Збірник завдань для учнів 4-7 класів "Reading and Listening Trainer"

Про матеріал

Автор пропонує завдання для визначення рівня сформованості компетенції в читанні та аудіюванні з огляду на те, що зміст завдань відповідає сферам і тематиці ситуативного спілкування, зазначеним у шкільній навчальній програмі. У збірнику представлено матеріал з текстами та різноманітними завданнями для контролю читання й аудіювання для учнів 4-7 класів.

Перегляд файлу

Управління освіти

виконавчого комітету Ковельської міської ради

Міський методичний кабінет

Ковельська міська гімназія



Номінація: англійська мова






для контроля читання та аудіювання

для учнів 4-7 класів





Ковель – 2017


  1. Гарбуз Вікторія Ростиславівна
  2. Учитель англійської та німецької мов
  3. Стаж роботи: 21 рік
  4. Вища кваліфікаційна категорія, старший учитель



Матеріали, запропоновані на розгляд, чітко структуровані: у вступі автор вказує на головну мету навчання іноземної мови в загальноосвітніх навчальних закладах, необхідності проведення контролю читання та аудіювання як видів мовленнєвої діяльності. Автор пропонує завдання для визначення рівня сформованості компетенції в читанні та аудіюванні з огляду на те, що зміст завдань відповідає сферам і тематиці ситуативного спілкування, зазначеним у шкільній навчальній програмі. В основній частині представлено матеріал з текстами та різноманітними завданнями для контролю читання й аудіювання.

Запропонований матеріал є цікавим і цінним у роботі вчителів англійської мови, які працюють у 4-7 класах, а також практичним для використання при підготовці учнів до учнівської олімпіади з англійської мови.

Рецензенти: учитель-методист англійської мови                              О.І.Вальчук

завідувач міським методичним кабінетом                   С.С.Верчук



У збірнику запропоновано матеріали для проведення семестрових видів контролю з таких видів мовленнєвої діяльності, як читання та аудіювання. Розроблено цікаві та різноманітні форми завдань.

Для вчителів англійської мови, які викладають у 4-7 класах.


Матеріали схвалено на засіданні науково-методичної ради Ковельської міської гімназії.

                                  Протокол № ____ від _________ 2017 р.

      Голова  методичної  ради  гімназії                                 О.І.Вальчук


Матеріали схвалено методичною радою міського методичного кабінету.

Протокол № _____ від __________ 2017 р.

Голова методичної ради ММК                       С.С.Верчук




Listening Comprehension Test for 4th Form Students …………………5

Listening Comprehension Test for 5th Form Students …………..……10

Listening Comprehension Test for 6th Form Students ………..............15

Reading Comprehension Test for 4th Form Students …………………21

Reading Comprehension Test for 5th Form Students …………………27

Reading Comprehension Test for 6th Form Students …………………33

Reading Comprehension Test for 7th Form Students …………………40















Зміст і формат завдань для контролю читання та аудіювання для учнів 4-7 класів враховує головну мету навчання іноземної мови в загальноосвітніх навчальних закладах - формування в учнів комунікативної компетенції, базою для якої слугують комунікативні вміння, сформовані на основі мовних знань і навичок.

Об’єктами контролю визначаються читання та аудіювання як види мовленнєвої діяльності.

Зміст завдань відповідає сферам і тематиці ситуативного спілкування, зазначеним у шкільній навчальній програмі.

Завдання для визначення рівня сформованості компетенції в читанні орієнтується на різні його стратегії: з розумінням основної інформації (ознайомлювальне читання) та повної інформації (вивчальне читання). Джерелами для добору текстів слугують уривки з художніх творів, зміст яких узгоджується з навчальною програмою.

Завдання для контролю читання мають на меті перевірити рівень сформованості в учнів умінь і навичок читання, розуміння прочитаного тексту, уміння узагальнювати зміст прочитаного, виокремлювати ключові слова та визначати значення незнайомих слів за контекстом або словотворчими елементами.

Форми завдань: вибір однієї правильної відповіді з трьох/чотирьох запропонованих; встановлення відповідності та заповнення пропусків.

Контроль аудіювання має на меті визначити рівень сформованості в учнів навичок та вмінь розуміння усного мовлення. Рівень складності вибраного матеріалу відповідає програмовому рівню досягнень учня відповідного класу. Текст звучить у пред’явленні вчителя двічі. Темп мовлення середній.

Форми завдань: вибір однієї правильної відповіді з трьох/чотирьох запропонованих та встановлення справедливості тверджень.


Listening Comprehension Test

For 4th form students

Text 1. Mark And His Friends

Hi, my name is Mark and I’m from London, England. London's great! It's got a fantastic zoo and lots of amazing museums and parks. You can do lots of things here. I usually go to a football match on Saturday afternoons. My friend Rob plays for the school football team. He's brilliant!

My friends and I sometimes go to the ice rink or the cinema and every Wednesday we go to an indoor swimming pool. Rob doesn't like swimming under water and I don't like diving.

We’ve got a new girl in our class. Her name is Kim. She's from London but her mother is from Scotland and her father is from Wales. A lot of Londoners have got parents from other parts of Great Britain and from other countries. Rob's dad is Italian and Rob often visits his grandparents in Italy. Lucky him!

My neighbour Jenny doesn't go to our school now. She's in Australia! Her dad's got a new job in Melbourne. She doesn't write letters to us - she sends emails or makes video calls!


While-listening task #1

Directions: in this part of the section you will listen to the text. While the first  listening look at the statements 1-6, decide, which of them are true (T) and which are false (F) according to the text you have heard.

Task #1. Mark the following sentences as TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).

1. There is a wonderful zoo in London.

2. Mark usually goes to a football match on Sunday afternoons.

3. Mark and his friend always go to the ice rink or the cinema.

4. Jenny is a new girl in Mark's class.

5. A new girl is a Londoner.

6. Jenny is in Austria.   


While-listening task #2

Directions: in this part of the section you will listen to the text for the second time. While listening look at the sentences 1-8, decide, which of the given answers (a, b, or c) best corresponds to what was stated or implied in the text you have heard and mark your answer by encircling the letter of your choice.

 Task #2. For sentences (1—8) choose and circle the correct answer (a, b or c ).

