Чи важко бути підлітком?

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Розробка уроку-диспуту "Чи важко бути підлітком?" . Для учнів 10 класу за підручником Карпюк.
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Урок-диспут у 10 класі з теми:

Is it easy to be a teenager?

 Мета: ознайомити учнів із порядком ведення дискусії, удосконалювати вміння й навички готувати виступи і виголошувати їх під час дискусії, добираючи мовні засоби відповідно до задуму висловлення й адресата мовлення; розвивати комунікативно-мовленнєве вміння, логічне й критичне мовлення, творчі здібності; виховувати морально-етичні якості, людяність, працьовитість.

Тема уроку: урок розвитку мовленнєвої компетенції.


  1. Вступна частина

Прослуховування пісні «Teenagers» Hayley Williams

1.  Привітання

Т.Good morning dear guests! How are you today? You are so pretty today. You look like happy. It’s great!

1. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

Комплімент другові.

T. Your success in life depends greatly on your ability to be in a good mood, to be happy and to give a compliment to other people. Give the compliment to your friend.

Teacher. Now read a poem on the blackboard and try to guess whom it is about.


He is not the best

He is not the worst

He is not the last

He is not the first

He is not in the middle

He is not between

He is not too old

He is just 16

(Pupils: It’s about us, teenagers.)

Discussion about typical Ukrainian teenagers. Дискусія про звичайних українських підлітків

Teacher. What is a typical teenager?

A typical Ukrainian teenager …

   ( Pupils’ answers)

 (is crazy about computers, telephones, listens to rock and pop-music, smokes, takes drugs, drinks beer, reads magazines, goes to discos, dreams to be independent.)

2.Teacher. Look at the photo of this young girl. How do you think how old is she? What is she? (вчитель показує свою фотографію в віці 16 років, розповідає про свої проблеми у цьому віці.)

- Dear friends! Many years ago I was 16 too. The life seemed very easy for me. A wonderful school, university, the first love, good friends. But it was 20 years ago! The life changed much. I want you to share your feelings and say if life seems easy to you. To sound polite use everyday expressions:

 - In my opinion…     На мою думку        

 -  I suppose…             Я вважаю

-  I suggest…               Я пропоную     

-  I advise…                  Я раджу

-  I fully agree with…    Цілком згідна

-  As for me…                 Щодо мене

-  On the one hand…       З одного боку

-  On the other hand…     З іншого боку

- To my mind…               Я думаю


3. Оголошення теми, мети уроку

Т.I know that your English is not bad. Today at our lesson I shall give you a real opportunity to show your better knowledge of English. We shall discuss and solve the problem “Is it easy to be a teenager”. The proverb says: “No men, no problems”.

How do you understand this proverb? Who is a teenager? (A young person from 13 to17)

What is it like to be a teenager? Is it easy to be a teenager? What do you think?

II. Основна частина

  1.                   Робота над віршем

Читання вірша

T. Now read the poem on the blackboard and guess which problems the girl touches upon in her poem?

Why is nothing ever easy?

Why are some boys so very sleazy (брудний)?

Why can’t I have that brand new dress?

Why am I under so much stress?

Why don’t my parents ever believe me?

Why can’t they ever see…

Why do I feel so often unhappy?

Why do they always wish I was still in a nappy (підгузки)?

Why does my face like a block of lard (сало)?

Why are all these years really hard?

Обговорення змісту вірша.

T. Which problems does the girl touch upon in the poem? What is typical teenager? What problems do teenagers have?


It’s really so many teens’ problems. Like any citizen in Ukraine every teenager has not only rights but duties. Of course, there are different kinds of problems. What are they? Let’s discuss some of them!




2. Презентація діалогу

Інсценування діалогу учнями за темою.

T. Now I want you to present you a short dialogue. The roles of it were prepared by pupils of 11th form.

Jane is 16. She’s a high school student. In this dialogue, Jane is getting ready to go out to the party on a date with her boyfriend

Dan. Her father and mother are sitting in the kitchen and having supper.


Jane. Mom, where’s my new dress? I can’t find it. I have to hurry because I must be in time.

Mother. It’s in your closet. Look there.

Father. Are you going out with Dan tonight? You have school tomorrow.

Jane. I’m not going to stay late. Dan and I are going to party.

Father. Oh. No you aren’t. Your marks were terrible last semester – 6 in English and 5 in Maths. And you have to get up early for school tomorrow.

Jane. But, Dad, I finished all my homework tonight.

Father. You spent about half an hour on your homework. Sit down and study an hour more. No dates on school nights.

