A play for students of form 3 Sirko. It can be performed by talented students of form 2.

Про матеріал
Це драматизація української народної казки "Сірко". Це допоможе здобувачам освіти не тільки поглибити знання англійської мови, а також сприятиме розвитку їх емоційної компетентності.
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AUTHOR. There was once a man, who had a dog, named Sirko. The dog was very old. And one day his master drove him out of the house. Sirko went to the fields and felt sad and unhappy.

DOG. I served my master for so many years and watched over his house and now that I am old and weak, he does not give me even a piece of bread and has driven me out of his house.

AUTHOR. Sirko wandered on, thinking these thoughts, when all of a sudden a wolf came up to him.

WOLF. What are you doing, wandering about like that?

DOG. There is nothing else I can do, for my master has driven me out of his house.

WOLF. I can help you, if you like. I you do as I say, your master will take you back again.

DOG. Please, please, help me, my dear friend! I will find the way to repay you for your kindness.

WOLF. Well, and then listen to me. Your master and mistress will soon go out to the field to reap. The mistress will leave her baby beside a stack of straw to sleep there, while she is helping her husband. You must stay close to the baby, so I will know where it is. I will came, running up, and carry the baby off. And you must run after me and try to take it away. Then I will pretend I am frightened and let it go.

AUTOR. The time to reap the wheat came. The master and his wife went to the field. The mistress left her baby beside a straw stack. She joined her husband and began to work. They did not work very long when the Wolf ran up. He seized the baby and ran off with it across the field. Sirko ran after him.

MASTER. Catch him, Sirko, catch!

AUTHOR. Sirko caught up with the Wolf, snatched the baby away from him and brought it back to his master. The man got out some bread and a piece of meat from a sack.

MASTER. Here Sirko, eat your food! I wish to thank you for saving our baby!

AUTHOR. At that time Sirko`s master prepared to marry off his eldest daughter. Sirko went out into the field, found the Wolf there.

DOG. Come to our vegetable garden in the evening, on Sunday. I will take you into the house and repay you for your kindness.

AUTHOR. Now it was on that very day, that the wedding was held. Sirko went outside, took the wolf in to the house and hid him under the table. Then he seized a bottle of wine and a big piece of meat from the table and gave them to the Wolf. The guests wanted to beat Sirko, but the master stopped them.

MASTER. Do not touch Sirko! The dog has done me a great service. And I shall always be kind to him.

AUTHOR. And Sirko took some of the best pieces from the table and gave them to the Wolf. He fed him so well, that the Wolf, who had drunk very much, could not stop himself.

WOLF. I am going to sing!

DOG. Please, do not! Or you will get into trouble. I will give you some more wine, if only you promise to be quiet.

WOLF. I am going to sing in any case!

DOG. Do not do it! Or we will both pay with our lives for it!

WOLF. I cannot help myself, I am going to sing and that is the end of it!

AUTHOR. The guests jumped up in fright, they rushed hither and thither. The Wolf ran away and Sirko ran after him, as though he was about to kill him.

MASTER.Do not touch the Wolf, or you will hurt Sirko! And do not worry. The dog will teach him a good lesson.

AUTHOR. Sirko ran with the Wolf to the field.

DOG. You did me a kindness once, and now I have paid you back for it. Good bye!

WOLF. Good bye! If anything – come in!

7 лютого 2024
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