1. Mark lives in ….

a) England           b) Wales            c) Scotland

2. Rob is a … football player.

a) weak         b) good            c) bad

3. Mark and his friend go to an indoor swimming pool …

a) at the weekend               b) every  Wednesday              c) every Thursday

4. Mark doesn’t like ….

a) playing football                  b) swimming                        c) diving

5. …….. Londoners have got parents from other parts of Great Britain.

a) few                 b) not many                c) many

6. Rob often visits his grandparents in….

a) Italy                        b) Great Britain                     c) Australia

7. Jenny doesn't go to …. now.

a) swimming pool                      b) school               c) ice rink

8. Jenny’s dad has got a new job in …..

a) Australia                      b) Great Britain                c) Italy


Text 2. Our School Year

 We start school at the beginning of September. It's autumn but it's sometimes very sunny. At the end of autumn it's usually cold and windy. It's sometimes stormy and it's often cloudy and rainy, too. There's a special day in autumn – November 5th – Guy Fawkes' Day. On this day we make a Guy – a man – from newspapers and clothes. Then we burn him on a bonfire and watch fireworks.

 Winter is a good season! I play football for the school team. There's a match every Saturday and our team usually wins. It's always cold in winter and it's sometimes snowy, too. We can't play football then.

I like spring. It's sometimes rainy but it's usually sunny – and we have a good time at school! We always go on school trips in spring. We visit interesting places – castles and take sandwiches for lunch.

Summer is my favourite season. It's usually sunny and hot. We always have Sports Day in June. Vicki's a great runner and she usually wins the class race. The school year ends in the middle of July and then summer holidays start!


While-listening task #1

Directions: in this part of the section you will listen to the text. While the first  listening look at the statements 1-10, decide, which of them are true (T) and which are false (F) according to the text you have heard.

Task #1. Mark the following sentences as TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).

1. It’s often sunny in autumn.

2. The wind blows and it rains at the end of autumn.

3. They celebrate Guy Fawkes' Day in the middle of autumn.

4. On this day they make dolls.

5. Rob likes winter.

6. Rob plays football in winter.

7. It always snows in winter.

8. It's usually sunny but it often rains in spring.

9. Spring is a great season for schoolchildren.

10. Robby has Sports Day in the middle of summer.


While-listening task #2

Directions: in this part of the section you will listen to the text for the second time. While listening look at the sentences 1-10, decide, which of the given answers (a, b, or c) best corresponds to what was stated or implied in the text you have heard and mark your answer by encircling the letter of your choice.

 Task #2. For sentences (1—10) choose and circle the correct answer (a, b or c ).

1. Guy Fawkes' Day is a __________ day in autumn.

a) specific                 b) sunny                 c) special

2. They can _________ fireworks on Guy Fawkes' Day.

a) make            b) set off                  c) see

3. Rob’s football team ___________ wins.

a) seldom                   b) usually               c) always

4. There's a football match _________ Saturday.

a) on                 b) next                     c) this

5. They can go on excursions to ____________.

a) schools                 b) towns                c) castles

6. They take sandwiches ____________.

a) on trips           b) to school                  c) to football matches

7. Rob likes __________ most of all.

a) winter                 b) spring                  c) summer

8. Vicki usually wins the ____________.

a) competition               b) match               c) trip

9. Vick can __________ very well.

a) swim                      b) run                   c) play football

10. Summer holidays begin __________ of summer at Rob’s school.

a) in the middle             b) at the end                 c) at the beginning

Listening Comprehension Test

For 5th form students

Text 1. A Happy Man

Many years ago there lived a king. He was very rich and he had everything he wanted. His country was strong and famous, but the king was not happy. So one day he went to a wise old man and asked him how to become happy. The wise man listened to him and then said, “There is very little happiness in this world, but I know the way to find it.”

“Show me the way to find it, then,” said the king.

“It’s very easy,” answered the old man. “You have only to put on the shirt of a happy man.”

The king thanked the old man and began to look for a happy man. He visited most of the capitals of the world. He met kings, barons and other aristocrats, but they were not happy.

At last he came back to his own country. One day, he saw a poor farmer working in a field. He was singing and there was a happy look on his face. The king went up to the farmer and said, “My good man, are you happy?” “Very happy,” answered the farmer. “Well, then,” said the king, “sell me your shirt.”

“My shirt?” said the farmer in surprise. “I haven’t got a shirt. I hope to buy a shirt soon, but I am happy.”


While-listening task #1

Directions: in this part of the section you will listen to the text. While the first  listening look at the statements 1-8, decide, which of them are true (T) and which are false (F) according to the text you have heard.

Task #1. Mark the following sentences as TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).

1. Many years ago there lived a queen.

2. The country was powerful and famous.

3. The king was strong.

4. The king went to an old wise woman.

5. “It’s not very easy to become happy,” said the old man.

6. One day he saw a poor farmer.

7. The farmer was working in a field.

8. “I have a very beautiful shirt,” said the farmer.


While-listening task #2

Directions: in this part of the section you will listen to the text for the second time. While listening look at the sentences 1-8, decide, which of the given answers (a, b, or c) best corresponds to what was stated or implied in the text you have heard and mark your answer by encircling the letter of your choice.

 Task #2. For sentences (1—8) choose and circle the correct answer (a, b or c ).

1. There lived …

a) a queen       b) a king       c) an old man

2. The king asked a wise old man how….

a) to become powerful     b) to become strong   c) to become happy

3. The wise man listened to the king and then said, “There is …. happiness in this world”.

a) very little          b) a lot of        c) more  

4. The king had to put on … of a happy man.

a) the skirt       b) the T-shirt       c) the shirt

5. The king visited many … of the world.

a) villages       b) towns       c) capitals

6. The king met a lot of …

a) poor people       b) rich people         c) unhappy people

7. At last the king …  his own country.

a) returned  to     b) visited       c) left

8. The king said to the poor man “…..”

a) give me your shirt         b) send me your shirt         c)  sell me your shirt


Text 2. Take Me Back To Prison

There was a king who thought that he could paint very well. His pictures were bad. But the people to whom he showed them were afraid of the king. They all said that they liked his pictures very much.

