Цикл уроків з використанням відеосюжету "London Central"

Про матеріал
Посібник є циклом з десяти ситуативно-тематичних уроків, які присвячені різним сферам щоденного життя і побуту молоді. Невід'ємною складовою кожного уроку є відеосюжет, що слугує як зразок активного використання лексичних одиниць в сучасному мовленні в процесі обговорення проблемного питання. До кожного уроку додається посилання на відеозапис серії, здійснений носіями англійської мови. Організація навчального матеріалу забезпечує інтегрований розвиток навичок і вмінь аудіювання, говоріння, читання і письма та передбачає використання інтерактивних методів навчання. Мова у підручнику розглядається як засіб спілкування для роботи індивідуально, в парах і групах.
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imageEpisode 9: A Bundle of Nerves

I. Plot box:


1.       Choose the right option: 

1.     Leo is nervous because of…

a)            the weather.

b)           his love affairs.

c)            his exam.

2.     Oscar asks Leo…

a)            to fail the exam.

b)           to play sport with him.

c)            to visit Georgina.

3.     If Oscar wins the game Leo will…

a)            do his chores for a week.

b)           fail the exam.

c)            return home to Brazil.

4.       The score is…

a)            two-one.

b)           three-zero.

c)            zero-three.

5.       Leo doesn’t understand the rule...

a)            because it’s difficult.

b)           because he wants to go home.

c)            because he’s nervous.

6.       After the exam they’re having…

a)            a big game.

b)           a dancing party.

c)            a costume party.


2.       Who says that: Anna, Leo, Oscar, George, Janet or Mr. Rowntree?


a)                     She’s no fun today.                    g)       What is Oscar doing?

b)                    I’ll explain again.            h)       I am so excited!

c)                     If you fail the exam...                 i)       Don’t be nervous.

d)                    I’m tired. I need a break.           j)       That’s enough study.

e)                     You need to practice more.        k)       I study every day.

f)                      I do study alone.              l)       You need to take a break.


3.       Match the questions (1-5) with the replies (a-f). (one extra reply):


1. What’s your costume?            


a) No. Why are you asking?

2. Do you study at her house? 


b) It’s tomorrow.

3. Would you like to come?        


c) You’re welcome.

4. When is your exam?               


d) No, I need to study.

5. What is Oscar doing?             


e) I’m meeting him in the park.

f) It’s a surprise.


4.       Finish the sentences as in the episode:


1.     It helps to …                                   3. If you fail the exam …

2.     You should …                      4. You must …


5.       Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.


a)     Leo and Anna will have the exam next day.

b)    Leo is nervous but Anna is not.

c)     Leo will do Oscar’s chores for one week.

d)    Leo studies at Georgina’s house.

e)     Leo also studies alone.

f)      Leo is going to fail at the exam

g)    They are having a big costume party before the exam.


6.       Answer the questions on the episode:


1.     How often does Georgina help Leo study?

2.     In what way does Leo study?

3.     Why does Oscar invite Leo to the park?

4.     What will happen if Leo fails the exam? 


II.          Language box:


1.            Put the words into two boxes:







Egg, milk, tomato, fish, fruit, flower, bread, snow, cake, apple, juice, dress, lemon, butter, salt, meat, rice, potato, carrot, grapes, oil, cucumber, sugar, onion, garlic, plum, coffee, tea, cheese, cup, salad, berry, chocolate, money, orange, cherry, sandwich, cream, chip, water, cookie, banana, pear, chair, sheep, food.


2.            Study the pattern and rewrite each pair of sentences to make one sentence with the zero conditional:

If + Present Simple, Present Simple


We use the zero conditional to talk about things that always happen in certain conditions. The main action is an automatic result of the if-clause

(We can sometimes use when instead of if.)


1.       You heat water to 100 degrees. It boils.

2.       You cross an international date line. The time changes.

3.       It rains. The grass gets wet.

4.       Wood doesn't burn. There is no air.

5.       Ice floats. You drop it in water.

6.       There is no rain. The grass doesn’t grow.

7.       Iron rusts. It gets wet.

8.       People eat too much. They get fat.

9.       Babies are hungry. They cry.

10.   The river freezes. It’s very cold. 


3.            Finish the sentence:


If Leo fails the exam …


4.            Explain with your own words:


                            a bundle                 to fail                   nervous                to worry


III.      Skills box:




1.            Explain the title of episode 9.


2.            Imagine you are any of the main characters. Voice their thoughts and feelings before the exam. What do they hope for?


1.       You are revising before the test but feel too nervous.

2.       You are discussing with your friends the possible results of the test.


4.            Predict the development of the situation.


5.            Retell if you ever felt like a bundle of nerves and why. 




1.            You are Leo. Write a short e-mail home about your feelings before the test.


2.            Write to Leo a list of practical tips on how to cope with nervousness.  

23 жовтня 2023
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