on a sweater and find that the weather has become hot. We 17.______ always _______ what kind of weather to expect. It can even be dangerous when a sailor gets into trouble when the wind rises in the sea, or a farmer loses his harvest because of rain. We 18.___________ listen to weather forecast on TV or on radio every day. Sometimes the forecast is not quite right, because it is not easy to forecast the weather.
From morning till night weathermen are collecting information from ships, planes, weather stations, space stations. With this information they can understand what the weather is going to be during the next several days. Although there 19.____________ no two days with the same weather, people have learnt to forecast some types of weather.
When a barometer shows high pressure атмосферний тиск), the weather will be calm. In winter it will be cold and frosty. In summer it usually means misty mornings and hot sunny days. When the barometer 20._________ low pressure, we can expect the rain and strong winds.
№ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
16. |
are getting |
gets |
get |
got |
17. |
doesn’t know |
do not know |
did not know |
will not know |
18. |
may |
will be able |
can |
could |
19. |
are |
is |
will be |
can be |
20. |
shows |
showed |
show |
is showing |
Task 5
21. Write about your favourite season of the year. Use the plan:
Task 1
Read the texts below. Match choices (A-G). There are three choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
1.____ Department stores are found in all big cities. They are big shops where you can find everything you want and which offer a wide choice of things. The most famous British department store, Harrods, started as a small grocery shop in 1849. The present store has more than 300 departments and staff of over 4000 people. The display in the food hall is amazing. For example, there is a choice of over 500 types of cheese.
2. ____ Streets markets are both fun and cheap. Most markets sell fruit and vegetables, clothes, things for the house, records and jewellery. In London there are about 40 or 50 markets. Some specialize in flowers, pets or second-hand books. Camden Lock Market is the biggest and most famous craft market in London with wide selection of second-hand clothes.
3.____ One of the best-known chain stores is Marks & Spencer, which sells clothes and food. The company has over 700 stores world-wide and has a reputation for good quality. If you buy something that you decide you don’t like, you can take it back and get your money back.
4.____ Oxfam is a charity shop. All the profits from the things sold go to charity. Oxfam is the best-known chain of charity shops and it sells second-hand clothes and books.
5.____ The Body shop is a manufacturer and chain-store selling skin and hair care products. None of their products is tested on animals.
A The Body Shop
B DIY store
C Street markets
D Oxfam
E Harrods
F Marks & Spencer
G Chemist
Task 2
Read the text below. Choose the correct variant (A,B,C,D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the islands to the north-west of Europe. Great Britain consists of three parts – England, Scotland, Wales.
The capital of the UK is London. It stands on the Thames River – the longest river in Great Britain
The flag of the UK is made up of three crosses. It is red, white and blue. The English call their flag “the Union Jack” because it unites flags of all parts of the UK.
The highest mountain of the UK is Ben Nevis. It is in Scotland.
British money is called pounds and their coins are pence.
People of the UK keep their traditions. There is still the Queen in the country. She is the head of the United Kingdom.
6. Where is the highest mountain situated?
A. England C. Scotland
B.Wales D. Ireland
7. Who is the head of the United Kingdom?
A. King C. President
B. Queen D. Prime-minister
8. How many parts does the Kingdom consists?
A. 4 C. 1
B. 5 D. 3
9. How is British money called?
A. hryvnia C. pound
B. dollar D. pesos
10. What is the longest river in Great Britain?
A. Amazon C. Dnipro
B. Nile D. Thames
Task 3
Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (11-15) choose the correct variant (A,B,C,D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
The centre 11. ____ London has many different areas. Covent Garden 12___ London’s West End, is crowed 13.____ cafes, clubs and clothes shops. Soho is also known 14.___ its clubs. Knightsbridge has a lot of exclusive shops, as well as many of the embassies. Oxford Street is London’s main shopping street 15. _____ the heart of the West End.
№ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
11. |
at |
of |
near |
at |
12. |
on |
on |
in |
with |
13. |
with |
then |
under |
for |
14. |
in |
for |
into |
of |
15. |
for |
after |
on |
in |
Task 4
Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (16-17) choose the correct variant (A,B,C,D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
№ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
16. |
seen |
see |
saw |
seeing |
17. |
has come |
came |
come |
coming |
18. |
were |
was |
be |
been |
19. |
took |
taken |
take |
taking |
20. |
bought |
buy |
has bought |
buying |
Task 5
21. Write an e-mail about your last travel. Use the plan:
Task 1
Read the texts below. Match choices (A-G). There are two choices you do not need to use.Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
My name is Oleh. I am eleven years old. l live in Ukraine in a small town not far from Lviv. I want to tell you a few words about my family. My family is not very large. I have got a mother, a father, a sister and a( grandmother. There are five of us in the family. My mother is a doctor. Her name is Anna. She is good-look- ing and kind. My father is a vet. His name is Victor. He is tall and sporty. He loves animals very much. My sister’s name is Olesya. She is five. She doesn’t go to school yet. Olesya likes drawing nature. My Granny’s name is Anastasiya. She is a very kind and loving person. She takes care of all our family. We have got a pet. It is a big brown dog. His name is Dick. We are a friendly and happy family.
As they gathered around the table Mrs March said with a particularly happy face, “I’ve got a treat for you after supper”.
A quick bright smile went round like a streak of sunshine. Beth clapped her hands, regardless of the biscuit she held, and Jo tossed up her napkin, crying, “A letter! A letter! A letter from Father!”
“Yes, a nice long letter. He is well, and thinks he shall get through the cold season better than we feared. He sends all sorts of loving wishes for Christmas and an especial message to you, girls”, said Mrs March patting her pocket as if she had a treasure there...
...They all drew to the fire, Mother in the big chair with Beth at her feet, Meg and Amy perched on either arm of the chair, and Jo leaning on the back, where no one would see any sign of emotion if the letter should happen to be touching. Very few letters were written in those hard times that were not touching, especially those which Father sent home. In this one little was said of the hardships of life, the dangers faced at war, or the homesickness. It was a cheerful, hopeful letter, full of lively descriptions of camp life, marches, and military news, and only at the end did the writer’s heart overflow with fatherly love and longing for the little girls at home.
Most of people in Ukraine work five days a week but some students work six days. As for my family, we have two days off. These are Saturday and Sunday. I like these days very much. We are not in a hurry in the morning and can sleep longer than usual on these days.
If the weather is warm and sunny, we can play sports on the playground, walk in the park or go to the cinema. Sometimes my family and me go on a picnic to the forest. It is fantastic! When the weather is bad my friends come to my place. We listen to music, watch films, play table games or computer games.
In the evening, we usually read books or watch TV. Before going to bed I pack my school bag and get ready for my working day. I enjoy our days off very much because I have a real rest.
My name is Natalia. I am twelve years old. I am from Kharkiv. As an ordinary person, I like to communicate with my schoolmates. But I’ve got one real friend. Her name is Vita. We are classmates. Vita is not very tall, but she is slim and pretty. She’s got shoulder-length dark wavy hair and blue eyes. Vita is a very honest and responsible girl. I can absolutely trust her and I often rely on her in some situations.
Vita loves animals very much. She has got a cat at home. She loves him greatly. Vita always feeds stray dogs if she meets them in the street.
She is a serious and hard-working girl. She pays much attention to studying. Vita is fond of Biology. In the future she wants to become a doctor. We spend our days off together. We sometimes go to the theatre or cinema.
I think we are both happy to be friends.
A. The letter from the war
B. Family weekends
C. About My Family and Myself
D. All about my friend
E. An ordinary family
F. Family activities in summer
G. A real family treasure
Task 2
Read the text below. Choose the correct variant (A,B,C,D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
About My Friend
My best friend’s name is Susan. She is twelve years old. We live in the neighbouring houses and play in the same yard. We are classmates. So we can see each other every day.
Susan is a slim and pretty girl. She is not very tall. She has got long dark curly hair, blue eyes and a straight nose. Susan is kind and careful. She is always ready to help me if I need it. She is very good at Maths, so we often do our homework in Maths together.
Susan is always honest with her parents, teachers and friends. She loves animals. There is a cat in her house and Susan takes care of him.
We spend a lot of time together. We go to school and come back home together; we go to the cinema at the weekend together, too. In the evening, we often phone each other. I am happy that I have got such a nice friend as Susan.