One day the king showed his pictures to a great painter who lived in his country and said: “I want to know what you think of my pictures. Do you like them? Am I a good painter or not?”

The painter looked at the king’s pictures and said: “My king, I think that your pictures are bad and that you will never be a good painter”.

The king got very angry and sent the painter to prison. After two years the king wanted to see the painter again. “I was very angry with you,” he said, “because you didn’t like my pictures. Now I forget all about it. You are a free man again, I’m your friend”. For many hours the king talked with the painter, and even asked him to dine. After the dinner the king showed his pictures to the painter and asked: “Well, how do you like them now?”

The painter did not answer anything. He turned to the soldier who was standing near him and said: “Take me back to prison.”


While-listening task #1

Directions: in this part of the section you will listen to the text. While the first  listening look at the statements 1-10, decide, which of them are true (T) and which are false (F) according to the text you have heard.

Task #1. Mark the following sentences as TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).

1. The king was a great painter.

2. The people loved their king.

3. The painter said to the king true.

4. The king wasn’t angry.

5. The king was sent to prison.

6. Few years later the painter wanted to see the king.

7. The king was painter’s friend.

8. The king wanted to show his picture again.

9. The painter answered nothing.

10. The painter changed his opinion.


While-listening task #2

Directions: in this part of the section you will listen to the text for the second time. While listening look at the sentences 1-8, decide, which of the given answers (a, b, or c) best corresponds to what was stated or implied in the text you have heard and mark your answer by encircling the letter of your choice.

 Task #2. For sentences (1—8) choose and circle the correct answer (a, b or c ).

1. The king ___________ very well.

a) could paint                 b) painted              c) couldn’t paint 

2. People said that they ___________ king’s pictures.

a) didn’t like              b) loved                c) hated

3. The painter lived in ___________ country.

a) the same                   b) another              c) the other

4. The painter said: “My king, I think that you ___________ a good painter”.

a) are                   b) will be                  c) won’t be

5. After ___________ years the king wanted to see the painter again.

a) a few                    b) two                      c) several

6. The king asked the painter to ___________.

a) have dinner            b) paint              c) show his picture

7. For several hours the king ___________ the painter.

a) had dinner with                 b) dined with                 c) spoke with

8. In the end the painter said: “_________the prison.”

a) “Don’t take me to”                  b) I didn’t like              c) “Return me to”


Listening Comprehension Test

For 6th form students

Text 1. A Sad Story

         Three American students came for their holidays to New York. They stayed at a hotel, in a room on the 54-th floor. They spent the whole day in the city, they visited some museums, saw some films in the cinema in Broadway. Late at night they came back to the hotel. The clerk in the hall said to them: “Dear boys, I’m sorry but the lifts don’t work now. Will you wait till the lifts begin to work or will you go on foot upstairs?”

         “That’s all right,” said one of them, “we’ll go on foot. It will take us much time but we’ll have a short rest, one of us will sing a song when we come to the 15th floor. As soon as we come to the 30th floor one of us will tell a funny story. As soon as we come to the 45th floor we’ll take a long rest and one of us will tell a long sad story.” So they started.

         On the 15th floor John sang a funny song and the young men gaily continued their way.

         On the 30th floor Tom told his friends a funny story, they laughed and continued their way.

         On the 45th floor the young men were tired, they wanted to take a long rest. All of them looked at Jack, it was his turn to tell his long sad story.

         “Well, boys,” said he, “my story won’t be long, but it will be really sad. The key to our room is downstairs in the hall. When we came to the hotel we forgot to take it.”


While-listening task #1

Directions: in this part of the section you will listen to the text. While the first  listening look at the statements 1-8, decide, which of them are true (T) and which are false (F) according to the text you have heard.

Task #1. Mark the following sentences as TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).

1. Three American students came for their vocations to New York.

2. They stayed at a hotel, in a room on the 45-th floor.

3. They spent three days in the city, they visited some museums, saw some films in the cinema in Broadway.

4. The clerk in the hall said to them: “Dear girls, I’m sorry but the lifts don’t work now.

5. Will you wait till the lifts begin to work or will you go on foot downstairs?”

6. On the 15th floor John sang a funny song and the young men went on going.

7. On the 54th floor the young men were tired, they wanted to take a long rest.

8. It was Jack’s turn to tell his long unhappy story.

While-listening task #2

Directions: in this part of the section you will listen to the text for the second time. While listening look at the sentences 1-8, decide, which of the given answers (a, b, or c) best corresponds to what was stated or implied in the text you have heard and mark your answer by encircling the letter of your choice.

 Task #2. For sentences (1—8) choose and circle the correct answer (a, b or c ).

1. Late at night students returned to …

a) the room              b) Broadway            c) the hotel

2. The clerk in the hall …

a) apologized      b) was happy to see students    c) went upstairs with students

3. The students decided to go upstairs …

a) with the clerk              b) by the lift                c) on foot

4. John sang a funny song and the young men … continued their way.

a) unhappily             b) sadly                   c) joyfully

5. Tom told his friends a(n) … story, they laughed and continued their way.

a) amusing               b) sad            c) interesting

6. On the 45th floor students decided …

a) to tell a funny story           b) to relax        c) to sing a funny song

7. Jack said, “My story will be …”

a) sad                     b) long                c) funny

8. Jack said, “The key to our room is…”.

a) on the ground floor        b) on the first floor         c) in the room


Text 2. Children’s Favourite TV Programmes

A lot of young people around the world watch television. But are they watching the same programmes?

Paula is Canadian. She watches TV for about 3 hours a day. Satellite TV has really cool quiz shows and it shows the funniest comedy programmes. Satellite TV is better than cable TV. She also thinks the internet is fun. She sends emails to her friends about their favourite soaps.

Mamadou lives in Mali. A few years ago television in his African country was terrible, but now it’s better. They have two channels. The first channel shows news and documentaries. Mamadou thinks the second channel is more interesting - there are sports programmes and old films. He watches sports programmes for about five hours a week, but he prefers playing football with his friends. He doesn’t like sitting at home too much.

Keiko is Japanese. Last year she could watch TV a lot, but now she goes to a secondary school and she has a lot of homework. She also plays basketball in the school team. She thinks that the best programmes for young people are Manga cartoons. In fact, most Manga fans are older than her, because there are Manga cartoons for all ages. They are fantastic! She can watch TV when her homework is ready.

