Cinema and Theatre. Walt Disney

Про матеріал

Конспект уроку. Cinema and Theatre. Walt Disney Parade.

Вкінці уроку учні зможуть розповідати про свого улюбленого героя мультфільму, складати поширені діалоги;в них сформується позитивне ставлення до світу, за допомогою характеристики героїв Діснею.

Перегляд файлу

Сліпенко Альона Володимирівна

Конспект уроку

7 клас

 Cinema and theatre

Тема: The world of cinema and theatre. Walt Disney Parade.


Освітня: Навчити учнів розповідати про свого улюбленого героя мультфільму, складати поширені діалоги;

Розвиваюча: Розвивати творче мислення, мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію учнів;

Виховна: Виховувати позитивне ставлення до світу, за допомогою характеристика героїв Діснею.


Обладнання: підручник “We Learn English”, відео про Disney Cinema Parade, ілюстрації до тексту.

Хід уроку:

Організаційний момент:

Teacher: Hello, children.

Pupils: Hello, Teacher

T: I’m glad to see you. How are you?

P: We are fine

T: What date is it today?

P1: Today is third of March

T: What day is it?

P2: Today is Wednesday

T: Who is absent?

P3: ….are absent today.

T: Ok, Thank you. Let’s proceed to the work.  Today we are continuing to speak about the topic “Cinema and Theatre”, we’ll learn some new words, and work with new material in grammar. But first of all let’s do warming up in order you to pronounce the sounds correctly.


Warm up.

T: Today we’ll train the sound /   /, and  learn the tongue twister about a thought. So open your copybooks and write down today’s date and rewrite a tongue twister.

I thought a thought

But the thought I thought  wasn’t

the thought I thought I thought.

If the thought I thought I thought

had been the thought I thought,

I wouldn’t have thought so much

T: Let’s read it line by line.

T: Ok, thank you. Does anybody want to translate it?

 P2:  Я думав думку, але думка, яку я думав не була думкою, яку я думав, що думав. Якби думка, яку я думав, що думав, була думкою, яку я думав, я б не думав так багато.

T: Great work. Now let’s have the competition. Who will read the poem in a quicker way?

T: Thank you, you are to learn this tongue twister by heart for the next time.

Основна частина.

Повідомлення теми уроку:

T: Today we are going to get acquainted with the world of Disney characters, to learn some new grammar material, but first of all let’s check your home task.

Перевірка домашнього завдання:

Exercise 4.

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

  1. films/ always/ Science/are/ fiction / by/sensation/accompanied/.

(Science fiction films are always accompanied by sensation.)

  1. The/ local/of/our/cinema/will/start/ /in/a/month/. (The reconstruction of our local cinema will start in a month.)
  2. second/Is/a/terrace/ wonderful/located/on/the/floor/there/? (Is there a wonderful terrace located on the second floor?)
  3. to/ all/ Does/modern/the/ “Ukraina”/correspond/cinema/the/standards/? (Does the “Ukraina” cinema correspond to all modern standards?)
  4. programme/interior/,/of/attract/design/service/,/location/quality/and/this/Yhe/audience/to/cinema/. (The interior design, quality of service, programme and location attract audience to this cinema)

T: Nice work, please find in this exercise adjectives and make the Comparative and Superlative degrees.

P1: Wonderful – more wonderful – the most wonderful

P2: Special – more special – the most special

P3: Modern – more modern – the most modern

T: Thank you, and now remind please the rules of formation of degrees of comparison.

P: Якісні прикметники в англійській мають основну форму, вищий ступінь порівняння і найвищий. Прості форми ступенів порівняння утворюються додаванням до звичайної форми закінчення –er у вищому ступені та-est у найвищому. Складені форми утворюються додаванням до основної форми  слова more  і most у найвищому.

T: Very good, and now we’ll speak about the adjectives which are not the same as others. They like to be different, look at the blackboard, and rewrite the table.



The best



The worst



The least



The most








T: Let’s practice. Translate, please the sentences.

  • Цей урок гірший

P: (This lesson is worse)

  • Мій брат старший

P: (My brother is elder)

  • Ця вистава краща

P: (This performance is better)

T: Great job, now look at the worksheet,  insert the missing degree of comparison, and find the appropriate picture.