6. Susan is ... years old.
A. ten C. twelve
B. eleven D. thirty
7. The girls can see each other...
A. every day C. every month
B. every week D. every year
8. Susan gas got ... eyes.
A. blue C. grey
B. green D. brown
9. Susan is good at...
A. English C. History
B. Maths D. Literature
10. The girls go to the ... every weekend.
A. cinema C. theatre
B. zoo D. shop
Task 3
Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (11-15) choose the correct variant (A,B,C,D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
33, Regent Avenue Leeds West Yorkshire
3rd March
Dear Tracey,
Thanks for your letter - I’ve finally found an American penfriend! To answer some of your questions: I’m 16. My Dad’s a computer technician and my mum 11__________ in a factory. I’ve got two 12._________ sisters - Kirsty and Laura. You say that you don’t know anything about life in the UK, so I’m going to tell you about a typical day in our house. My mum gets up really early, before 6.00, because she has to leave the house at 6.45. The rest of us get up at 7.00. We don’t sit down together for breakfast - it’s too chaotic. We 13._________ the house at 8.15. Dad drives to the centre of town, and I walk with my sisters to the bus stop. School starts at 11 we have lunch at school at 12.30, and lessons finish at 3.30. Sometimes we walk home and get home at the same time as mum - at 4.00. Dad doesn’t get home until 7.00, because the traffic can be really bad. Dad eats a meal at about while we are 14.___________ TV or doing our homework, Mum and the girls go to bed at about 10.00 and Dad and me stay up watching films. I have to go to bed at 11.00. I don’t know why Dad doesn’t go to bed then too, because he always falls asleep in the middle of a film and goes to bed at about 1 a.m.! This is my family! Best wishes. Tell me about a typical day in your 15.____________.
№ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
11. |
works |
helps |
sleeps |
washes up |
12 |
younger |
young |
new |
youthful |
13. |
go |
move |
leave |
retire |
14. |
looking |
watching |
following |
Listening |
15. |
school |
factory |
shop |
house |
Task 4
Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (16-20) choose the correct variant (A,B,C,D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
I am Boris Orlov. I am thirteen years old. I live in Ukraine in a town of Zhytomir. I 16._________ to tell you a few words about my family. It is rather large. I have a mother, a father, two younger sisters and a grandmother. We live in a big house, that is why there is enough place for each person. My parents are wonderful people. My mother is a bank manager. She is good at her profession. Her colleagues say that she is a real professional. Her name is Helen. She is thirty-seven, I but my mother looks younger. She 17.__________ a clever, careful, kind and patient woman. She is also sociable and shecan contact to many people.
My Dad is a computer programmer. His name is Roman and he is thirty-nine years old. He works in a big office and he does his work very 18._________. My Dad comes back home late, usually tired.
My sister’s names are Ann and Larisa. They are ten and seven years old. They are schoolgirls. My duty is to bring them to school. And my Granny takes them back, because my lessons are over 19._________. They are nice girls. Ann is fond of dancing and Larisa attends art school, she is good at painting.
The “heart and soul” of our family is our grandmother. She is sixty-two years old but she is a very active person. Granny takes care of everyone in our family. She cooks very well, so we enjoy our meals regularly. She also 20.___________ my sisters with their homework. My parents are very busy people, so most of the time we spend with our Granny. We try to help her about the house.
I love my family greatly.
№ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
16. |
am wanting |
wants |
want |
will want |
17. |
is |
are |
were |
was |
18. |
good |
better |
best |
well |
19. |
late |
later |
latest |
fastest |
20. |
is helping |
help |
helps |
helped |
Task 5
21. Write about your best friend. Use the plan:
- name, age, school, class;
- appearance;
- he/ she likes/ doesn’t like;
- character.
Task 1
Read the texts below. Match choices (A-G). There are two choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Dear Sir,
I’m writing to protest about the appearance of most schoolchildren nowadays. I find the way they dress quite appalling.
When I was at school, children had to wear uniform and looked neat and tidy. Nowadays, however, a lot of schools do not make their pupils wear uniform at all. They are allowed to wear clothes of their own choice which are often unpleasant and ridiculous. The boys seem to prefer having long hair — often unwashed and messy; the girls wear far too much make-up.
