Brain Ring "Brighter Grammar"

Про матеріал
To motivate students to learn a foreign language, develop students' speaking and listening skills, practise role-play, to boaden students' outlook, extend students' knowledge about the UK and other English-speaking countries.
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Вчитель: Іванченко Т.Б.

Brain Ring

“Brighter Grammar”


  • to motivate students to learn a foreign language;
  • to develop students’ speaking and listening skills;
  • to practise role-playing;
  • to teach students to work in groups, teams  and to feel responsibility for doing their work well;
  • to promote students’ creativity;
  • to extend students’ knowledge about the UK, other English-speaking countries, their poetry, folk and popular songs;
  • to develop students socio-linguistic competence;
  • to broaden students’ outlook;
  • to teach students to enjoy the communication in English.


І. Introduction.

Frecken Bock: Cuckoo, cuckoo! Cuckoo, my little baby! Oh, I see you! (She draws a boot from under the desk) Oh, no! It’s only a shoe. But where is the boy? I’ll find you in no doubt. Cuckoo, cuckoo, my little boy! (Йде задом, зіштовхується з Кузею)

Home Spirit: Oh, what a crazy old lady?!! What are you doing here?

Fr.B.: Who is the old lady?!!! I’m just 18. I’m Frecken Bock, the nurse of the baby and the great friend of Carlson. I bring up the naughty children. Who are you?

H.Sr.: I’m Kuzia, the house spirit. I protect the children from bad marks and angry people like you. I teach the pupils to be kind and friendly.

Fr. B.: A teacher mustn’t be kind. We must be strict and angry and our students will study perfectly well.

H. Sp.: You are mistaken. It doesn’t really help them to be good students. The teachers here are kind and intelligent and our pupils have really good knowledge and marks.

Fr. B.: Kuzia, you are a liar. The students at specialized school 197 can’t be well-

educated because you and the teachers are not angry.

H.Sp.: Let’s test the children and held the tournament “Brighter Grammar”

Fr.B.: I’m not against it. I’m ready to help you.

H.Sp.: Any competition needs a jury. We’ll introduce you the members of our fare jury.

- the teacher of English…

- the head of the department of after class activities…


II.   Competitions

Competition 1 “Make Acquaintance”

(конкурси проводить учитель)

Teacher: It’s time to make acquaintance with the teams. Meet the teams of the students of the 7th form. They are bright, talented, creative and hardworking. Introduce yourselves, dear participants. (команди представляють себе: назва, девіз, капітан команди)



Competition 2 “Make new words”

Teacher: The captains of the teams, come here, please. Each team gets a card with a word “entertainment/advertisement”. You should make as many new words as possible. Your time is limited – 3 minutes. One, two, three…start! (грає музика або проводиться конкурс з глядачами)

The spectator can take part in the competition, too. You have to answer the questions. If you give the right answer you will get one point for your team.

… Your time is over. Put the pens on the desk. (the teams give the answers)

Teacher: Dear jury, can you give the points to the teams for the first two competitions?



Competition 3 “Play a mime”

Teacher: One representative from the team gets a sentence. Then he plays a mime and the team should guess the meaning of the sentence. Frecken Bock and Home Spirit, let’s give the students an example. (they play a mime with the sentence “I’m calling to my boyfriend)

The given sentences

Team 1

  1. A baby is crying.
  2. The granny is digging the field.
  3. I’m riding a bike.

Team 2

  1. A bird is singing
  2. The grandpa is drinking juice.  
  3. I’m riding a horse.





Competition 4 “Name the Picture”

Teacher: You’ll see a presentation of pictures. You have to name them. One picture – one point. You time is limited. You have 30 c.

(the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, London Eye, a Flag of the UK, the Thames, the Tower Bridge, Westminster Abbey, the British Royal Family)


Competition 5 “Make a Slogan”

Teacher: You’ll get card with proverbs. You are given three variants of answers.

Find the logical ending of some English proverbs. You should do it as quickly as possible.

  1. Don’t look a gift horse
  1. In the eyes
  2. In the mouth
  3. In the ears
  1. False friends are worse than
  1. No friend at all
  2. True friends
  3. Open enemies
  1. A good beginning makes
  1. A nice journey
  2. A good story
  3. A good ending
  1. All is well that
  1. Is done well
  2. Is achieved through hard work
  3. Ends well
  1. Actions speak louder than
  1. Speakers
  2. A radio
  3. Words
  1. Everything is good
  1. In the morning
  2. In the season
  3. In the childhood
  1. It’s never too late
  1. To fall in love
  2. To learn
  3. To watch TV
  1. a) a tomato

b) an apple

c) a sandwich

…a day keeps the doctor away.


