Активності для розвитку вмінь аудіювання, читання, говоріння та письма за темою: "Міста. Вуличне мистецтво."

Про матеріал
Вивчаючи тему «Міста» не можливо залишити поза увагою тему «Вуличне мистецтво» (Street art ) характерною особливістю якого є яскраво виражений урбаністичний стиль, який набув популярності в ХХІ столітті. Матеріал до теми складається з двох частин: робота з відео та робота з текстом для читання про одного з найвідоміших вуличних художників Бенксі. Незважаючи на всесвітню популярність, вже багато років йому вдається залишатися анонімним і приховувати своє ім’я за яскравим псевдонімом. Його роботи коштують сотні тисяч фунтів, а за можливість придбати їх змагаються на аукціонах. У той же час сам Бенксі висміює пороки нашого часу, протестуючи проти укладу сучасного суспільства, і демонструє свою позицію через власну творчість. Як відомо, британець підтримував Україну з перших місяців війни і залишив свої роботи в українських населених пунктах, які постраждали внаслідок війни. Роботи активно обговорюють у соцмережах. 2 грудня 2022 року стало відомо, що графіті жінки у протигазі та з вогнегасником вирізали зі стіни будинку у Гостомелі. Роботу оцінили в 9 мільйонів гривень. У квітні 2023 року розпочали демонтувати розбомблений росіянами будинок в Ірпені з графіті «Гімнастка». 12 травня фрагмент інсталяції перенесли на нову локацію «Діти війни» Бенксі з'являються на 12 секунді в кліпі «Стефанія» гурту «Kalush Orkestra» під час виступу у гранд-фіналі «Євробачення» 13 травня 2023 року. . Можна вибрати будь яку частину розробки , відповідно до запиту групи, або опрацювати весь матеріал. Після виконання усіх активностей учні будуть готові висловити свою думку щодо теми. Це може бути бесіда або письмова робота.
Перегляд файлу

                                           “Cities. Street Art.”


To learn lexis related to graffiti

To practise listening skills

To practise reading skills

To practise speaking skills                                        

  Watch the video and answer the questions:    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AMD8D_kyiI

  1.       How was New York's creative scene in the 1970s and 80s described?
  2.       What made graffiti famous in New York City?
  3.       Why was doing graffiti considered a crime?
  4.       Who is the photographer known for capturing graffiti culture in her book?
  5.       How has the public's opinion of street artists and graffiti artists changed over time?
  6.       What has street art and murals become known for in neighborhoods?
  7.       Where else in the world can you find street art and graffiti festivals?
  8.       What is the significance of the exhibition "beyond the streets"?


(Correct answers:

  1.        New York experienced a creative explosion like no other.
  2.        New York City made graffiti famous.
  3.        Graffiti was considered a crime because it was vandalism.
  4.        Martha Cooper is the photographer known for capturing graffiti culture in her book.
  5.        The public's opinion of street artists and graffiti artists has softened over time.
  6.        Street art and murals have become known as the great gentrifier in neighborhoods.
  7.        Street art and graffiti festivals can be found in Tahiti and Denmark.
  8.        The exhibition "beyond the streets" celebrates graffiti and street art while showcasing the artists' studio, gallery, and museum careers.)



                   Pick the Right Summary of the Video:



  1.       In the video, a new exhibition called "Beyond the Streets" showcases the history of street art and graffiti around the world. It features work from famous artists like Shepard Fairey and Keith Haring, as well as lesser-known anonymous artists. The exhibition also explores the impact of street art on gentrification and its growing popularity around the world.
    In the video, a new exhibition called "Beyond the Streets" celebrates the artists who were once considered vandals for their graffiti and street art in New York City. The exhibition features work from over 150 artists and highlights the evolution of this art form from the streets to galleries and museums. The exhibition is a testament to how the perception of graffiti and street art has changed over time.
  3.       In the video, an exhibition called "Beyond the Streets" celebrates the artists who were once considered vandals for their graffiti and street art in New York City. The exhibition features work from over 150 artists and highlights the evolution of this art form from the streets to galleries and museums. The exhibition shows that graffiti and street art are still considered crimes, but some people are now embracing it.


(Correct answer: 2)



                            Reading: “Graffiti – Art or vandalism?”

Where do you expect to see graffiti? Probably not in a museum. Bristol city museum, in the south west of England, was the kind of place you go to see classical statues and stuffed animals in cases until the arrival of the ‘Banksy versus the Bristol Museum’ exhibition in the summer of 2009. The exhibition hosted more than 100 works by Banksy, the world’s most famous graffiti artist.

Banksy is a man of mystery. He hardly ever gives interviews and likes to be anonymous. Nobody knows much about his life or his background but many people believe that his real name is either Robin Gunningham, Robert Banks or Robin Banks and that he was born in 1973 near Bristol.

Banksy’s controversial ‘street art’ includes spray paintings on live sheep and cows and graffiti on the huge wall erected to divide Israeli and Palestine. Brad Pitt recently spent over 2 million dollars on a Bansky original. Banksy designed an album cover for the Brit pop group Blur in 2003 but he has refused at least four requests to do adverts for Nike.