Yolanda lives in Spain. She watches TV for two hours a day. When she gets home, she does her homework, then she plays computer games or watches TV. She thinks soaps are great. She never watches reality shows like Big Brother - they are the most boring programmes. They often talk about their favourite TV programmes at school.

While-listening task #1

Directions: in this part of the section you will listen to the text. While the first  listening look at the statements 1-15, decide, which of them are true (T) and which are false (F) according to the text you have heard.

Task #1. Mark the following sentences as TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).

1. Satellite TV in Canada often shows boring quiz shows and comedy programmes.

2. Paula never sends emails to her friends.

3. Mamadou is from Africa.

4. In Mamadou’s country television is terrible now.

5. Mamadou likes watching sports programmes.

6. Mamadou prefers sitting at home.

7. Keiko is a Japanese boy.

8. Keiko has little homework at school.

9. Keiko is a member of a basketball team.

10. Keiko hates watching Manga cartoons.

11. Keiko watches TV and does homework at the same time.

12. When Yolanda is back from school, she plays computer games.

13. Yolanda is fond of soaps.

14.  Yolanda doesn’t watch reality shows.

15. Yolanda discusses her favourite TV programmes with her classmates.

While-listening task #2

Directions: in this part of the section you will listen to the text for the second time. While listening look at the sentences 1-8, decide, which of the given answers (a, b, c or d) best corresponds to what was stated or implied in the text you have heard and mark your answer by encircling the letter of your choice.

 Task #2. For sentences (1—8) choose and circle the correct answer (a, b or c ).

1. Paula sends emails to her friends about their favourite _________.

a) soups          b) quiz shows            c) comedy programmes           d) soaps

2.  In Mamadou’s country television was ____________.

a) better          b) horrible          c) OK           d) cool

3. Mamadou finds __________ channel more interesting.

a) the first         b) the third           c) the sixth          d) the second

4. The first channel shows ___________.

a) documentaries       b) sports programmes        c) news               d) documentaries and news

5. Keiko doesn’t often watch TV this year because Keiko __________.             

a) hates cartoons              b) started going to a high school

c) has a lot of homework to do               d) plays sports at school

6.   __________ does homework before watching TV.

a) Paula         b) Mamadou          c) Keiko   d) Yolanta

7. Yolanda doesn’t watch Big Brother because this programme is _________.

a) not interesting          b) not boring         c) cool          d) long


Reading Comprehension Test

For 4th form students

Directions: Read the texts. Look at the statements below the texts, decide, which of them are true (T) and which are false (F) according to the text you have read.

Text 1. Market Day By Jenny

We  live very near Portobello Market . My mum and I walk to the market every week. My aunt Vicki lives near Portobello Market, too . She meets us at  the market. First we go to the clothes stalls. Our favourite stall sells great jeans and T-shirts. Then we go to the fruit and vegetable stalls. My mum buys fresh fruit and vegetables every Saturday.

At twelve o'clock we go to the hot dog stall. We buy hot dogs with German sausages. There is a juggler near this stall every week. He does new tricks every Saturday! The tourists watch him and take photos. We watch him too and we eat our hot dogs. Then we carry our bags and we go home.

I love Saturday mornings!


Task. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

1. Jenny lives close to Portobello Market.

2. Jenny and her mum go on foot to the market.

3. Jenny's mum never buys fruit and vegetables at the market.

4. Jenny sells jeans at her favourite stall.

5. At twelve o'clock they go home.

6. Every Saturday Vicki, Jenny and her mum watch a juggler.


Text 2. Spoiled Sunday

Wendy is going to have a picnic. She writes a card to her friends. “Dear Jill and Sam. Please come to my house at 9 o’clock on Sunday. Take your swimming things. Best wishes, Wendy.”

The children are happy. Jill is going to wear her new shorts and a T-shirt. She is going to take her camera. Sam is going to take his diving things. He likes diving and watching fish.

It’s Sunday. Wendy’s father is going to take the children in his boat. He has got a map. He says, “First we are going to go along the river, under the bridges and past the fish market. Then we are going to go round the castle. You can take photos. Next we are going to go onto the beach and have a picnic.”

They all go into the boat but suddenly it starts raining. Oh, no! What a pity!

Task. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

1. Sam writes a card to his friends.

2. Jill is going to take pictures.

3. Sam is going to dive.

4.  It’s the day off.

5. They are going to sail.

6.  There are no bridges and a fish market.

7. They are going to have a picnic in the castle.

8. The weather is lovely.


Directions: Read the texts. Look at the sentences below the texts, choose the best answer from three possible answers (a, b or c).

Text 3. Problems In Norland

King:     Look, Marisa! Rik, the prince of Bosland is here!

Queen:   Welcome, Rik.

Rik:    You're very sad. What's wrong? Is there a problem in this beautiful country?

Queen:   Yes, there is. We've got terrible problems in Norland. There's no rain and the water in the lake is dirty.

King:     There's a monster in the lake. It's Talos. There's no water for our people and their animals.

Rik:        Are there other lakes in Norland?

King:      Yes, there are. But they're small and they're dry.

Rik:         Is there water in the rivers?

King:       No, there isn't. The rivers are dry too.

Queen:    Ah! Here's Mago, our magician Mago, there's no water for our people. Is there an  answer to this problem?

Mago:     Yes, there is. Let's go to my room.

Task. For sentences (1—8) choose and circle the best answer (a, b or c).

1. Rik is the prince of …... 

a) Norland           b) Talos             c) Bosland   

2.  Norland is a ….. country.

a) terrible                 b) nice             c) bad   

3. There's no …. in Norland.

a) monster                   b) king           c) rain

4. Talos is the name of the………..

a) monster                     b) lake                   c) country

5. There are ………  lakes in Norland.

a) some                   b) no                c) not any

6. Lakes in Norland are…………

a) big              b) huge             c) little

7. There is ………. water in the rivers.

a) some                 b) little            c) no

8. Mago is a ……….

a) musician              b) magician              c) monster


Text 4. New Year’s Night

The New Year is here. Mum, Dad, Grandma and my aunt are sitting at the table. They are eating meat, potatoes, carrots and peas. I and my cousins don’t want any vegetables or meat. We are at the New Year tree in the living room and we want to open our presents. There are lots of nice boxes. What’s inside?