Jane. But Mom gave me a permission to go out tonight.

Mother. Well, dear. Today’s Dan’s birthday.

Father. Well, all right. But in the future no dates on school nights. And don’t stay out late tonight.

Jane. OK. Dad. What time do I have to be home?

Father. Tell Dan that he has to bring you home at 10:00/

Jane. Why at 10:00? Dad, I’m 16. my friends don’t have to be home so early. Kathy doesn’t have to be home until 12:00. Mom, do I have to come in so early?

Mother. I agree with your father. When I was your age, I had to be home at 9.

Jane. Oh, Mom. That was a hundred years ago. Things are different now.

Father. Don’t talk to your mother that way! And wait a minute—what about the dishes, young lady? You have to wash them before you go out.

Jane. The dishes! Why do I have to wash the dishes? Kathy didn’t have to wash dishes when she was high school.

Father.  I don’t care about Kathy.

Jane. But I don’t have time now. I have to get ready.

Father. No dishes, no dates.

Jane. Oh, all right.


Обговорення змісту діалогу.

T. Where did Jane want to go?                                                                                     What does the father’s answer mean “No dates on school nights”?                             What problem had the girl?

3. Проведення дискусії 

Оголошення завдань та правил ведення дискусій.

T. Now we’ll have a discussion on this difficult question. Let’s talk is it easy to be teenager or not easy. So I give you 2 minutes to think about it. Look at the blackboard and read the rulers of discussion together.

Rulers of work

  1. Discuss the problem.
  2. Discuss the idea not pupils.
  3.  Don’t interrupt one another.
  4. Try to come to common idea.

4.Робота в парах “Letters”. Work in pairs.

Teacher. Everybody has problems in the life. They may be connected with money, relationships in the family, school marks, love and so on. Now I`d like you to listen to two letters and discuss them, help the teenagers.

1 - Written by a boy teenager;

2 – Written by a girl teenager.

Think and give the answers to the girl and the boy. Give your advice.





I`m a young girl of 16. I`m the only child in the family. I feel miserable. I need your help. I love my parents very much. When I was a little girl they always gave me what I wanted. But now my parents don`t understand me. They choose my friends, plan my future, I can`t use make up, cut my hair, have a boy-friend, stay late at night with my friends, wear modern clothes, go to the disco. What am I to do? Help me.

Кrylova Svitlana

                                          LETTER 2

 I`m a young boy. But my parents don`t give me pocket money. They think that pupils mustn’t have extra money. But all my friends and all my classmates at my school have pocket money. So, I can`t have a girlfriend. Modern girls like boys with good cars like “Opel”, “Nissan”, “Audi”, “Toyota”, and “Mercedes”. Maybe the girls don`t find me attractive? Or may they want me to have a lot of money? What should I do? I`m in a terrible trouble about it!



 (Pupils’  answers to the first letter (Nina`s)

 - Try to speak with your parent`s and explain them everything.

- Try to earn yourself

 - Parents know better.

-  You have a problem because you are the only child in the family.

 - I am sure, that you have not any real friends to help you in this difficult situation.

    Pupils’ answers to the second letter.

- Don`t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

- You are handsome, we know it exactly.

- Many girls dream to be your girlfriend.

-Pocket money is not the most important thing in people’s life.

- Repeat every day. “I`m a good boy. I`m a clever boy. I`m a talented boy. I`m a fantastic boy”.


Group work.” A Circle of Ideas”.

T. Now we’ll continue to discuss the problem of generations in groups and describe only one aspect of them in a circle, one by one.

5. Create your own T-shirts with your motto.

For example,

Let`s change the world to the best
Say "no" to drugs (alcohol, cigarettes)
Say "yes" to freedom (piece, love, tolerance, friendship)
Everyone has the right to life (non-discrimination)
Put cigarettes (alcohol, drugs) out of fashion.
Being a teenager means to be happy (to have great fun).

Students create T-shirts with messages and display them on the blackboard. They can choose the best message.


III. Завершальна частина

T. These were your points of views and opinions. Did we give the answer to this question? Is it easy to be a teenager or not? Yes, of course it is good to be young without saying. But it is difficult. Any way the youth is beautiful.


Підсумки уроку.

Teacher. Let’s remember expected results. Have they come true?  ( Pupils’ answers)              And now try to send your message to the pupils of the future.

- Our world of today is… (good, bad features).                                                                            - We hope in the future (teenagers will not argue with parents, will be more polite and hard-working)         

Name – Age – Date.                                                                                                                                                                                     It’s your home task.

До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
2 грудня 2021
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