Comprehension task "Scout organization"

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Watch the video “World Scout Organization”.

Answer the questions in English.


1)  When did the Scout movement start?

2)  Who was the founder of this youth organization?

3) What was the year of foundation of Scout movement?

4) What was the aim of this youth organization?

5) What are the main principles of Scout movement?

6) What practical skills of camping did the Scouts learn?

7) What community projects did the Scouts do?

8) What system do the Scouts have to recognize their achievements?

9) What does each badge represent?

10) What is the highest award in Scouting?

11) What do the Scouts do at jamborees?

12) What is Scouting for the real Scouts?

13) What does the Scout organization do for the young people, their character, their life?

Axelerant's Support For The Worldwide Scout Movement 









Teacher’s variant.

Watch the video and answer the questions.   


1)  When did the scouting movement start?     Over a century ago

2) Who was the founder of this youth organization?

Robert Baden-Powell

3) What was the year of foundation of Scout movement?     In 1907

4) What was the aim of this youth organization?

Teaching young people valuable life skills

5) What are the main principles of Scout movement?

Trust, loyalty, helpfulness, friendliness, courtesy, kindness, obedience, cheerfulness, bravery, thriftiness, cleanliness, reverence.

6) What practical skills of camping did the scouts learn?

How to start a fire, put a tent, read a map

7) What community projects did the scouts do?

Cleaning up a park, organizing food drives, helping out in local shelters

8) What system do the Scouts have to recognize their achievements?

A system of Badges and awards

9) What does each badge represent?

A new skill learned or a challenge overcome

10) What is the highest award in Scouting?

An Eagle Scout

11) What do the Scouts do at jamborees?

Meet fellow Scouts from around the world, share experiences, create lifelong memories

12) What is the Scout movement for the real Scouts?

It’s not only an interesting activity, it’s a way of life

13) What does the Scout organization do for the young people, their character, their life?

It instills values, builds character, prepares young people for the future.




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