Look! There is a pretty little bird. It is singing loudly. And in the big box? Oh, it’s a funny panda! I love pandas. They live in China. Let’s open that small red box. There are lovely earrings. They are not ours. It’s a present for Mum. We like the presents.

Look! It’s snowing behind the window. There are some people outside. They are happy. They are playing snowballs. Let’s go and make a snowman.


Task. For sentences (1—8) choose and circle the best answer (a, b or c).

1. The family is __________.

a) in the shop             b) at home             c) outside

2. The children are _________ the New Year tree.

a) next to             b) in front of                c) near

3. _________ don’t want any vegetables or meat.

a) children                      b) Mum, Dad, Grandma             c) cousins

4. There are a lot of lovely boxes with ___________.

a) toys         b) a bird and a panda                c) presents

5. A present with jewelry is for ___________.

a) aunt                   b) mother                      c) Grandma

6. There are _______ people out of doors.

a) several             b) many               c) a lot of

7. Children are going ____________.

a) to play snowballs            b) to make a snowman               c) to open presents

8. People are __________ on New Year night.

a) sad               b) funny                  c) glad


Directions: Read the text. Choose from (A—G) the one which best fits each space. There is one choice you do not need to use.

Text 5. Busy Holidays

The holiday is _________. Andy’s family is at home. Mother is cooking a ________ dinner. A big cake is on the table. Andy is washing the dishes. Sue is writing holiday _________ for her aunt and uncles. Mrs. Green is ________ flowers for the holiday table. They are red and yellow and they are very ________. Mr. Green is watching TV. He likes Mr. Macaroni’s singing. Father is in the shop. He wants some sweets and fruit. They are happy but they are all _______.

A carrying                        B beautiful                       C busy                     D cake              E coming                   F postcards                      G holiday







Reading Comprehension Test

For 5th form students


Directions: Read the texts. Look at the statements below the texts, decide, which of them are true (T) and which are false (F) according to the text you have read.

Text 1. Why Was The Mother Out

Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown worked in the same office. One day Mr. Jones said to Mr. Brown, “We are going to have a small party at our house next Wednesday evening. Will you and your wife come?”

Mr. Brown said, “Thank you very much. That is very kind of you. We are free that evening, I think, but I will telephone my wife and ask her. Perhaps she wants to go somewhere that evening.” So Mr. Brown went to another room and telephoned. When he came back, he looked very surprised.

“What is the matter?” said Mr. Jones. “Did you speak to your wife?”

“No,” answered Mr. Brown. “She wasn’t there. My small son answered the telephone. I said to him, “Is your mother there, David?” and he answered, “No, she is not in the house”. “Where is she then?” I asked. “She is somewhere outside”. “What is she doing?” “She is looking for me.”


Task. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

1. Mr. Brown worked at the plant.

2. Mr. Jones was going to have a party on Wednesday.

3. The party was going to be in the evening.

4. Mr. Jones was going to have a party at the restaurant.

5. Mr. Jones invited Mr. Brown with his children.

6. Mr. Brown wanted to send a letter to his wife.

7. Mr. Brown telephoned to his wife.

8. Mr. Brown spoke to his wife.

9. His small daughter answered the telephone.

10. She was looking for her husband.



Text 2.  The Old Indian Is Quite Modern

One day a small group of tourists came to a part of America where they could see neither villages nor people for many days. At last they met an old Indian. He knew everything about the forest, the animals living in it, the weather and many other things. He could speak English.

“Can you tell us what the weather will be like during the next few days?” one of the tourists asked him.

“Oh, yes,” he said. “Rain is coming. Then there will be snow for a day or two, but then the sun will come again and the weather will be fine. It will be very warm.”

“These old Indians didn’t go to school but they know more than we do,” said the man to his friends. Then he turned to the old Indian.

“Tell me,” he said, “how do you know all that?” The Indian answered, “I heard it on the radio.”

Task. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

1. A big delegation came to America.

2. They saw many people in the villages.

3. They met an old Indian man.

4. The Indian could speak American.

5. There will be snow for a month.

6. The Indian heard the forecast on the radio.


Directions: Read the texts. Look at the sentences below the texts, choose the best answer from possible answers.

Text 3. A Clever Parrot

Once there lived a man who had a parrot. The man tried to teach the parrot to speak. But the parrot could learn only the phrase, “There is no doubt about it”. The parrot always said these words and always gave the same answer. “There is no doubt about it”.

At last the man decided to sell the parrot. He went to the street and began to cry, “Twenty dollars for a very clever parrot!”

One woman heard this. She came up to the parrot and asked, “ Are you worth twenty dollars?” The parrot answered, “There is no doubt about it”. “What a clever parrot”, she said and bought the bird.

After some days the woman couldn’t listen to the parrot any more. She said, “What a fool I was to buy this parrot and throw away so much money. Twenty dollars!”

Then the parrot cried, “There is no doubt about it”. This time the parrot was right.

Task. For sentences (1—5) choose and circle the best answer (a, b or c).

1. The parrot learned a lot of words.

a) true                  b) false               c) not stated

2. The man liked his clever bird so much that he decided not to sell it.

a) true                  b) false                c) not stated

3. The woman thought that the parrot was very clever.

a) true                  b) false                 c) not stated

4. The parrot said the same words.

a) true                   b) false                c) not stated

5. The woman sold the parrot.

a) true                   b) false                 c) not stated


Text 4. Pen Pals

A pen pal is often used to practice reading and writing in a foreign language, to learn more about other countries and lifestyles. As with any friendships in life, some people remain pen pals for only a short time, while others continue to exchange letters and presents lifelong. Some pen pals can meet face to face. Some pen pals even get married. Pen pals come in all ages, nationalities and cultures. Pals may find new pen friends based on age group, a specific occupation, hobby, or select someone totally different from them to get knowledge about the world around them. Many people writing to a pen pal do not use their native language in their letters.

Task. For sentences (1—4) choose and circle the correct answer (a, b, c or d).