I would suggest that we should return to the standards of the past.
With all due respect,
John Smith
Look around your own classroom. Are there any desks? Is there a noticeboard? The answer is probably yes. Schools in large cities in India are the same. But outside the cities, they’re often very different. The children go to a small school in India. Their classroom is outside. There isn’t a noticeboard. There is a desk for the teacher, but there aren’t any desks for the children. In fact there aren’t any chairs – the children sit on the floor. But there are some books – and a lot of motivation!
In England, children start secondary school at the age of 11. In the first two years of secondary school, all the students study the same 12 subjects. They are: English, Maths, Science, Design and Technology, Information and Communication Technology, History, Geography, a Foreign language, Art and Design, Music, Citizenship and PE. When students are 14, they can choose the subjects that they like, but some subjects are still compulsory.
Hello, I’m Carmen! I come from Spain, but recently I moved to London and started studying in a private school there.
First, I couldn’t find the school. It is located in an isolated place, so it was very difficult to get there. But I like my new school; the teachers are kind and attentive. The school building is in excellent conditions. And I made some new friends in my classroom.
And after school, I get the same orders at home. My mother keeps telling me: “get up, don’t be late, and make your bed”.
Some things never change!
I go to Hugh Roe O’Donnell Elementary School. It’s a small nice school in Boston, Massachusetts. There are only 15 teachers and about 250 students. Lessons start at 9:25 and finish at 3:25.
Hugh Roe O’Donnell School is a relatively new school and the facilities are modern and attractive. The classrooms and the labs are big and well equipped (smart boards, video projectors...), the library has thousands of books and DVDs, the canteen is spacious and tidy and the students’ room has lots of games, computers and magazines. There is also a gymnasium with showers and a big playground, my favourite place. I love my school!
Task 2
Read the text below. Choose the correct variant (A,B,C,D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
In Great Britain school begins at the age of five. Many boys and girls usually leave school at the age of sixteen. The school year begins in September, but not always on the first day of the month, as school never begins on Monday. Children going to school on their first day don’t have any bags or books with them. Classes usually begin at nine. Pupils have a glass of milk or a glass of orange juice at eleven. At half past twelve or at one o’clock they usually have lunch — meat, pudding, juice, an apple or a cake. They often sit on the carpet on the floor and listen to their teacher. English pupils often play outdoors.
English pupils have classes five days a week. Classes are usually over at four o’clock. Schools in England have not names, not numbers. They often get the name after the place where they are or after some famous or important people. In some primary schools children wear uniforms, but in many primary schools they don’t.
A. five C. seven
B. six D. eight
A. books C. nothing
B. bags D. apples
A. milk or orange juice C. water
B. apple juice D. tea
A. outdoor C. in the garden
B. indoor on the floor D. in the yard on the carpet
A. Yes, they do. C. No, they do not.
B. Yes, they does. D. No, they do.
Task 3
Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (11-15) choose the correct variant (A,B,C,D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Hi, Oksana,
Thanks for your letter. It was very interesting to read about your school. In the US we don’t have as 11._____ school subjects as you do. Of course, we study English a lot. We read stories and books, watch videos, listen to songs, learn and recite poems and do a lot of exercises. I hate grammar exercises! We have so many of them, but I know we have to do them to know 12._____ native language well. We also talk a lot and discuss some problems at our English lessons. We often work in groups and make projects at the lessons and as our homework. All my friends and I like making projects very much. It’s such fun! But we don’t have subjects like Nature Study or Geography. We have Science where we study 13._____ subjects. We also have a lot of Mathematics and we like doing 14._____ and solving problems. You, too, have semesters, don’t you? Then you know that a semester is half a year. We have 5 or 6 lessons every day, and they are the same for the whole semester. In the 15. _____semester we will have different subjects, but they will also be on our timetable every day. What about your timetable? How many lessons do you have every day? What are they? How many English lessons do you have a week? What do you do at your English lessons? Looking forward to your letter.
Love, Susan
№ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
11. |
many |
much |
a lot of |
plenty of |
12 |
us |
our |
you |
his |
13. |
this |
it |
these |
those |
14. |
sums |
examples |
pictures |
practise |
15. |
twice |
two |
third |
second |
Task 4
Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (16-20) choose the correct variant (A,B,C,D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Emma: Lucky you, mum. You don’t have to 16. ______to school any more.
