St. Valentine's Day (урок – свято у старших класах )

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Позакласний захід для учнів старших класів, присвячений дню Святого Валентина.
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Lesson plan

“St.  Valentine’s  Day”

 ( урок – свято у старших класах )

for 9 – 11 forms pupils










Topic: St. Valentine’s  Day


-         Practical : to systematize student’s knowledge of the customs and traditions of celebrating Valentine’s Day, to activate the vocabulary on the studied topic, to continue to improve lexical and grammatical skills of reading, listening and speaking on the topic of extracurricular activities.

-         Educational: to expand students’ knowledge about the holiday, to increase English-speaking countries.

-         Developing: to develop thinking, memory, independence, to improve speech skills, to develop intellect, abilities and communication skills.

-         Instructional: to form motivation to study the traditions, customs and culture of speaking countries.

P 1. Dear ladies and gentlemen, teachers and guests. Our compliments to you. Thanks for coming to the party dedicated to the most wonderful holiday of the year – St.Valentine’s Day. It’s the day of lovers. So I wish you love and be loved by others. 

P 2 .Today’s party is dedicated to the eternal theme of love. But before starting our holiday, let’s introduce ourselves.

P 2. Our holiday party will be led the prettiest girl of our school - …

P 1. And not less handsome boy - ….

  P 2. Dear friends! This party is very unusual because we’ll have a lot of competitions, funny contents & nice surprises. We’ll try to make the competition merry and interesting. You must know the rules. They are very easy. You may sing with our participants, you may help them with your answers; you may support your team by clapping.

 Each competition is evaluated on a five-point scale.


P1:  Love! Happiness!

P2:  Beauty! There are not so many days in a year when we pronounce these pleasant words.

P1: Today you have an excellent chance to take part in party — games. Happy St. Valentine’s Day!

P 1. Our evening is dedicated to love!

P 2. It is to love!

P 1. Troubled and calm!

P 2. Insidious and devoted!

P 1.  Inseparable and mutual!

P 2. Bitter and sweet!

P 1,P 2 (together). Eternal love.

 P 1. So, It’s high time to begin our competition. let’s meet our participants: the 8th form, 10th form, 11th form.

P 2. And now, Let’s introduce our judges.

I. “Greeting”

P 1. Let’s start our first competition. Each of you must introduce yourself and tell us some words about you. Come here.

P 2. Every February, 14, boy & girls, sweethearts & lovers, husband & wives, friends & neighbours exchange greetings of affection love.

P 1. On the day of all lovers, we can’t talk about love and affection, they fill our lives from birth to death. This is love for a child, wife for a man, children for parents, a boy for girls and  other relationships.

P2. We hope that our festive event will bring you joy! Poems, songs and dances will


 become our valentines today. We give them to you from the bottom of our hearts.

Р. (Poems about love)

I Never Knew…


I never knew about happiness;


I didn’t think dreams came true;


I couldn’t really believe in love,


Until I finally met you.


                                            By Joanna Fuchs

P. Please Tell Me


Please tell me you love me,


Please let me know that it’s true,


That all of my lifetime,


I will be here with you.


        P.Love is… a tender feeling,

           Love is … a way of being,

           Love is … just showing someone you care.



Love is …helping with the dishes,

Love is … feeding your pet fishes,

Love is …just giving from your heart.


Love is …sharing your candy,

Love is …being all that you can be,

Love is …



Love is …

For you and me.



II. “A secret Message”.

P1. Our next competition is called “A secret Message”. Your task is to use the code key to find the secret message. Who will be the first?

Code Key

33 = D               83 = H           7 = A                 42 = Y

77 = L                79 = N           69 = T                66 = V

19 = I                 56 = O            17 = U               2 = P

51 = S                8 = E               26 = K                10 = W




19  69 83 19 79 26  69 83 7694256 17 10 19 77 77

83 7668 7 8372242



(Hand-out 1)                  

Р 2. It is interesting to know how this holiday came into being.

Р 1. St. Valentine’s Day has roots in several legends.

Let’s listen to one of them.

