ОЗ Садівська загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів
Сумської районної ради
Сумської області
уроку англійської мови
в 9-му класі
на тему:
«Життя та проблеми сучасних підлітків»
вчитель англійської мови
вищої категорії
Міцай Наталія Михайлівна
Тема уроку: Life and Problems of Modern Teenages
Освітня мета: розвивати вміння, навички вчитись, заохочувати учнів до роботи.
Розвиваюча мета: розвивати навички ситуативного обговорення проблем молоді; уміння працювати в класі та в групах; розвивати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення; читання.
Практична мета: удосконалювати навички усного мовлення; розвивати мислення, творчість, активність; виробляти правильну позицію та погляди на проблему, що стосується підлітків.
Виховна мета: виховувати наполегливість у вивченні англійської мови; активну життєву позицію; працьовитість; діловитість; потребу у здобуванні знань; бажання висловлювати свою думку; виховувати пошану до батьків, друзів; наполегливість у подоланні життєвих труднощів.
Обладнання: мультимедійний проектор, ПК, картки із завданням.
T: Good morning children! Glad to see you. Are you in a good mood? I hope you are. Today we have guests at the lesson. I hope they will have good impression of you and your knowledge of English.
Today we will continue to learn our topic “Teenagers’ Life ”. You will tell me about your life, your problems. Some pupils from your form will present their computer presentation. You will listen to a story of an English boy who has a problem and I hope you will give him some useful pieces of advice.
For your answers, you’ll get small presents from me.
So, you see, I am too old, but you are young. You are teenagers. I would like to learn more about your life.
T: Now, describe me a typical teenager using pictures on the screen.
Who is a typical teenager?
Див. слайд № 2.
(Учні дають характеристику підлітків).
I see, that teenagers are different. They have different characters, hobbies, styles and appearances.
T: I would like to learn more about your life while answering the questions on the screen:
Див. слайд № 3, 4.
(Учні відповідають на запитання)
T: I advice you to respect, love your parents, help them because your parents don’t want to do you any harm. They are older and have a great life experience. That’s why they are always ready to give you a useful piece of advice and help you in a difficult moment. So, try to avoid quarrels in your family and build a bridge of friendship.
T: Now, some pupils from your form will show you their computer presentation. They collected information among their friends about the teenagers’ problems and prepared a commentary. Please, come out to the blackboard and comment your work. The topic of their work is …
Див. слайд № 5.
(Учні коментують свою роботу).
Див. слайд № 6–10.
T: Well done! Thank you for your creative work. I see the teenagers from your form have different problems. But to avoid them I would like you to do your best at school, go in for sport, be friendly with your friends and relatives.
T: Now, I would like you to listen to a story of a young man who has a problem and he needs your help. You will listen to a story twice and then you will write your pieces of advice in your copy-books, all which you can give to the boy. Then you will read them.
Учні слухають уважно текст з магнітофону:
My name is Brian. I have a problem. I think I'm an alcoholic. I really need your help. I am 16 and I have a drink every night or I don't sleep. I go out with my friends on Fridays and I always get very drunk. When I am drunk I can't control myself, very often I start fighting. I've tried to stop going out, but friends say: 'Oh, go on' and I go. I wake up before school needing a drink. At school I am always thinking about drink so I can't concentrate at the lessons. My teachers say that I am absent minded and rude, they bored me to death and I started to miss the lessons. I have even started stealing money from my parents to buy drink. I feel myself depressed and ruined. I need your help.
(Учні записують поради в зошит та зачитують їх).
T: Well, I see it’s not easy to be a teenager. It ‘s very important to have a person who is a shoulder to cry on.
T: Let us discuss some situations:
(Вчитель ділить клас на три групи і кожній групі дає завдання для обговорення).
I. Situation: Ihor smokes and he thinks it is cool. He started smoking some years ago and he can not live without smoking. He hides from his parents and smokes. Try to persuade him to stop smoking.
II. Situation: Nadia is very shy in the company of her friends. She does not feel comfortable among her classmates. Try to change her and give her useful advice.
III. Situation: You have a problem at school. You have not written a composition for your Ukrainian Lesson, because you were ill yesterday. Your teacher is going to give you “two”. Explain your situation.
(Учні обговорюють ситуації).
T: I will give you cards with the text for reading. Read and do the following tasks:
The Problems of the Youth in Ukraine.
Young people are both similar and different. They want to go on their own way and find it difficult to be responsible. They express their self identity in clothes, hair style and slang. They smoke, drink alcohol and take drugs, believing that it is the rout to independence. They conflict with their parents and teachers considering that only equals in age can understand them. In fact parents are not so strict now that they used to be and most young people have a considerable amount of freedom. But they still need somebody to hear them out and open their hearts to. Often parents are too busy with their rush for money and cant give their children enough attention and understanding. That is why they easily come under the influence of other people or find idols among famous singers, sportsmen and actors. The young go to disco clubs and are crazy about music. They are interested in studying English and can operate a computer.
They are talented, creative and dream of a well-paid job. They are not afraid to risk because they have nothing to lose. They are romantic and skeptical. They are sincere and honest, rude and impolite. They are the future of our country.
Tasks: Choose the correct variant
2. Young people express their self-identity in _____
a) styles of dancing and singing;
b) clothes, hairstyle and slang;
c) working and leisure.
3. They conflict with ______
a) friends and classmates;
b) their equals in age;
c) their parents and teachers.
4. The parents are not _____ now that they used to be in the past.
a) so angry;
b) so happy;
c) so strict.
5. Young people have_____
a) a lot of work;
b) a lot of amusement;
c) a considerable amount of freedom.
6. Youth needs somebody to _____
a) speak to ;
b) hear ;
c) open their hearts to.
7. Often parents are busy with their _____
a) education of their children;
b) rush for money;
c) rest.
8. Parents can not give their children enough _____
a) attention and understanding;
b) money;
c) kindness.
T: Look at the screen! You will read ten commandments for teenagers. You must follow them.
(Учні читають за вчителем хором).
Див. слайд №11.
T: If you follow these commandments, you will be happy and healthy. You will enjoy your life and have warm relations with your friends, teachers and parents.
T: I see we are short in time. I am pleased with your work at the lesson today. Thank you for your active work at the lesson. Be happy, healthy and wise.
(Вчитель ставить оцінки та задає домашнє завдання).