Mum: But I have to go to work every day.
Emma: Yes, I know. But, you 17. ____ do loads of homework every day.
Mum: You mustn’t complain. There are a lot of things I have to do at work, too. Things that I also don’t like. I sometimes have to talk to people who are not listening. I have to draw my plans all over again when my clients are not happy.
Emma: That’s what I must do as well. I 18._____ write my English essay all over again if Mr Beard is not happy.
Mum: And I have to do most of the housework. You have to tidy only your room and I have to clean the rest of the house. Ok. It’s easier now when Stella is around. There are always some things in life we have to do that we don’t like. Of course, we prefer doing things we like. 19.______ you like your friends at school?
Emma: Yes. They are fun.
Mum: Do you like your drama group?
Emma: Yes. Mum: You see, honey. There are a lot of things you can be happy about at school.
Emma: Yes, you are 20.______, mum.
№ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
16. |
go |
goes |
going |
went |
17. |
have |
mustn’t |
has |
must |
18. |
has to |
have |
have to |
having to |
19. |
Does |
Are |
Is |
Do |
20. |
right |
raight |
riht |
rait |
Task 5
21. Write the e-mail about your school. Use the plan:
Task 1
Read the texts below. Match choices (A-G). There are two choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Tom had done the shopping before he cooked dinner. He also had done the ironing by the time he started to help his younger sister with her homework. But before he did the ironing Tom had done the washing up. He also had watered the flowers and had done the washing before he did the shopping, but he had watered the flowers by the time he did the washing. I forgot to mention that the first thing Tom did - he made his bed. Tom also had cooked dinner before he vacuum-cleaned the floors.
London, the capital of England, is a shopper’s paradise with plenty of large department stores as well as thousands of smaller shops.
In Oxford Street there are all kinds of shops and you can find everything from designer clothes to jewellery. In Knightsbridge you can find Harrods, an amazing department store which sells everything. It has sales in January and July.
Shops in London are usually open from 9 till 5 in the evening from Monday to Saturday.
Don’t miss the chance to shop in London. There is something for everyone.
The most popular Ukrainian dish is borsch. This thick and delicious soup is cooked with a plenty of ingredients such as meat, mushrooms, beans and others.
Holubtsi or staffed cabbage is another favourite dish in Ukraine.
Varenyky are filled with potatoes, meat, cheese or berries such as blue-berries or cherries.
Ukrainians like dairy products such as cheese pancakes and riazhanka. There are no holidays without pies, pampushky, baba (a tall cylindrical cake) and honey cakes.
Ukrainian sausage is very delicious. It is full of garlic and onion.
«It takes some skill to spoil a breakfast - even the English can’t do it!» - J.K.Galbraith, economist.
«On the Continent people have good food; in England people have good table manners». - George Mikes, writer and humorist.
«If the English can survive their food, they can survive anything!» - George Bernard Shaw, writer.
«Even today, well-brought up English girls are taught to boil all vegetables for at least a month and a half, just in case one of the dinner guests comes without his teeth». - Calvin Thrillin, American writer.
There is one modern extraordinary hobby among young people which is worth mentioning. It’s shopping. Most people find it a very pleasant and enjoyable occupation. You can do it in any town or city.
Paris, for example, is a shopper’s paradise, with plenty of large department stores as well as thousands of delightful smaller shops. The Marais is a group of little streets with some of the trendiest boutiques. There you can buy fashionable clothes, shoes and jewellery. For shoppers with big bank accounts, there is a wide range of designer fashion houses along the Rue de Rivoli, such as Cartier, Chanel, Nina Ricci and Christian Dior.
A. Ukrainian Cuisine
B. Quotations about English food.
C. Shopper’s Eden
D. Shopping around the world
E. Unusual hobby
F. Favourite English food
G. Yesterday house chores
Task 2
Read the text below. Choose the correct variant (A,B,C,D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
When we want to buy something, we go to a shop. There are many kinds of shops in every town or city, but most of them have a food supermarket store, men's and women's clothing stores, grocery, a bakery and a butchery.
