Бінарний урок "Технічний прогрес. Винаходи людства. Комп'ютер."

Про матеріал
Урок торкається теми "Винаходи людства". Серед яких в сучасному житті займає провідне місце-Комп'ютер. Мета уроку- продемонструвати необхідність вміння роботи на комп'ютері та знання англійської мови,що є пріоритетом для отримання гарної та оплачуваної роботи.
Перегляд файлу

                                                           9 клас.

                                                           Нетрадиційний урок.

     Підтема: Технічний прогрес. Винаходи людства: Комп’ютер.

                        Technical progress. Human Inventions: Computer.

       Мета: Увести ЛО за темою уроку, активізувати їх у мовленні.

                   Навчати учнів спілкуванню за темою уроку. Перевірити ступінь

                   засвоєння знань, умінь і навичок, сформованих на уроках

                   англійської мови та інформатики з теми.

                   Розвивати пізнавальний інтерес, пам’ять, увагу, мовленнєву        

                   здогадку, аудитивний слух, самостійне мислення.

                   Формувати інтерес до професії програміст, користувач, оператор

                   ПК. Розвивати працездатність.

                   Прищеплювати любов до навчання.

       Наочний матеріал: мультимедійна дошка, епіграф, роздавальний

                                           матеріал, комп’ютери, зошити, картки, малюнок.

       Тип уроку: інтегрований (англійська мова – інформатика),











І. Greeting. Topic. Aim.

1. 1). Greeting

T: Good morning, dear children!

Welcome to the English courses for young console operators.

    2). Today we are going to speak about science, inventions and their impact on modern life.

T: A lot of discoveries have been made recently.

     Why do scientists make them?

P1: They make our life easier, happier, change people’s life for better.

T: That’s right. The topic of our today’s lesson is “Technical progress. Human Inventions: Computer.”

   3). Our main task is to discuss different inventions which came into our life;

        practice in speaking, listening, reading and writing, of course. And at the end

        of the lesson you’ll receive the certificates.

2. Warm up: (Мовна розминка) (фонетична)

(P1- Cl)

P1: Today I propose you to repeat after me a popular song.

         “Old Mc Donald has a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

          And on his farm, E-I-E-I-O.

          With a comp, comp here and a comp, comp there.

          Here a comp, comp”.

/T –Cl/ (Фронтальне опитування).

T:So computer has become an important part of our life – some people can admire it, some call it “devil”, but no one can deny it.

1) Say, please, which of you has a computer at home?

2) How do you use your computer?

3) What do you think of computer?



P1: We can play and work on it.

P2: Storing information on computer discs is one of the most efficient ways of keeping data.

P3: Computers are used in all spheres of our life. They are a great help to a student, a doctor, a teacher, a librarian, a computer, a designer, an agronomist.

P4: Now a computer can do one million sums in one second.

T: That’s right.


II. Main Part:

1. Teacher’s Speech: Man is the most extraordinary thing. Just imagine the amount of inventions of the 20-th century. Some people think that technology will save the world and make it better, some others think that technology ruin the society because we are dependent on electric and machines.

Now you’ll divide in 3 groups and try to discuss such problems:

Gr.1 (Red) You’ll write and name 3 things that you can hardly live without.

Gr.2 (Blue) You’ll write and name 3 things that you can sacrifice without too much reluctance.

Gr3. (Green) You’ll choose 3 most useful modern inventions and say why people use them.

T: So there are some things we couldn’t live without.

          Gr.1. P1…; P2…; P3…

    Some other things you consider useless.

          Gr.2. P1…; P2…; P3…

    What things are most useful for modern inventions?

          Gr.3. P1…; P2…; P3…

2. Work with new lexical units.

(Робота над лексикою за темою уроку).

T: And now let’s repeat all the necessary computer science terms.

            A. Look at the board. Ps repeat after the teacher.

            B. Look at the board again and name by memory.

  / A picture / “Working on the Computer”.

(Закріплення уведених ЛО)

Перевірка уваги та зорової пам’яті.


T: Number 1 is speakers;

    Number 2 is a monitor;

    Number 3 is a CD-Rom drive;

    Number 4 is a CD-ROM;

    Number 5 is a MP3 Player;

    Number 6 is a mouse;

    Number 7 is a mouse mat;

    Number 8 is a floppy disk;

    Number 9 is a CD-ROM;

    Number 10 is a Keyboard.


          C. Work with vocabulary.

T: Open file and do the test. Match the definitions with the expressions.

3. Listening + Reading + Writing

1). Listening.

T: Listen to the text:” I couldn’t live without my computer at home”,

    then say: “Why is computer so important for Kate?”


My name is Kate. I use my computer all the time. It is like a typewriter and address book for me and it is also used for checking my spelling. Besides I can go on the Internet and discover everything about anything, it’s a brilliant source of information. I’ve designed my own website and I’m getting loads of information for school. Besides some websites are packed with quizzes, games and competitions, it’s all you need for hours of fun on your computer. You can play and learn on it. It is absolutely essential. I don’t know how I ever managed without it.

But my elder sister thinks people are getting a bit too dependent on computers. She thinks that we rely on them too much. My sister says, “You can’t rely on all the information, you don’t know who it has been written by or where it’s coming from. To be dependent on anything, especially a lifeless machine,that can quite easily break down, is not good. Besides computers shouldn’t replace seeing your friends”.

2). Reading. T: Open Microsoft Word, read the text.

3). Writing. T: And now do the tasks below the text.

  • Task 1. Are the statements True or False?
  • Task 2. What arguments are  given “for” and “against” the computer?
  • Task 3. Choose one of the questions and write the answer in your copybooks.

1. Which of the arguments do you agree or disagree in the text?

2. Write about why do people like to have computers  in everyday life?

                              (Учні здають роботи на перевірку).

1. Crosswords.

T: It’s time for the word puzzle.

Do the puzzle and read the name of one of the most successful computer company.

P1: Microsoft.

T: Yes, that’s right.

2. Reflection. Summing-up.

T: Dear pupils, what can you say about our lesson? What is the thing you need? I want you to comment the following words,

    “Man is still the most extraordinary thing of all ”.

                                                                         (John Kennedy)

Do you agree with me? Why do you think so? Choose the card with your mood:

                                                “Bad”, “OK”, “Good”.

III. Conclusion:

T: 1. Close up.

And now I thank you for your work.

You were really great!

Your Homework is to write 200 words about why you need the computer in your everyday life.

Your marks are…

And now it’s time to give the certificates.

All of you have successfully graduated from the English courses for young console operators.


            Issued to____________________________________________________

            To state that he (she) graduated from the English Courses for young console operators at Morozivka Gymnazium in 2020 and can be recommended for               work at a joint venture where English is required.



                                                          Senior manager                  Semenenko T.A.

                                                          Manager                             Chernoshok O.V.








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