Цикл уроків з використанням відеосюжету "London Central"

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Цикл з десяти ситуативно-тематичних уроків, які присвячені різним сферам щоденного життя і побуту молоді. Невід'ємною складовою кожного уроку є відеосюжет, що слугує як зразок активного використання лексичних одиниць в сучасному мовленні в процесі обговорення проблемного питання. До кожного уроку додається посилання на відеозапис серії, здійснений носіями англійської мови. Організація навчального матеріалу забезпечує інтегрований розвиток навичок і вмінь аудіювання, говоріння, читання і письма та передбачає використання інтерактивних методів навчання. Мова у підручнику розглядається як засіб спілкування для роботи індивідуально, в парах і групах.
Перегляд файлу

imageEpisode 10: The Big Day

                         I.     Plot box:


1. Choose the right option: 

1.     Leo and Oscar work in the        

4. If Leo passes the exam he … restaurant…

                                                                                                                                                      a)    will have to leave college.

a)            in the morning.

b)           will have a big tea-party.

b)           in the afternoon.

c)            will get a promotion.

                                      c)    in the evening.                                            

2.     There is a problem at work          5. The exam has been…

a)            not very difficult.


b)           failed.

a)            Leo has the exam.

                                                                                                                                                      c)     successfully passed.

b)           Oscar can’t cook.  

c)            the chef is ill.       6.Leo writes an e-mail home…

                                                                                                                                                          a) to share his news.

3.     Mr. Rowntree is … with their work.

b) to ask for money.

a)            not very pleased

c) to boast about his success. b)       satisfied

                                      c)     dissatisfied


2.                 Who says that: Anna, Leo, Oscar, George, Janet or Mr. Rowntree?


a)                      Everything is great.              g)       We passed!

b)                     Here’s a frying pan.              h)       I am so happy!

c)                      I hope you pass.                             i)       Countable words can be counted.

d)                     I enjoy my job.                     j)       Good luck.

e)                      You did well today.              k)       I miss you all.

f)                       I can do this.                         l)       You are on your own today.


3.                 Match the sentences (1-5) with the replies (a-f). (one extra reply):


1. There aren’t any mushrooms.



I can do this.

2. I hope you pass.                     



Potatoes, eggs, tomatoes …

3. What time is your exam?        



There’s some oil here.

4. What is there in the fridge? 



So do I.

5. What are we going to do?       



Eleven o’clock.




It doesn’t matter.


4.                 Finish the sentences as in the episode:


1.     I hope …                                   3. You are …

2.     I have …                                   4. I can …

5.                 Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.


a)     Leo and Anna have the exam this day.

b)    The boys have a force majeure at work.

c)     Oscar appears to be a good cook.

d)    Mr. Rowntree offers the boys new jobs.

e)     Friends pass their exam successfully.

f)      Leo enjoys his life in England.

g)    Georgina is going to become Leo’s girlfriend.


6.                 Answer the questions on the episode:


1.     What products do Leo and Oscar use to cook?

2.     What grammar material has Leo to remember at the exam?

3.     Why does Mr. Rowntree want to give Leo a new job?

4.     Why is Leo so happy after the exam? 

5.     What surprise is awaiting for Leo in the living-room?


7.                 Fill in the gaps in Leo’s e-mail home:


Dear Mum, I (1)___ you are well, and Dad, and Maria, and Lucas and the (2)___. Today I passed my (3)___ exam and tonight we are going to a (4)___ party. I am very well here in (5)___. I enjoy my (6)___. My (7)___ gets better every day. I (8)___ you all, but I am very happy here. I have some very, very nice (9)___. Everything is great. 

(10)___,  from Leo.


II.          Language box:


1.            Match the words from two columns to make up word combinations and then use them in the sentences to tell about Leo,  you and your friends:


                                   pass           promotion 

image                                   good         done

enjoy          the exam work       better get     luck have     hard  well  the job  become     a party







2.            Study the pattern and agree to the given sentences. 








auxiliary verb 




We use these structures to express agreement. We use so / as to agree with an affirmative statement. We use neither / nor to agree with a negative statement. Note the word order after so / as / neither / nor (verb before subject).


Example: I love vanilla ice-cream. – So do I. 

(We use so to agree with an affirmative sentence; we use do because the sentence is in Present Simple)


                                                  I can’t stand horror films. – Neither can Anna. 

(We use neither to agree with a negative sentence; we use can because this modal verb is used in the initial sentence)


       1. Thomas is a heavy sleeper.           

7.   I didn’t enjoy that play.

       2. I’ve learnt this rule very well.      

8.   I won’t be in Kyiv tomorrow.

3. She cooks breakfast every day. 

9.   I’ve never been to Australia.

4. My sister entered the university. 

10. John can’t play the guitar.

       5. Julia can speak German.              

11. My Mum doesn’t like rain.

       6. I’ll move to a new flat soon.        


3. Explain with your own words:


12. Children aren’t hungry.

              a promotion            tonight         

to miss                  to matter


III.      Skills box:




1.            Explain the title of episode 9.


2.            Retell if you share your likes and dislikes with your friends using the patter of Ex. II.2


3.            Act out  a possible dialogue in the room before the party.




1.        You are on your study or rest in other place. Write a short e-mail home about your news and progress.


23 жовтня 2023
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