Р 2. The story is that Valentine was a Christian who lived in the third century. The Roman Emperor at that time Claudius the second decided that soldiers must no marry, because married soldiers do not make good soldiers, Valentine worked for the church, and one day he helped a soldiers to get married. The Emperor said that Valentine had to die because he did wrong. In prison Valentine started to love the daughter of a man who worked in prison. The day he died, he sent a note, he wrote “Your Valentine”.


Р 1. In the early nineteenth century people started to send Valentine’s cards to the person they loved on February 14. The cards had pictures of flowers and birds on, and words inside like: Roses are red Violets are blue Sugar is sweet, my love, But not as sweet as you.

People still send each other Valentine’s cards, but often they do not write their names inside. They just write “Be my Valentine”, or “from your Valentine”. It is a kind of game.

A lot of people go out to restaurants for the evening and have dinner for two with candles and soft music.

P 2.  Dear judges, tell us some words about the score.

III. “Happy Valentine’s Face”.

P1. The second competition is called “Happy Valentine’s Face”. Each team has to use a large paper heart to design a happy valentine face, adding small hearts for ears, eyes, lips and nose.

IV. The competition for audience.

P2. While the teams are busy let’s play a little bit. ( Pupils are shown anagrams)

     Reda= dear







(Hand-out 2)

V. “Understand me without words”

P 1.  You know, when a boy and a girl like each other, they show their feeling through facial expressions and gestures.

P 2. The ability to understand the other – a great feature. We offer the following competition, which is called “Understand me without words”.

P 1. Imagine that you meet your girl on the street and want to invite her somewhere. Unfortunetly, she can’t hear you, use non-verbal means of communication - facial expressions and gestures. The girls should understand your invitation in 30 seconds. (The boys are offered task cards in turn.)


1.    Let’s go to the theatre.

2.     Let’s go to the circle.

3.     Let’s go to the library.

4.     Let’s go to the skating-rink.

5.    Let’s go to the park.

6.    Let’s go to the disco.

(Hand-out 3)


VI. “English songs”

P1. It’s high time to have a rest. Let’s listen to the song. (Each team sings the English songs.)

1) «Have you ever really loved a woman?» by Bryan Adams 

2) «Love story» by Andy Williams 

VII. “The couples

 P 2. Once upon a time there lived couples. They were strong and wise. They could do everything and they were happy. But suddenly there was a terrible storm and it divided couples into two halves – a man and a woman and mixed them on the Earth.

Since that time people have become weak. Every half tries to find the lost one. Those who find each other, fall in love.

Look at these famous names and match the couples, please.


  1. Adam

a)     Eva

  1. Caesar

b)    Cleopatra

  1. Romeo

c)     Juliet

  1. O. S. Pushkin

d)    N. M Goncharova

  1. Napoleon

e)     Josephina

  1. Petro

f)      Natalka

  1.  Suleiman

g)    Roksolana

  1. Phiona

h)    Shrek

  1. Vakula

i)      Oxana

  1. Kvazimodo

j)      Esmiralda


(Hand-out 4)

VІI.  “A compliment

P 2. You know, if you want to be a good husband or a wife in the future, you should know  sweet words to tell your partner. And now you should name all the sweet words you know. One by one.

P 1. A boy and a girl stand against each other at the same distance. The boy says a compliment to the girl and at the same time takes a step. Clement  - a step towards the chosen one. Words do not repeat. The victory is got the pair, which meet firstly. (One world – one point.)

 VIII. “How do we know each other?”

P. While we were preparing for the evening, we invited a couple to tell about their hobbies. Each couple or participant tells and shows their hobbies.


