Альберт Ейнштейн. Чек-ап завдання

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Матеріал до уроку по темі Великі винахідники. Альберт Ейнштейн. Інформація та додаткова чек-ап вправа
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T E A C H E R' S



Jenny Roden






Albert Einstein

IYpe of activity

Reading and speaking. Group and pair work.


To practise past tense questions.


To exchange information on Albert Einstein.


Make one copy of the worksheet for each pair of students. Cut the worksheet in half as indicated.


30 minutes


image image

I Introduce the topic by asking the students to tell you everything they know about Einstein. Ask them to think of questions they could ask to find out more about him, e.g. When was he born? When did he die? Why was he famous? etc.

2   Divide the students into two groups. Give worksheet A to each student in group A and worksheet B to each student in group B. Explain that each group has incomplete information about Einstein. Ask the students to read their worksheet and decide in their groups which questions they need to ask to complete the missing information. Circulate and monitor, helping as necessary.

3   When the students have finished, ask them to form pairs with a student from the other group. Ask the students to take turns to ask their questions. Circulate and monitor, noting down any errors.

4   Check the answers with the whole class.


1 1955

image 1879

2 Germany

b Patents office

3 Swiss

c lecturer

4 Zurich Polytechnic

d Institute of Advanced

5 schoolteacher

Study, Princeton

6 PhD

e theoretical physics

7 theory of relativity

f Nobel Prize

8 President Roosevelt

g pacifist

h split the atom I N S I D E O U T Resource Pack




Albert Einstein

imageA Albert Einstein (1879- (l) image) was born in (2) but took out (3) imagecitizenship in his mid-twenties. Surprisingly as a child he wasn't a remarkable student. In fact he failed his first attempt at the entry exam for (4). However two years later he passed and, after his graduation in 1900, he worked as a (5)image before getting a job in the Patents office in Bern. He worked there from 1902 to 1909. In 1905 he published three papers on theoretical physics and, in the same year, he obtained his (6)

In 1908, he became a lecturer at the University of Bern. His genius brought him respect and he went on to hold various professorships. In 191 5 he published the final version of his (7)image When his theories were verified four years later, he became world famous and was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1921.

However, in 1933, while Einstein was visiting California, Hitler came to power. Being Jewish, Einstein decided to remain in the USA and continued his research at the Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton where he remained until his death.

During the First World War Einstein had been a pacifist, but prior to the Second World War, he abandoned this idea because German scientists had managed to split the atom, and an atomic bomb was now possible. He believed Hitler was a threat to world peace. He therefore persuaded (8) , in i 939, to develop a US atomic research programme.




Personal information

Publications and awards


Date & place of birth: (a)image Germany

1905: Published three papers on


Date & place of death: 1955, USA




1905: Obtained a PhD


Studied at Zurich Polytechnic


1915: Published his 'theory of relativity'

1921: Awarded the (f)image


1900—1902: schoolteacher

Other information


1902-1909: (b) image

• Took out Swiss citizenship in 1901 and



American citizenship in 1933. • The First World War: He was a


1908: (c) image University of Bern

(g) image


1909—1914: various professorships

• The Second World War: German scientists


1933-1955: physicist, (d) image

had managed to (h) image


image Princeton

and Einstein believed that Hitler was becoming a threat to world peace. In 1939,

he persuaded President Roosevelt to develop a US atomic research programme.

C Sue Kay and Vaughan Jones, 2001 . Published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.                                                                                                    Photocopiable

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