Цикл уроків з використанням відеосюжету "London Central"

Про матеріал
Посібник є циклом з десяти ситуативно-тематичних уроків, які присвячені різним сферам щоденного життя і побуту молоді. Невід'ємною складовою кожного уроку є відеосюжет, що слугує як зразок активного використання лексичних одиниць в сучасному мовленні в процесі обговорення проблемного питання. До кожного уроку додається посилання на відеозапис серії, здійснений носіями англійської мови. Організація навчального матеріалу забезпечує інтегрований розвиток навичок і вмінь аудіювання, говоріння, читання і письма та передбачає використання інтерактивних методів навчання. Мова у підручнику розглядається як засіб спілкування для роботи індивідуально, в парах і групах.
Перегляд файлу

imageEpisode 5: One of those days

I.Plot box:


1.   Answer the questions: 

1.     What season is it?

a)            summer

b)           autumn

c)            spring


2.     What day is it?

a)            Thursday

b)           Friday

c)            Tuesday


3.     What time does Leo get up?

a)            At 8 a.m.

b)           At a quarter to 8.

c)            At a quarter past 8.


4.     What does Leo usually do on that day?

a)            He goes to work.

b)           He helps about the house.

c)            He has classes.


5.     Why is Leo in a hurry?

a)            He can’t find his uniform.

b)           He is late for work.

c)            He is late for classes.


6.     Where do Georgina and her father have their breakfast?

a)            In their restaurant.

b)           At home.

c)            Somewhere else.


2.   Who says that: Anna, Leo, Oscar, George, Janet?


a)                     My mistake.                                         g) I’m sorry about him.

b)                    That isn’t yours.                         h) You don’t work on Thursday.

c)                     What time is it?                                    i) That’s Anna’s.

d)                    What’s wrong with you?            j) Meet me outside.

e)                     It’s a quarter to 8.                      k) I’m late again.

f)                      Where’s my uniform?                          l) You have a class.


3. Match the sentences (1-5) with the replies (a-f). (one extra reply):


1.     It is 8 a.m.                                                 a) It’s a quarter to 8.

2.     Where’s my uniform?                      b) I’m late!

3.     What date is it?                                          c) My mistake..

4.     What time is it?                                         d) I’m late again.

5.     You have a class.                                       e) Those are yours.

f) It’s Thursday, November, 22.

4. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.


a)     On November, 22 Leo is late for work.

b)    This day Leo’s overslept and is in a hurry.

c)     Leo is looking for his uniform.

d)    Every day Mr. Rowntree has breakfast with his daughter.

e)     Leo doesn’t work on Wednesday.

f)      Leo meets Georgina in the café.


5. Finish the sentences as in the episode:


1.     Where is …                    3.  You don’t …

2.     What is …           4. I am …


6. Fill in the gaps in Leo’s report on that day:


It was (1) ___. I got up at (2) ___ o’clock. I couldn’t find my (3) ___. It was obvious that I was (4) ___ for work. When I came, (5) ___ got angry with me because I didn’t (6) ____ on Thursday. He had (7) ___ with his daughter. It was my (8) ___. Then Georgina said that I had my (9) ___ that day. I was late (10) ___.


II.          Language box:


1.     Write the words of the categories given, add some of your own ideas:

Possessive adjectives and pronouns

Days of the week




2.     Correct the wrong word:


a)     Sunday is the first day of the week in Ukraine.

b)    Wednesday is a rest day.

c)     Friday and Saturday are working days.

d)    Tuesday is the second day in England.

e)     Thursday comes after Monday.

f)      Every month has seven days.


3.     Study the table and the rule and complete the sentences with the possessives:

Subject  pronoun

Possessive adjective

 Possessive pronoun


























We use a possessive adjective with a noun:

-         My hands are cold. - Julia likes her cat.

We use a possessive pronoun without a noun:

-         These photos are mine.

-         That car is his.

a)     Where is ____ book?

b)    Which pen is ____?

c)     I’m sorry about ____ mistake.

d)    My brother can’t find ____ keys.

e)     Where is my pet? This dog isn’t ____.

f)      When do you have ____ classes?

g)    What’s wrong with ____?

h)    Where’s Anna? I have a book of ____.


4.     Explain with your own words:


uniform            quarter                    date                  routine


III.      Skills box:




1.     imageComplete the sentences:


a)     I usually get up at …

b)    As a rule I … in the morning.

c)     My classes start at …

d)    My school day lasts for …

e)     After classes I usually …

f)      In the evening I have to …

g)    Normally I go to bed at …

h)    At weekends I usually …


2.     Act out a dialogue on the situation:


1.       Getting up late.

2.       Late for work.

3.       Late for a class.


3.     Retell about your daily routine.




1.     imageMake up your routine for tomorrow.


2.     Write a short summary on your bad day.

23 жовтня 2023
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