We like to do our shopping at big department stores and supermarkets. They sell various goods under one roof and this is very convenient.
Shopping has common elements wherever it takes place. A buyer look for a seller who is offering something the buyer wants or needs at a price the buyer can afford to pay. Sellers often advertise their wares in newspapers, on the radio or TV, on posters etc. Sellers use a variety of tactics to induce buyers to purchase from them at a price which leaves some profit.
Shopping is a part of our daily life. And we have to deal with it whether we like it or not. There are people who hate going shopping. So they make a list of what they need and run through stores buying the needed things. Sometimes they even don't care about price. And there are people who go from store looking for goods of better quality and lower price. Those don't worry about the time they spend shopping.
But there is a very good service called Postal Market. It really helps you to save your time and get goods of high quality. You just have to look through a catalogue, choose the things you like, order them and wait a little to get them.
6.When we want to buy something, we go to a ….
A. book office C. post office
B. shop D. house
7. A…. look for a seller who is offering something the buyer wants
A. buyer C. police officer
B. worker D. shop assistant
8. Shopping is a part of our …..
A. work C. soul
B. every day life D. pain
9. Some people make a….. of what they need and run through stores.
A. plan C. thing
B. list D. pleasure
10. Postal Market helps you to save your ….. and get goods of high quality.
A. money C. day
B. list D. time
Task 3
Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (11-15) choose the correct variant (A,B,C,D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Department Stores
There are a lot of 11.__________in every large city of Ukraine. They include such departments as stationery, foot-wear, sport goods, perfumery, jewellery, ready-made women’s and men’s clothes. 12.__________can see all these things on the counters and in the shop- window.
At the 13.___________we buy paper, ink, pens, ball-pens, pencils and rubbers. In the shoe or footwear department we can buy shoes, boots, sandals, slippers and high boots. In the men’s clothing department there is a plenty of suits, trousers, ties, rain-coats and coats.
In the 14.___________ clothing department women can choose ; coats, jackets, dresses, costumes, jumpers, blouses, skirts, underwear and many other pretty things which - sometimes make women crazy. This department is always full of women who are trying on different items | of clothes. In the perfumery there is a big choice of face cream, face powders, lipsticks, lotions and shampoos.
A big store is really15.__________. Some people simply! walk around and watch all these beautiful things without buying anything.
№ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
11. |
suupermarkets |
book offices |
shops |
department stores |
12 |
customers |
buyers |
sellers |
clients |
13. |
department store |
stationery |
bakery |
Dairy section |
14. |
children’s |
men’s |
women’s |
pencioner’s |
15. |
stirring |
thrilling |
boring |
exciting |
Task 4
Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (16-20) choose the correct variant (A,B,C,D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Eating out in Ukraine
Ukrainians like 16.___________on picnics in summer and in spring. They can choose some nice place in the forest and enjoy the fresh air and scenic views. People take sandwiches, crisps, fruit, cakes and drinks. And, of course, it’s a ritual to cook the shashlyk (barbecue). But a sudden downpour can spoil the meal. So, if you have the dacha, it’s better to organize everything there.
Ukrainians don’t often17._________ restaurants because of the high prices, so then eat there on special occasions only. Some places have their own speciality like French s or Indian cuisine, while others focus on the traditional Ukrainian menu.
Fast food restaurants 18.___________ popular with young people as the atmosphere is informal, the service is quick and the prices are reasonable. Food 19._________hamburgers, pizzas, salads, french fries and fizzy drinks. Some people, however, find places like “McDonalds” too noisy and s the food too greasy.
There are a lot of cafes and restaurants with national Ukrainian cuisine. Their names are easy to remember. “Velyka lozhka”, “Puzata khata”, “Domashnya kukhnya”. They 20.__________dishes that you normally eat at home: borshch, fried fish, chops, holubtsi (cabbage roles), potato, buckwheat ( porridge, mlyntsi (pancakes) and varenyky stiffed with cottage cheese or cabbage. As these places are not very expensive many people visit them for a lunch break.
№ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
16. |
going |
went |
will go |
have gone |
17. |
visits |
visit |
will visit |
visited |
18. |
is |
will be |
were |
are |
19. |
include |
includes |
will include |
included |
20. |
is serving |
served |
serve |
will serve |
Task 5
21. Write a letter to your friend. Tell him/ her about your New Year shopping.
Task 1
Read the texts below. Match choices (A-G). There are two choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
One day a traveler in Africa went for a walk. When he was far from home, he saw a lion. The lion saw him at the same time and began to go after him. When the traveler walked quickly, the lion walked quickly, too. When he stopped, the lion also stopped. The man thought, «The lion is going to jump at me when it is dark. І cannot run away, so I must think of something.» He looked round and saw a large stone. It was near a river which the lion could not see. The man came to the stone and sat behind it. Then he took a stick, put his coat and his hat on it and put the stick out above the stone.
Soon the lion came nearer. He saw the coat and the hat and jumped at them. He jumped straight over the place where the man sat and fell into the river.
It was his last jump, and the traveler went home.
Jack was a young sailor. He lived in England but he was often away with his
ship. One summer he came back from a long voyage and found new neighbors near his mother’s house. They had a pretty daughter, and Jack soon loved her
very much. He said to her, «My next voyage will begin in a few days’ time, Gloria. I love you, and I’ll marry you when І comeback. I’ll think about you all the
time, and I’ll write to you and send you a present from every port.» Jack’s first
port was Freetown in Africa, and he sent Gloria a parrot from there. It spoke
five languages. When Jack’s ship reached Australia, there was a letter from
Gloria. It said, «Thank you for the parrot, Jack. It tasted much better than
a chicken».
Inter City Tours offers you to have a wonderful weekend at the seaside. Travelling by comfortable bus will save your time and money. Your journey won’t be tiring because you’ll enjoy watching interesting films or listening to music during the way to the seaside. Besides, travelling by bus isn’t dangerous. We’ll make an enjoyable weekend for you.
What’s the best way to go from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem? You can go by car. You can take a bus. You can even ride your motorbike or you can choose the smart way — you can go by train.
Trains leave Tel Aviv for Jerusalem every hour. You can buy tickets at the train station or book them ahead of time at 1-700-656-909 or at www.israrail.org.il/english/
I can’t understand why people use different means of transport for travelling. As for me, a nice walk in the mountains is more interesting and is better for health. You can enjoy nature and have a lot of fun with your friends.
Task 2
Read the text below. Choose the correct variant (A,B,C,D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Our Holiday in New Zealand
Last year my husband Mike and I decided to visit New Zealand. We wanted to tour the city but we both hate long car journeys. The travel agent suggested a 13-day coach trip. It was a good price, so we booked it with our plane tickets. We made a good choice. The coach journey passed quickly and our driver told us about each place. We learnt a lot from him.
We flew from London to Christchurch and had a free day there before the coach trip started. We weren’t at all tired so we walked around the city from morning till night. It has good museums, many restaurants and lovely shops.
The best place we visited on the trip was Queenstown. You can choose to do almost anything, from sailing to climbing. We had three days there but it wasn’t enough. All the hotels were good. My favourite one was the Puka Park Lodge. It was on a hill above a beach and there were trees everywhere. We woke up and listened to the birds signing. Now when we’re eating breakfast at home and we hear the noise of traffic, we think about those beautiful mornings in New Zealand!
A. New Jersey C. New Zealand
B. New York D. New Look
A. car C. plane
B. coach D. cab
A. plane C. car
B. ship D. taxi
A. Christchurch C. Puka Park Lodge
B. New Zealand D. Queenstown
A. beautiful C. fast
B. boring D. lovely
Task 3
Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (11-15) choose the correct variant (A,B,C,D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
A sad story
Three men came to New York for a holiday. They came to a very large 11. _____and took a room there. Their room was on the forty-fifth floor. In the evening the young man went to the cinema. When the film was over, they went to a restaurant and had supper there. They came back to the hotel very late.
“I am very 12._____”, said the clerk of the hotel, “but our lifts do not work at night. If you don’t want to walk up in your room, you can sleep in the hall”.
“No, no”, said one of the three men, “no, thank you. We shall, walk to our room”. Then he said to his friends, “I think I know how to make it 13._____ for us to walk up to the forty-fifth floor. On our way to the room I’ll tell you some jokes, then you, Peter, will tell us some interesting stories”.