 Bristol isn’t the only place in Britain to welcome graffiti. The DPM Park in Dundee, Scotland has the longest legal graffiti wall (360 ft to be precise) in the UK. Anyone can paint on the council owned wall any time they like. Mike Crilley, the graffiti wall project organiser, promotes the positive side of graffiti and runs workshops for local children.

So has graffiti gone mainstream? Not exactly. It’s illegal to paint on somebody else's property so make sure you find a legal graffiti wall like the one in Dundee if you want to have a go.



                               1. Answer the questions:

  1. What was the unusual exhibition hosted by Bristol city museum in 2009?
  2. Who is Banksy and why is he considered a man of mystery?
  3. Can you mention some controversial aspects of Banksy's 'street art'?
  4. How has Banksy's work been received by celebrities like Brad Pitt?
  5. What connection does Banksy have with the music industry, specifically the Brit pop group Blur?
  6. Besides Bristol, which other place in Britain is known for its graffiti culture?
  7. Describe the DPM Park in Dundee, Scotland.
  8. Who is Mike Crilley and what role does he play in promoting graffiti?
  9. Is graffiti completely accepted as mainstream now? Why or why not?
  10. What advice is given to those who want to try their hand at graffiti?


(Correct answers:

  1. The Bristol city museum hosted an unusual exhibition called 'Banksy versus the Bristol Museum' in 2009, featuring more than 100 works by Banksy, a famous graffiti artist.
  2. Banksy is the world's most famous graffiti artist. He is considered a man of mystery because he rarely gives interviews and prefers to remain anonymous. Little is known about his life or background.
  3. Some controversial aspects of Banksy's 'street art' include spray paintings on live sheep and cows and graffiti on the huge wall erected to divide Israel and Palestine.
  4. Celebrities like Brad Pitt have shown great appreciation for Banksy's work, with Pitt spending over 2 million dollars on a Bansky original.
  5. Banksy designed an album cover for the Brit pop group Blur in 2003.
  6. Besides Bristol, Dundee in Scotland is another place in Britain known for its graffiti culture.
  7. The DPM Park in Dundee, Scotland hosts the longest legal graffiti wall (360 ft) in the UK. Anyone can paint on this council-owned wall at any time.
  8. Mike Crilley is the graffiti wall project organiser in Dundee, Scotland. He promotes the positive side of graffiti and runs workshops for local children.
  9. Graffiti has not completely gone mainstream as it's still illegal to paint on someone else's property without permission.
  10. Those who want to try their hand at graffiti are advised to find a legal graffiti wall like the one in Dundee.)




         2. Fill in the blanks with the phrases below:

runs workshops,  have a go,  to welcome graffiti,  hardly ever,  his background,  the exhibition hosted,  to be anonymous,  stuffed animals



Where do you expect to see graffiti? Probably not in a museum. Bristol city museum, in the south

west of England, was the kind of place you go to see classical statues and _____(1) in

cases until the arrival of the ‘Banksy versus the Bristol Museum’ exhibition in the summer of 2009.

_____(2) more than 100 works by Banksy, the world’s most famous graffiti artist.


Banksy is a man of mystery. He _____(3) gives interviews and likes _____(4). Nobody

knows much about his life or _____(5) but many people believe that his real name is either

Robin Gunningham, Robert Banks or Robin Banks and that he was born in 1973 near Bristol.


Banksy’s controversial ‘street art’ includes spray paintings on live sheep and cows and graffiti on

the huge wall erected to divide Israeli and Palestine. Brad Pitt recently spent over 2 million dollars

on a Bansky original. Banksy designed an album cover for the Brit pop group Blur in 2003 but he

has refused at least four requests to do adverts for Nike.


Bristol isn’t the only place in Britain _____(6). The DPM Park in Dundee, Scotland has

the longest legal graffiti wall (360 ft to be precise) in the UK. Anyone can paint on the council

owned wall any time they like. Mike Crilley, the graffiti wall project organiser, promotes the positive

side of graffiti and _____(7) for local children.


So has graffiti gone mainstream? Not exactly. It’s illegal to paint on somebody else's property so

make sure you find a legal graffiti wall like the one in Dundee if you want to _____(8).


(Correct answers: 
1) stuffed animals; 2) the exhibition hosted; 3) hardly ever; 4) to be anonymous; 5) his background; 6) to welcome graffiti; 7) runs workshops; 8) have a go)


                            3. Match the words to their definitions:

  1.       have a go                    a) organizes and leads educational sessions or classes.
  2.       runs workshops           b) try something new or attempt to do something.
  3.       to welcome graffiti       c) his personal history, family, education, and experiences.
  4.       stuffed animals            d) to accept and appreciate drawings painted on walls in public place.                                                                               
  5.       to be anonymous           e) soft toys that are filled with some material and shaped like animals                                                            
  6.       the exhibition hosted   f) the event or show that is organized and presented by someone.
  7.       hardly ever                  g) to not reveal your name or identity.
  8.       his background           h) almost never, very rarely.

(Correct answers: 1-b; 2-a; 3-d; 4-e; 5-g; 6-f; 7-h; 8-c)



                  4. Discussion:

What do you think about graffiti?

Is it really art?

Is there much graffiti in your town or city?

Do you think it makes your town or city look better or not?

Should the police stop graffiti artists?


One of these topics can be given for written assignment.




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