Conditionals Умовні речення самостійна робота

Про матеріал
Самостійна робота з теми умовні речення для учнів 11 класу. Робота містить 2 варіанти , бали зазначені перед кожним завданням
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Task 1.  Complete the sentences (0,5*12)

  1. If he __ (go) on telling lies nobody will believe a word he says.
  2. I ___ (always, help) you this year if you need help.
  3. If I ___ (not go) skiing, I wouldn’t have broken my leg.
  4. He ___ (buy) a better horse if he had more money.
  5. I wouldn’t go to the party if I ___ (be) you.
  6. If you __ (have) the money, would you have bought the house?
  7. If Dick and Jean were here, they ___ (enjoy) the museums.
  8. If I had plums and brandy, I __ (make) a Christmas pudding.
  9. If the weather ___(be) fine next weekend, we will go to the village.
  10. If you hadn’t remind me, I __ (forget) to pay my bill.
  11. If you put on the kettle, I __(make) a tea.
  12. If you __(make) more cream, I’d decorate the cake with it.

Task 2. Rewrite sentences using the 3rd Conditionals (1*6)

  1. He had a good equipment. He fixed his car in 2 hours.
  2. She decided not to move to Poland. She got married with Ukrainian man.
  3. We didn’t check our gas supply. Our car stopped just outside of town.
  4. You forgot to put the fruits in the fridge. Midges appeared in the watermelon.
  5. I cooked the cake with cinnamon. My brother ate it and he had an allergic reaction.
  6. Her daughter didn’t wear the hat when it was blizzard. She got sick two days ago.




Task 1.  Complete the sentences (0,5*12)

  1. If he __ (go) on telling lies nobody will believe a word he says.
  2. I ___ (always, help) you this year if you need help.
  3. If I ___ (not go) skiing, I wouldn’t have broken my leg.
  4. He ___ (buy) a better horse if he had more money.
  5. I wouldn’t go to the party if I ___ (be) you.
  6. If you __ (have) the money, would you have bought the house?
  7. If Dick and Jean were here, they ___ (enjoy) the museums.
  8. If I had plums and brandy, I __ (make) a Christmas pudding.
  9. If the weather ___(be) fine next weekend, we will go to the village.
  10. If you hadn’t remind me, I __ (forget) to pay my bill.
  11. If you put on the kettle, I __(make) a tea.
  12. If you __(make) more cream, I’d decorate the cake with it.

Task 2. Rewrite sentences using the 3rd Conditionals (1*6)

  1. He had a good equipment. He fixed his car in 2 hours.
  2. She decided not to move to Poland. She got married with Ukrainian man.
  3. We didn’t check our gas supply. Our car stopped just outside of town.
  4. You forgot to put the fruits in the fridge. Midges appeared in the watermelon.
  5. I cooked the cake with cinnamon. My brother ate it and he had an allergic reaction.
  6. Her daughter didn’t wear the hat when it was blizzard. She got sick two days ago.




До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
16 жовтня 2022
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