1. Who is a pen pal?

a) a friend who you write letters            b) a teacher who you write letters

c) your friend                                         d) your neighbour

2. What does pen pal friendship help to do?

a) to practice in a foreign language           b) to correct mistakes

c) to learn school subjects                         d) to practice in speaking

3. What do pen pals do?

a) often visit each other               b) May be friends for long or for short time.

c) They are friends only for a week or two.   d) never see each other

4. Who can be pen friends?

a) children       b) adults     c) people of all ages         d) people of the same culture

Directions: Read the texts. Choose from (A—G) the one which best fits each space. There is one choice you do not need to use.


Text 5. Mark Twain And His Friend

Once Mark Twain and his friend were __________ to a dinner-party. When it was time to make _________, Mark Twain was asked to say a few _______. He spoke for over a quarter of an hour and his speech was a ________ success. Then it was his friends turn to say something. He stood up and said, “Ladies and gentlemen, before this dinner Mark Twain and I agreed to exchange speeches. He has just made my speech and I am __________ to see how warmly you have received it. I am _________ to say that I have lost the notes of his speech and cannot remember what he wanted to say.”

Then Mark Twain’s friend sat down and the people had a good laugh.

A  words              B  glad           C  speeches             D sorry           

E  invited              F say             G  great


Text 6. Tony And His Test

It was Friday and Tony had a very _________ reason for not attending school. On last Friday of every month, his Maths teacher Mr Randal takes a test for his students. If anyone did not do well in his special tests, Mr Randal would make sure the student stayed after the lessons. Last evening Tony _________ most of his time glued to his computer games. So he __________ to his mother he had some stomachache and stayed at home. Feeling very _________ with himself, Tony watched TV. At 11 o'clock he switched on his computer. After an hour, his computer games lost their excitement. At 2 o'clock he started studying. Next Monday, Tony's friends told him that on Friday Mr Randal took them to Aircraft Museum where they saw fighter aircrafts, lots of weapons and machinery. Tony felt very ___________ for himself. His ambition was to become a fighter pilot. Tony went to Mr Randal and apologized for his absence. Mr Randal forgave him. That evening, the boy surprised his mother with a __________ test score.

A lied              B sorry                 C spent              D excitement                             

E pleased               F special                    G perfect



Reading Comprehension Test

For 6th form students


Directions: Read the texts. Look at the statements below the texts, decide, which of them are true (T) and which are false (F) according to the text you have read.

Text 1. A Dishonest Man

Once upon a time there was a man who had often travelled to foreign lands, and on returning to his own country boasted very much of the many wonderful and heroic acts he had performed in different places he had visited.

Among other things, he said that when he was at Rhodes he had leaped to such a distance that no man of his day could leap anywhere near him as to that, there were many people in Rhodes who saw how he did it and whom he could call as witnesses.

However, one of the people who were standing by, interrupted him saying: «Now, my good man, if this all be true there is no need of witnesses. Suppose this to be Rhodes, and leap for us». The man felt ashamed and confused as he certainly couldn’t do that.

And the people around said: «He who does a thing well does not need to boast».


Task. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

1. The text tells about a brave and heroic person.

2. The man in the story boasted about the number of places he had visited.

3. According to the man’s words, all the people can leap well in Rhodes.

4. One of the people who were standing by, asked him to repeat his leap.

5. The man claimed there were some witnesses of his leap.

6. The man was embarrassed.


Text 2. Paris

Paris. What a fantastic city! We arrived at the railway station early on Saturday morning and we walked to our hotel. It was quite a long way but it was sunny and warm. The hotel owner was happy to see us and showed us our room. It was amazing. From our window we could see the River Seine and the famous cathedral, Notre Dame. We stayed at the hotel for one night and ordered real French food in the restaurant!

 Later on Saturday morning we decided to take a boat trip down the Seine and we passed our hotel! Then we visited an art gallery and the Musee D’Orsay, which was once a railway station. There are a lot of Monet’s paintings there. I love his work.

 On Sunday we walked in the park by the Eiffel Tower and, of course, we looked in some shops! The clothes weren’t very expensive but you can buy the same things at home, and anyway we couldn’t put any more clothes in our bags! In the afternoon we walked to the Sacre Coeur, a beautiful white church on a hill. Nearby there is a place with a lot of artists. One artist painted a picture of Army. It was lovely and it wasn’t expensive. In the evening, sadly it was time to come home. Paris was fantastic and we took some beautiful photos to remember it. Next time we want to stay for a week!


Task. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

1. The writer travelled to Paris by car.

2. The weather was good when they arrived.

3. Their hotel was near the River Seine.

4. They could see the gallery during the boat trip.

5. They bought Monet’s paintings in Paris.

6. They didn’t buy any clothes on Sunday.

7. The Sacre Coeur is a beautiful hill near the church.

8. An artist painted a picture of the writer.

9. The picture didn’t cost much.

10. The writer stayed in Paris for a week.


Directions: Read the texts. Look at the sentences below the texts, choose the best answer from possible answers.

Text 3. The Judge Nasreddin

One day, a poor man, who had only one piece of bread to eat, was walking past a restaurant. There was a large pot of soup on the table. The poor man held his bread over the soup, so the steam from the soup went into the bread and gave it a good smell. Then he ate the bread. The restaurant owner was very angry at this and he asked the man for money, in exchange for the steam from the soup. The poor man had no money, so the restaurant owner took him to Nasreddin, who was a judge at that time. Nasreddin thought about the case for a little while.

Then he took some money from his pocket. He held the coins next to the restaurant owner’s ear and shook them, so that they made a jingling noise .

«What was that?» asked the restaurant owner.

«That was payment for you», answered Nasreddin. «What do you mean? That was just the sound of coins!» protested the restaurant owner.

«The sound of the coins is payment for the smell of the soup», answered Nasreddin. «Now go back to your restaurant».


Task. For sentences (1—6) choose and circle the correct answer (a, b, c or d).

1. Who are the characters in the story?

a) Nasreddin, the poor boy and the restaurant owner.

b) Nasreddin, the poor man and the butcher.

c) Nasreddin, the poor man and the restaurant owner.

d) Nasreddin, the poor woman and the restaurant owner.

