Англійська мова,11 клас, контрольна робота з аудіювання

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Ця контрольна робота може бути використана як підсумковий контроль з аудіювання для учнів 11 класу. Аудіювання - Focus 3 p.71
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FORM 11     AUDING        FOCUS 3   p.71

True or false

1.This butterfly is recognized by its black and orange pattern.

2.The monarch butterfly goes from the US to Mexico to spend there the summer.

3.The milkweed is the only food young monarch butterflies eat.

4.The milkweed plant protects monarch butterflies from rain and freezing cold temperatures.

5.The monarch butterfly lives in Mexico all year long.


Choose the correct answer

1.The monarch butterflies live in

  а)North America, Asia and Australia

  b)Australia, Indonesia and New Zealand

  c)New Zealand, Austria and Indonesia 


2.What is true about monarch butterflies?

  A)Most of them live in the United States.

  b)Many of them stay in Mexico after the winter.

  c)They migrate from the US to Mexico in winter.


3.How are the monarch butterfly and the milkweed plant connected?

  a) The monarch is a threat to the milkweed.

  b) The milkweed needs the monarch to survive.

  c) The milkweed is necessary for young monarch butterflies.


4.Dr Clarke says that people in Mexico

  a)should stop cutting down the forests.

  b)shouldn’t use chemicals in agriculture.

  c)must plant the milkweed in their gardens.


5. Dr Clarke mainly talks about

  a)the effects of logging on the life of monarch butterflies.

  b)why monarch butterflies fly to warmer climates.

  c)the problems monarch butterflies are facing.


Answer the questions

1.What is Dr Clarke ?

2.What should people in Mexico do to protect this butterfly?

3.What should farmers in the United States do to save the monarch butterfly?

4.What is the monarch butterfly famous for?

5.What  do people in Bermuda do to increase the population of these butterflies?

2 лютого 2022
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