«Can you call yourself an English expert?»
( in the 10th form)
Prepared by
the English teacher
Oleksandra Pasichnyk
Цілі: розвивати знання англійської мови та ерудицію учнів, бажання спілкуватись англійською мовою,активізувати розумову діяльність учнів, виявити творчі здібності, сформувати вміння відстоювати свою ідею , погляди, переконання , прийняті рішення ,виховувати любов до англійської мови, сприяти формуванню в учнів вміння працювати в групах.
Обладнання: картки із завданнями, чисті аркуші паперу,фломастери , ноутбук, плакати з висловлюваннями видатних людей.
Contest 1. Presentation of the team Name,emblem,motto
Contest 2. Word Changing
Change the words into different ones by adding one letter at the beginning or at the end.
Example: Change a word meaning a place of skating (rink) into what you do when thirsty (drink)
1) Change the reason for umbrellas into a quick means of travel.
2) Change something very cold into used for pudding.
3) Change a vehicle into a mark left by a wound.
4) Change a scheme into something growing in the garden.
5) Change a sheet of the water into a little piece of snow.
Відповіді на конкурс 10 (<<зміни слово>>)
1) Car-scar
2) Ice – rice
3) Rain-train
4) Plan-plant
5) Lake-flake
Contest 3. Who’s the fastest
Tongue-twister. She sells are seashells I’m sure.
Contest 4. Drawing
Draw a body and write in English, all the parts of it.
Contest 5. Gussing words “Shopping”
Contest 6. “Ask and answer Game”
Команди по черзі задають питання до запропонованої картини і дають відповіді на них.
Contest 7. Anagrams “Sport and Games”
Surfing – g i n f u r s
Swimming - m i n g s i m w
Tennis - s n i n t e
Squash – h s a q s u
Snowboarding – g n i d r a b o n w o s
Contest 8. “British Holidays”
11) What is the symbol of eternal life on Christmas?
12) What plant is connected with a kissing tradition?
13) Whose speech is broadcast on TV at midnight in New Year ?
14) What do they cook on Christmas?
15) What is the name of N.Y. in Scotland?
Contest 9. Code Words (The map of Great Britain)
Contest 10. Riddles
1) What is that was tomorrow and will be yesterday? (Today)
2) What is that everybody has seen , but can never see again? (Yesterday)
3) What is it that never uses its teeth for eating? (Comb)
4) We are four brother living under one roof. Do you know us? (The legs of a table)
5) A thick forest , which grows as fast as it is cut down. (Hair)
6) Without it you couldn’t say a word. (A tongue)
7) My uncle has a brother. He is not my uncle. Who is he?(My father)
8) Who carries his house with him? ( A snail)
9) What has a cat , which no other animals have? (Kittens)
10) What month has 28 days? (They all have 28 days)
11) What star is not seen in the sky? (A film star)
12) When I eat I live, when I drink I die. (A fire)
Concusion.Greeting the teams.