Choose the right variant.Prepositions.

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Prepositions. Choose the right variant.

1. What are children (over, up, up against, up to)? They are very quiet.

2. We are (away, in for, on at, over) bad weather this week.

3. I will be (over, at, back, off) work for2 months because I have broken my leg.

4. If he is late for our date I will be (over, through, off, out off) him.

5. If you press the wrong button the machine will be (off, through, down, in).

6. The school breaks (out, off, up, down) for Easter.

7. The robbers used iron bars to break (off, into, away, in).

8. The water managed to break (down, off, through, over) the flood barrier.

9. She broke (up, off, in, out) her engagement last week.

10. She will never agree (with, at, in, to) marry you.

11. She is extremely attached (to, on, with, in) her parents.

12. She appealed (to, in, at, over) the public to stay calm.

13. The music brings (back, to, out, along) happy memories.

14. The meeting was brought (in, over, to, forward) to tomorrow evening.

15. She was brought (off, back, round, on) to my point of view.

16. The boss is calling (on, to, back, up) us tonight at 8o’clock.

17. You can’t blame me (to, with, for, on) the accident.

18. Sarah was fond of Peter and cared (of, with, for, to) him very much.

19. He was arrested and charge (for, with, in, at) robbery.

20. The police are carrying (over, out, off, through) the investigation.

21. Despite the difficulties we managed to carry (over, away, on, off) the project.

22. He was very fortunate (in, about, at, on) finding the publisher for his book.

23. Everybody has heard (about, for, of, from) tea. You can buy it everywhere.

24. Tony was furious (for, about, to, with) Jane for spending their savings on clothes.

До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, академічний рівень) 11 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
19 березня 2023
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