2. The restaurant owner was … .

a) very angry and greedy                b) very angry and funny

c) very angry and generous             d)  very angry and kind­hearted

3. The restaurant owner asked the man ...

a) to eat some bread      b) to pay       c) to borrow him money     d) to eat some soup

4. Nasreddin thought about the case for ...

a) a long time       b) the whole day          c)  for several hours          d) a short time

5. The   … said to the restaurant owner, «Now go back to your restaurant».

a) poor man    b) judge  c) the owner of the restaurant d) Nasreddin’s friend

6. The restaurant owner felt … in the end.

a) satisfied                b) happy                  c) glad                  d) disappointed


Text 4. An Unusual Pub

The owner of «The George» was feeling sad. He did his best to make his pub a comfortable, pleasant place. The beer was good, the food was delicious and the prices were reasonable. But his pub was never full. One day, an old man entered the place. There were no people in the pub. He asked, «Why are you so depressed?» After listening to a sad story, the man said, «Change the name of the pub». «That’s impossible!» said the owner. «It’s been called «The George» for many generations and it is very well known». «Change the name! You must call it «The Five Bells» and have six bells hanging at the front door». The owner agreed to give it a try. Things changed. All the passers-by came in to point out the mistake. Each one thought he was the first to notice it. The pub impressed them. They felt like at home and stayed for a drink or two. The things have been good since then.



Task. For sentences (1—6) choose and circle the correct answer (a, b, c or d).

1. What did the man do to make his pub a comfortable place?

a)  He invited many people.           b) He painted the door green.

c) He cooked tasty food.            d) He told interesting stories.

2. How were things going on in the pub?

a) Everything was very good.               b) The pub owner felt great.

c) The pub wasn’t very successful.       d) The owner could earn much money there.

3. The pub was called «The George» ....

a) since the times it was built        b) after an old man had visited it

c) before the man bought it           d) because that was the pub owner’s name

4. When an old man came to the pub, ....

a) there were many people there       b) the pub owner was very sad

c) something was burning in the kitchen     d) five bells were hanging on the wall

5. The old man told the pub owner ....

a) to prepare a different kind of food           b) to organize a party

c) to change the pub’s name       d) to tell his story to the customers

6. More and more customers came to the pub ....

a) to tell the owner about the mistake          b) to listen to the pub owner’s stories

c) to enjoy the food                                      d) to look at the bells


Directions: Read the texts. Choose from (A—G) the one which best fits each space. There is one choice you do not need to use.

Text 5. The Department Store Harrods

London department store Harrods is one of the world’s largest and most famous department stores. With more than a million square feet (90,000 sq m) of space, Harrods sells luxury and everyday goods across seven __________ and 330 departments.

Its motto is «All Things for All People, Everywhere» ― and the store _______15 million customers each year. This world­popular store was established in 1849 by Charles Henry Harrod. Beginning in a single room and employing two assistants and a messenger boy, it mainly sold tea and ________. Harrods steadily expanded, and by 1880 it was a thriving department store, offering everything from medicines and perfumes to clothing and food and attracted wealthy ___________.

In 1883, a fire ___________ the store. The owners fully __________ the store, with the help of architect Charles William Stephens, into what it is today. One of the world’s first escalators was presented in Harrods in 1898.

A attracts              B rebuilt              C customers              D floors

E destroyed           F departments            G groceries   


Text 6. Pancakes

   Pancakes are eaten ________ throughout the year, but in some countries special days are reserved such as Shrove Tuesdays, Easter and lots more. Pancakes are thin cakes _______ milk, flour, sugar, butter and eggs baked in a griddle or fried in a pan. At times buttermilk is used instead of milk to make the cake _______. Pancakes are served with _________  at different places. Some countries serve them with maple syrup made of sap _________ ; some serve them with jellies and others with jams. Ready mix for the pancakes is also available  ___________.

A a variety of syrups                 В all around the world                           C collected from maple trees         D fluffy and soft                                  E made of        F fried in the pan            G in the market



Reading Comprehension Test

For 7th form students


Directions: Read the texts. Look at the statements below the texts, decide, which of them are true (T) and which are false (F) according to the text you have read.

Text 1. Cornelia Funke

Sometimes regarded as the German J. K. Rowling, Cornelia Funke finished the University of Hamburg and after graduation studied book illustration at a design college. She began a career as a book illustrator and game designer, but lost interest in the work after a few years. As a young girl, Funke had been a lover of fantasy — the works of J. R. R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, and J. M. Barrie — and decided, at the age of 28, to write her own books. During the 1980s and early 1990s, she became a rather well­known author of children’s books in her native Germany, but her success came in 1997 when «Dragonrider» and later «The Thief Lord», both huge successes in Germany, were met with international attention. In fact, as soon as «The Thief Lord» reached the United States, it hit the «New York Times» bestseller list and remained there for 25 weeks.


Task. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

1. Cornelia Funke and J. K. Rowling are friends.  

2. Cornelia Funke got her education in her native country.              

3. She began a career as a storyteller.  

4. She was always interested in her work of a designer.              

5. She read the famous fantasy books at the age of 28.              

6. The author’s first success came in 1997 when her books became bestsellers in the USA.


Text 2. Carrying An Umbrella

   The umbrella was brought to England from the East in the eighteenth century. It was used in the East as a protection against the sun. In England it was used more as a protection against the rain. The English people liked the umbrella very much. Later they put up a monument to the first man who appeared in the streets of  London with an umbrella.

     Of course, you can go out without an umbrella in rainy weather if you put on a raincoat, but our story today is about an umbrella. Here it is.

      One day a man was walking in the street when he saw a little boy carrying an umbrella. “Little boy,” said the man, “why do you carry that umbrella over your head? It is not raining and the sun isn’t shining.”  “When it rains,” answered the boy, “dad wants it. I can use it only when the weather is good.”

Task. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

1. The umbrella was bought in England in the eighteenth century.

2. It was used in England as a protection from the sun.

3. The English people were fond of the umbrella.

4. You cannot go out without an umbrella in rainy weather in any case.

5. It wasn’t wet when a little boy was carrying an umbrella.

6. The boy’s brother takes the umbrella if it is rainy.


Directions: Read the texts. Look at the sentences below the texts, choose the best answer from possible answers.

