Books and writers. Введення нової лексики

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В розробці уроку містяться матеріали для успішного засвоєння нового лексичного матеріалу учнями 8х класів при вивчені теми "Books and writers".

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Тема уроку:  «Books and writers.» Введення нового лексичного матеріалу.

Мета уроку:  вивчення нової лексики, практикування в застосуванні лексики в різних ситуаціях;

знайомство учнів з різними жанрами літератури;

вчити логічно висловлювати свою думку; розвивати навички читання, усного мовлення, роботи в парах та сприяти формуванню комунікативної компетенції;

виховувати культуру інтелектуальної праці, позитивного та ввічливого ставлення до думки оточуючих.

Засоби навчання: підручник О. Карпюк 8класс,матеріали для фонетичної зарядки, аудіо запис вірша для фонетичної зарядки, малюнки із зображеннями нових лексичних одиниць.

Хід уроку:


Час, хв.

Мовлення вчителя

Мовлення учнів



Початок уроку. Організація класу:


Бесіда з черговим









2.Фонетична зарядка














































Good morning, children! I am glad to see you!

Who is on duty today? Who is absent?

What day is it today?

How do you feel about the weather today? Do you like it or not?

Thank you very much! It is true! We all are waiting for real winter! Thank you for your answer! You may sit down!


Let’s listen to a short rhyme and practice to pronounce some sounds. Pay attention to the pronunciation of italics.


It’s very strange, but did you know

Shoe will never rhyme with toe?

And food will never sound like boot;

Boot’s like suit and flute and fruit.

Foot’s like put and feet’s like seat

Great’s like eight but not like eat.

Work is not pronounced like fork.

Fork’s like walk and not like talk.

Why is beard not like heard?

Why does bird rhyme with word?

That is what I’ve sometimes found

Spelling’s often not like sound.


Children! Spelling is not always a good guide to pronunciation. Let’s try to read this poem and follow the pronunciation on the tape.

Very good!



Good morning, teacher! We are glad to see you, too!

I am on duty today. All are present.

Today is Wednesday, the 15th of January.

The weather is fine, but I wish it would be colder. I like snow and can’t wait to see it this winter.



Children are listening to the poem and then trying to pronounce it the same as on a tape.










Вчитель робить записи в журналі.









Вчитель роздає матеріали для фонетичної зарядки













Основна частина уроку:

1.Подача нових лексичних одиниць




































































2.Читання тексту




3. Виконання  після текстових вправ на перевірку розуміння основної інформації тексту.









4. Bправи, що готують до монологічного висловлювання.

































































































Who can tell me what topic did we start to discuss last lesson?

Yes, you are right. And today we are going to learn new words and phrases. Look on the blackboard and lets match words with their translation one by one at the blackboard and  in your copybooks. Please write down today’s date and Class work.

True-to-life stories        фантастика

Novels                           історії про кохання

Detective stories             пригодницькі історії

Thrillers                 біографії відомих людей

Mysteries                     історії про природу

Poems                 казки

Fairy tales                   трилери

Fantasy              детективи

Love stories          новели

Comics                  правдиві життєві історії

Stories about nature         містична історія

Adventure stories                          вірші

Biographies of famous people      комікси





Well done! Now answer please my questions:

Is “Sherlock Holmes” a poem or a detective story?

Is “Hamlet” a poem or a mystery?

Is “Romeo and Juliette” a love story or an adventure story?

Is “Cinderella” a fairy tale or a thriller?

Is “X-men” a story of nature or comics?


Well done! And now agree with me if I am right and correct me if I am wrong.

A book “Steve Jobes” is a biography of famous people.

“The silent patient” is a fairy tale.

“Adventures of Tom Sawyer” is a novel.

“Lord of the rings” is a love story.


Very good. Complete my statement and  repeat all together.

“Don Quixote” is …


“O Captain! My Captain!” by Walt Whitman is …



“Becoming” by Michelle Obama is …




Very good! Answer my question please.

What is your favourite book?

Who is your favourite writer?

What books do you prefer to read?

Great! And now work in pairs and act out the dialog. You may use substitution table.


What   story       by     do you like best of all?



Best of all I like    story       …. by….






Very good! And now let’s read a text on page 63, ex.2.


Well done! Let’s check how you understood the text of the letter. Turn your page and let’s do an ex.3 on page. Read the statement and tick it as true or false.


Very good, let’s do ex.4 p. 64 in written (rewrite the full sentence). While reading translate it in oral.








Great job. And now please think of your recommendations to your friend. Tell your friend what books do you prefer. You have few minutes to think of the idea.





Last lesson we started to discuss “Books and writers”.

One by one children are matching words at the blackboard and rewriting them from blackboard to the copybooks.





True-to-life stories правдиві життєві історії

Novels – новели

Detective stories – детективи

Thrillers – трилери 

Mysteries – містична історія 

Poems – вірші

Fairy tales – казки

Fantasy – фантастика

Love stories – історії про кохання

Comics – комікси

Stories about nature – історії про   природу

Adventure stories - пригодницькі історії

Biographies of famous people – біографії - відомих людей



It is a detective story.


It is a poem.

It is a love story.


It is a fairy tale.

It is comics




P.1: Yes, you are right. “Steve Jobes” is a biography of famous people.

P.2: No, you are not right. It is a thriller.

P.3: Yes, you are right. It is a novel.

P.4: No, you are not right. It is not a love story. It is a fantasy.



P.1: “Don Quixote” is an adventure story.

Cl.: “Don Quixote” is an adventure story.

P.2: “O Captain! My Captain!” by Walt Whitman is a poem.

Cl.: “O Captain! My Captain!” by Walt Whitman is a poem.

P.3: “Becoming” by Michelle Obama is a biography of famous people.

Cl.: “Becoming” by Michelle Obama is a biography of famous people.


P1.: My favourite book is “Harry Potter”.

P2.: My favourite writer is Daniel Defoe.

P3.: I prefer to read detective books.



P.1: What story by Chehov do you like best of all?

P.2: Best of all I like “Lady with the dog” by Chehov.

P.3: What poem by Pushkin do you like best of all?

P.4: Best of all I like poem “Flower” by Pushkin.


One by one children read and translate the letter.


  1. T
  2. F
  3. F
  4. T


Children are reading and translating (orally) statements, rewriting full sentences with following answers.

  1. Adventure
  2. Science fiction
  3. Drama
  4. Mystery
  5. Humorous story
  6. Biography


I like to read detective stories because they keep me interested all the time. They are exciting to read. I recommend you to read the book I like the best of all. It is “Sherlock Holmes” by Arthur Conan Doyle.











































Завершення уроку:


1.Пояснення домашнього завдання.


2.Підведення підсумків












Your home task will be to write a short  review on the books you like. Use the words  and phrases we have learnt today. Next lesson you will tell us about it. Try to speak, not to read.

Thank you for your hard work at the lesson. I should say you worked well and were very active. Please give me your dairy those pupils, who have been the most active at the lesson  and got marks. See you soon! Have a great day!



Children are writing down homework.





Good bye, teacher! See you soon!




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