Competition 6 “Riddles”

Teacher: Our next competition is “Riddles”. Listen to the riddles. Guess what it is.

Raise the hand if you know the answer. The right answer gets one point.

  1. What goes without moving from its place? (clock)
  2. We are four brothers living under one roof. Do you know us? (the legs of the table)
  3. Two brothers live across a path, but never see each other. (eyes)
  4. I have cities but no houses; forests but no trees; rivers without water. What am I? (map)
  5. A man weighs 60 kilograms plus one-third of his weight. How much does he weigh?


Competition 7 “Home task. Drama”

Teacher: I announce the last competition of our tournament. Your task was to prepare a short play. Now you have to perform it. (команди по черзі виступають)


Competition 8 “Follow the song”

Teacher: You’ll hear the song “Yesterday”. Do you know it? You’ll get the cards with the words of this song but there are some gaps which you have to complete while listening the song. The team which has more right answers will get more points.



Teacher: So, Frecken Bock, now you can see what intelligent students study at Dmytro Lutsenko school.

Dear students! The game is over! Let’s applaud to the teams for their brilliant answers. And our jury will say who the winner is.














Додаток №1

Questions to the spectators.

  1. What two teams compete in the Boat Race which takes place in London every year? (Oxford and Cambridge)
  2. Guess the word. A path at the side of a road for people to walk on. (pavement)
  3. Guess the word. A specially marked place for people to walk across the road. (pedestrian crossing)
  4. Guess the word. A picture, a number of words that gives information about a product, a job, an event. (advertisement)
  5. What is the capital of Wales? (Cardiff)
  6. What is the capital of Scotland? (Edinburgh)
  7. What is the capital of Northern Ireland? (Belfast) 
  8. What is the highest mountain in Great Britain? (Ben Nevis)
  9.  What is the second-highest mountain in Great Britain? (Snowdon)
  10.                      Guess the word. A play or a film that includes singing and dancing. (musical)
  11.                      Guess the word. A film about the life in the 19th century in the American West, especially the lives of cowboys. (western)
  12.                      What kind of films is a film about James Bond? (action)
  13.                      At what age do people legally become adults in Great Britain? (18)
  14.                      What do children receive at Easter in Great Britain? (chocolate eggs)
  15.                      What country gave the Statue of Liberty to the USA? (France in 1886)
  16.                      Where does the Queen stay when she visits Scotland? (Balmoral Castle)
  17.                      What is the most famous attraction in Scotland? (Lock Ness)
  18.                      What is the Scottish word for New Year’s Eve? (Hogmanay)
  19.                      Who founded Microsoft? (Bill Gates)














Додаток №2

Make a slogan

1) Don’t look a gift horse … .

a) in the eyes

b) in the mouth

c) in the ears

2) False friends are worse than … .


a) no friend at all

b) true friends

c) open enemies

3) A good beginning makes … .


a) a nice journey

b) a good story

c) a good ending

4) All is well that … .


a) is done well

b) is achieved through hard work

c) ends well

5) Actions speak louder than … .


a) speakers

b) a radio

c) words

6) Everything is good… .


a) in the morning

b) in the season

c) in the childhood

7) It’s never too late … .


a) to fall in love

b) to learn

c) to watch TV

  1.  … day keeps the doctor away.

a)  a tomato

b)  an apple

c)  a sandwich





Додатки з картинками №3


  1. The Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower Skip the Line Ticket Summit Priority Access with Host 2022 -  Paris


  1. The Buckingham Palace

Visit Buckingham Palace





  1. The Big Ben

Big Ben Clock Tower | Плакати, картини, шпалери | Europosters


  1. The flag of the UK

1,023 British Flag Waving Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images -  iStock

  1. The London Eye

Alle Infos zum London Eye: Preise, Fahrt + Ablauf (Update 2022)


  1. The Thames

How did the Thames become one of the world's cleanest city rivers? | The  Independent


  1. The Tower of Bridge

Tower Bridge | Description, History, & Facts | Britannica


  1. The Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey - Historic Site & House -




  1. The Royal Family

The Royal Family, England, U.K.

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Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 7 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
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