Text 3. The Story About The Christmas Tree

Long, long ago, on one Christmas Eve, spiders were banished from homes while people cleaned the houses and broke their webs. They had to move to the farthest corner of the attic. Young spiders wanted to see the decorated Christmas trees and the little Christ child. The elders tried to tell the younger spiders that they were not allowed inside the rooms but the young spiders were quite curious. When the house was dark and silent and everybody was asleep, the spiders crept out of their hiding place and slowly reached the Christmas tree. They spent all night in the tree, examining its beautiful ornaments. They left pretty and delicate spider webs all over the tree. In the early hours of the morning, the little Christ child came to bless the house. He was surprised to find little spiders and their webs on the tree. The Christ child gently touched the spider webs and made them sparkling and shining in silver and golden colours. The Christmas tree looked even more beautiful than before.


Task. For sentences (1—6) choose and circle the correct answer (a, b, c or d).

1. When were spiders driven out of people’s homes?

a) at Christmas time                b) on Christmas morning

c) at the weekend                    d) on the 24th of December

2. Where did the spiders live?

a) in the bathroom                    b) under the roof

c) in the kitchen                       d) under the floor

3. Who wanted to see the decorated Christmas trees and the little Christ child?

a) the huge spiders                  b) the young spiders

c) the oldest spiders                d) the cleverest spiders

4. When did the spiders go to look at the Christmas tree?

a) When the family was having dinner.         b) When everybody was dancing.

c) When the family was in bed.                     d) When the little Christ child arrived.

5. The spiders left pretty and delicate spider webs ... .

a) all over the house                    b) all over the attic

c) all over the tree                       d) all over the bedroom

6. The Christ child ... .

a) transformed the Christmas tree into gold  

b) changed the colours of the spider webs                                                           

c) did nothing in the room               d) removed the webs from the Christmas tree


Text 4. An Amazing Discovery

  It was 1922. Archeologists Howard Carter and Lord Caernarvon were in Egypt, searching for the remains of kings who had lived thousands of years before. For six years they had worked in the desert, but they had found nothing.

   However, on that day they heard a shout and saw stairs down into the earth. The stairs were cleared and at the bottom there was a door. The door was locked. Inside there was a room full of wonderful things. Everything that was needed for everyday life was there. And many of the things were made of gold.

Later the body of a king was found. He was only eighteen when he died and he was called Tutankhamun. His name was written on many of the objects. He was  buried in a gold box called a sarcophagus, inside a series of other boxes. These were all placed inside another room with impressive gold doors. The remains of many ancient Egyptian kings have been excavated, but all of them had been robbed. Only Tutankhamun’s remains were not touched for  3,273 years.


Task. For sentences (1—5) choose and circle the correct answer (a, b or c).

1. The two archeologists were hoping to excavate:

a) gold and jewels          b) buried kings       c) an old site

2. That day was different because

a) someone shouted              b) someone found something                      c) a hole opened in the earth

3. Who locked the door?

a) the dead man       b) the man’s family       c) we don’t know

4. In the room there were …

a) lots of things used by the dead man while he was alive

b) things the dead man owned         c) a lot of objects made of gold

5) Tutanchamun was buried in ….

a) a number of  boxes       b) only one box          c) a museum


Directions: Read the texts. Choose from (A—G) the one which best fits each space. There is one choice you do not need to use.

Text 5. The History Of The Bicycle

There are about a billion bicycles in the world, twice ___________ . Every year some 50 million bicycles and 20 million cars are produced. Although Leonardo da Vinci drew some rough sketches of a thing that looked ___________ , the Frenchman De Sivrac built the first bicycle-type vehicle in 1690. It was referred to __________ . However, it did not have pedals. Those were added in 1840 by a Scottish blacksmith, Kirkpatrick Macmillan, ___________ . On a penny-farthing bicycle, one pedal gave the wheel one turn. A lot of pedalling was needed ___________ ! With the invention of gears, bicycles could move faster. Air-filled tyres were used on bicycles before they were used on motorcars. The bicycle as we know it today, ___________ looks almost exactly the same as the one from 1900.

A as many as motorcars                B as a hobbyhorse

C with two wheels of the same size 

D who is credited with inventing the real bicycle

E like a bicycle            F didn’t go fast            G to get around


Text 6. Papillon

  Henri Charriere lived in Paris in the 1920s. He was a ________ and he robbed banks. People called him “Papillon” because he had a tattoo of a _________ on his chest. In 1931, the police arrested Papillon for a murder. He wasn’t ______ but they sent him to a prison for dangerous criminals in South America.

  Papillon tried to escape nine times and he had many adventures. Once, he escaped in a small boat and lived in an Indian village in the _______ for a few months before the police found him. Every time Papillon escaped, the police caught him and brought him back.

  Finally the police sent him to the prison on Devil’s Island. This was a ________ place and prisoners never escaped from it. But this did not stop Papillon. He wanted to get away and he started to plan another escape. One day he jumped off a cliff into the sea. After thirteen years in prison he finally escaped!

  Papillon got to Venezuela and there he got married. Soon he became a _________ businessman. Later he wrote a book about his life. The book was a bestseller and Henri Charriere became rich and famous.

A   jungle             B horrible                 C butterfly               D adventure                            E  guilty               F  thief                      G   successful






  1. Англійська мова 5 клас. Підсумкові контрольні роботи. – [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://ua.moyashkola.com/dpa/5klass/anglijskij/545/
  2. Англійська мова 6 клас. Підсумкові контрольні роботи. – [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://ua.moyashkola.com/dpa/6klass/anglijskij/549/
  3. Англійська мова 7 клас. Підсумкові контрольні роботи. – [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://ua.moyashkola.com/dpa/7klass/anglijskij/552/
  4. Контроль аудіювання 3-4 класи. – [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:


  1. Контрольні роботи з англійської мови 5-6 класи. – [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:


  1. Контрольні роботи з англійської мови 5 клас. – [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://learnenglish.ucoz.com/load/5_klas/kontrolni_roboti_5_klas/12
  2. Семестрові контрольні роботи для 3-11 класів з англійської мови. – [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:


  1. Контроль аудіювання 4 клас. – [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:





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