P2. (One question for one participant)

  1. What’s the girl’s mother’s name?

2. What’s the boy’s father’s name?

3. What’s the girl’s favourite season?

4. What’s the boy’s favourite dish?

5. What’s the girl’s favourite flower?

6. What’s the boy’s favourite number?

7. What’s the girl’s favourite film?

8. What’s the boy’s favourite subject?

9. What brand of car does your boy prefer?

10. What colour does your girl like?

11. What kind of sport does your boy go in for?

12. What musical group does your girl like?

 (each pair gets 1 point for one answer)

IX. Captains’ competition.

P1:  And now I need the captains from each team. I will give you the sentences with one word

  1. The origin of St. Valentine’s Day date back to Ancient…
  2.  Rome
  3. Greece
  4.  Africa

 2. St. Valentine Day is celebrated on the …

a) March, 8

b) January, 1

c) February, 14

3.  Valentine was…

  1. A king
  2. A priest
  3. God of love

4. St.Valentine’s Day is a holiday of…

a) Lovers


c) Soldiers

5. Valentine’s Cards have a shape of…

  1. Star
  2. Flower
  3. Heart

6. The symbol of Valentine’s Day is…

  1. A cat
  2.  A red rose
  3.  A girl

7. Valentine fell in love with the…

1.     Jailer’s daughter

2.     Queen

3.     Nurse

8. Valentine wrote his lover a letter and signed it…

  1. “to my sweetheart”
  2.  “from your valentine”
  3.  “love”


 X. “Dance Hall”

P2. And our last task is called ”Dance Hall”. Take the cards and find your pair. Blue hearts are for boys and pink hearts are for girls.


Pink hearts



Blue hearts

I want to dance with

A sea captain

A sea captain

You are

A famous actor

A famous actor

A pilot

A pilot

A famous sportsman

A famous sportsman

A professional dancer

A professional dancer

A multimillionaire

A multimillionaire

A president

A president

A musicion

A musicion

A sailor

A sailor

A spaceman

A spaceman

A racing driver

A racing driver

A prince of a far-away country

A prince of a far-away country


(Hand-out 5 )

P1. Dear friends thanks you very much for this wonderful dance and for our nice holiday! And now let’s listen to what our jury can say about our teams…


P2. The program of our competition is over.  I think it was very interesting. The jury will announce the results of the program and reveal whose pair has become the perfect couple.


- Romantic couple («Найромантичніша пара»)

- Mysterious couple ( «Найзагадковіша пара»)

-Original couple («Найоригінальніша пара» )

- Couple of Audiences’ liking («Пара глядацьких симпатій»)

- Ideal couple («Ідеальна пара»)

 (The winner who has got more points)


P1. Our joyful party of friendship and love is coming to the end. Tell all special people in your life how much you care about them. Don’t forget your Moms, Dads, grandparents, sisters and brothers, boyfriends and girlfriends and your teachers. Valentine’s Day is a good time to tell them how you feel.

Wishing you all the best we say: ‘Good bye’ to you!

Happy Valentine’s Day!  Bye – bye!

























Hand-out 1.

33 = D               83 = H           7 = A                 42 = Y

77 = L                79 = N           69 = T                66 = V

19 = I                 56 = O            17 = U               2 = P

51 = S                8 = E               26 = K                10 = W


19  69 83 19 79 26  69 83 7694256 17 10 19 77 77

83 7668 7 8372242




Hand-out 2    

       Reda= dear








Hand-out 3

1.    Let’s go to the theatre.

2.     Let’s go to the circle.

3.     Let’s go to the library.

4.     Let’s go to the skating-rink.

5.    Let’s go to the park.

6.    Let’s go to the disco.





Hand-out 4


  1. Adam

a)                 Eva

  1. Caesar

b)                 Cleopatra

  1. Romeo

c)                 Juliet

  1. O. S. Pushkin

d)                 N. M Goncharova

  1. Napoleon

e)                 Josephina

  1. Petro

f)                  Natalka

  1. H. de Balzac

g)                 O. Ganska

  1. Tarsan

h)                 Jane




Hand-out 5

a sea captain

a sea captain

a famous actor

a famous actor

a pilot

a pilot

a famous sportsman

a famous sportsman

a professional dancer

a professional dancer

a multimillionaire

a multimillionaire

a president

a president

a musicion

a musicion

a sailor

a sailor

a spaceman

a spaceman

a racing driver

a racing driver

a prince of a far-away country

a prince of a far-away country







Таблиця для журі


Клас або команда

Назва конкурсу



A secret Message

Happy Face

Understand me

English songs


The couples

A compliment

How do we know each other?

Captains’ competition

Dance Hall

Команда 1












Команда 2





















































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