  1. tall – taller – the tallest (A)
  2. rich – richer – the richest (H)
  3. pretty – prettier – the prettiest (B)
  4. slow – slower – the slowest (I)
  5. strong – stronger – the strongest (C)
  6. big – bigger – the biggest (J)
  7. fast – faster – the fastest (D)
  8. ugly – uglier – the ugliest (K)
  9. clean – cleaner – the cleanest (E)
  10.  heavy – heavier – the haviest (L)
  11.  old – older – the oldest (F)
  12.  hot – hotter – the hottest (M)
  13.  happy – happier – the happiest (G)
  14.  small – smaller – tha smallest (N)

Reviewing the vocabulary.

T:  Thank you for your work. We have learned some words already concerning the topic cinema. Name them please.

P: a western, a comedy, a cartoon, an adventure film, a war film, a science fiction film, a feature film, a viewer.

T: Now you are to take the picture which illustrates some of these words, and make up your own sentence.

Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks with the necessary words

  1. I like to see colour…… (screen, script, film)
  2. The people who go to see films regularly or often are called….. (actors, cinema-goes, producers)
  3. As usual, before the show of the film they give a …… (script, review, newsreel)
  4. Today people like to stay at home to watch…., particularly when it is cold and wet outside (television, screen, poster)

Exercise 2.

Answer the following questions. One student is reading and translating the question, another is answering.

  1. Is there any difference between a cinema and a theatre?
  2.  Are cinemas open all day or only in the evenings?
  3. How often do you go to the cinema?
  4. On which days are cinemas most crowded?
  5. Which is the best cinema in your city?
  6. What film did you see last?
  7. Who is your favorite film star?


Introducing new vocabulary.

T: Look at the blackboard? There are new words.  You’ll come across them in the new text about Disney Cinema Parade. I’ll read them you are to pronounce them after me, and try to guess the meaning of the words.

Filmmaking – створення фільму

A catchy song – захоплива пісня

A star – зірка

A strip - кінострічка


Read the words one by one


Reading the text

T:  So, let’s start reading the text. Open your books at page140, Ex3

One person is reading the sentence and his neighbour is translating, one by one.

Disney Cinema Parade

There are two sides of filmmaking: the hard work and the magical fun. And a lot of the latter brings Mickey and his friendss from the world of Disney films along when they introduce you to the magic of Disney Cinema Parade in the Disneyland

The wonderful music sets the atmosphere with a catchy song long before the first float comes in sight.

Then Goofy, a famous Disney character, appears on his cart racing around the parade route in circles. But what’s that? It seems that all the stars of the current Disney hits join the production: Captain Nemo, Peter Pan, Mary Poppins, Pinocchio and Gepetto. The film strip is rolling down the street out of which other characters appear and greet the guests along the rout. Rhe command “Lights!!! Camera!!!Action” is herad across the place.

Disneyland will live as long as people’s imagination,” Walt Disney once said. What can we add to that?

T: Look at the blackboard. There are pictures of famous Disney characters. Comment on them, please.

P1: Aladdin is a hero of a well-known story in The Thousand and One Nights.

P2: Hercules is he son of Zeus and Alcmene, a hero of extraordinary strength who won immortality by performing 12 labors demanded by the Argive king Eurystheus.

Exercise 1.

T: Read  and choose the correct item to complete the sentences

  1. There are___________________________ sides of filmmaking

a) three                                   b) two                                 c) many

    2. The wonderful music sets the atmosphere with a catchy melody____________

a) when the first float comes in sight

b) after the floats come in sight

c) long before the first float comes in sight.

3. All the stars of _____________________join the production

a) old Disney hits    b) the current Disney hits            c) the first Disney hit

4. ________________ is rolling down the street talking, dancing and singing

a) A wonderful story    b) A crowd of people    c) The film strip


T: You’ve learnt some information about the Disney Cinema Parade, and now you’ll watch the video about it.


Watching the video

T: Did you like the video? What was the most interesting?

 Підсумок уроку.

Our lesson is over. So what did we learn today? What new characters of Disney world did you like best of all?

Домашнє завдання

As for your hometask. Your home task for the next time will be:

  • the control reading of the text Disney Cinema Parade
  • Exercise 5, page 141

Thank you for your work, Good Bye


8 серпня 2018
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