So they began to walk up to their room. At last they came to the thirty-fourth floor. They were very14._____ by that time, and they decided to have a rest. “Well”, said Tom, “now it is your turn, Peter. Tell us a story with a sad end”.
“I’ll tell you a story”, said Peter. “It will not be long, but it will be sad enough. Listen. We have left the 15._____ to our room in the hall downstairs”.
№ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
11. |
hotel |
house |
farm |
shop |
12 |
happy |
sorry |
hungry |
thirsty |
13. |
difficult |
easy |
fast |
slow |
14. |
merry |
busy |
sleepy |
tired |
15. |
pen |
bag |
friend |
key |
Task 4
Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (16-20) choose the correct variant (A,B,C,D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Hello, Fiona!
I am on my vacation at the moment. I am in Athens, in Greece. The weather 16._____wonderful. We swim in the sea and enjoy our time. Our travel to Greece is pleasant. We traveled 17._____ plane. We started our journey a week 18._____, on April, 10, from the airport in Kyiv. The plane was comfortable. We arrived at the airport in Athens in the evening of the same day. I have already 19._____ a lot of photos because we visited a lot of interesting places. And I 20.____ a lot of nice souvenirs for all my friends.
See you soon.
Best wishes,
№ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
16. |
are |
was |
is |
were |
17. |
by |
on |
in |
at |
18. |
last |
ago |
yet |
next |
19. |
maked |
making |
made |
makes |
20. |
bought |
bye |
buy |
buys |
Task 5
21. Write a short e-mail about your last trip to one of the famous places.
У завданнях правильну відповідь позначайте тільки так:×
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
A |
B |
C |
D |
6. |
7. |
8. |
9. |
10. |
USE OF ENGLISH_________________________________________
A |
B |
C |
D |
16. |
17. |
18. |
19. |
20. |
A |
B |
C |
D |
11. |
12. |
13. |
14. |
15. |
Fifth form
Test 1 (Time for school)
1.G 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. E 6.C 7. C 8.A 9. C 10. C
11. A 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. A 16. B 17. A 18. B 19.A 20. B
Test 2 (Time for leisure)
11. A 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. C 16. D 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. A
Test 3 (Time for home)
1.A 2. C 3. D 4. E 5. A 6. A 7. C 8.C 9.C 10. A
11.C 12. A 13. B 14. C 15.D 16.A 17. C 18. B 19. A 20.C
Test 4 (Time for outdoors)
1. F 2. E 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. B
11. A 12. B 13. C 14. B 15. A 16. B 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. A
Test 5 (Time for discovery)
1. E 2. C 3.F 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. D
11. B 12. C 13. A 14. B 15. D 16. A 17. C 18. D 19.B 20. A
Sixth form
Test 1 ( Family and friends)
1. C 2. G 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. C 7.A 8. A 9. B 10. A
11.A 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. D 16. C 17. A 18. D. 19. B 20. C
Test 2 (School is cool)
1.C 2.D 3.B 4. A 5. E 6.A 7. C 8.A 9. B 10. C
11. A. 12. B 13. C 14. A 15.D 16. A 17. B 18. C 19.D 20. A
Test 3 (Cafes and shops)
1. G 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. E 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. D
11.D 12. A 13. B 14. C 15. D 16. A 17. B 18. D. 19. B 20. C
Test 4 (Travelling)
1.A 2. C 3. D 4. F 5. G 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. A
11. A 12. B 13 . B 14. D 15. D 16. C 17.A 18. B 19. C 20. A
Добірка тестових завдань, яку пропонує посібник, допоможе вчителеві об’єктивно оцінити знання, вміння та навички, здобуті учнями протягом навчального року, а форма проведення тестування у форматі ЗНО спонукатиме їх до ефективної роботи на уроках, створюватиме атмосферу активності та бажання вивчати англійську мову.
Власний досвід авторів посібника доводить, що такі тестові роботи допомагають всебічному виявленню учнівських досягнень у навчанні. Самих же п’ятикласників та шестикласників пропозиція “здавати ЗНО” зовсім не злякає, а, навпаки,спонукатиме до наполегливої праці для здобуття кращих результатів.
Список використаних джерел