Знайдіть та виправте помилки, пов’язані з використанням злічуваних та незлічуваних іменників, у цих реченнях
This earrings are made of silver.
I have any news for you.
I do not like some music you are listening to now.
Her beauty attract me.
There were more womans than mans at the conference.
John didn't take Sarah's advices - he decided to leave his job.
I have very little friends because I am quite anti-social and prefer to be alone.
'How much money do we have left?' - 'Any. We spent it all last night.'
Kesh thought there were too much paintings in the exhibition.
I saw a boys.
These picture is a masterpiece.
I approve of the any decision you’ve made.
I broke one my teeth.
That is great new!
May I give you two advice?