Діагностична робота №2 з англійської мови для учнів 7 класу з теми " Communication and Technology"

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Діагностична робота №2 для учнів 7 класу НУШ до підручника Мітчелл. Містить завдання для перевірки лексичних, граматичних навичок та навичок зорового сприймання.
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                                                                                Test 2 

                                     Communication and Technology    Variant 1 


  1. Match
  1. Print                    a.headphones                                          
  2. Fail                      b. songs                                                      
  3. Download          c. an exam                                               
  4. Make                  d. sth out                                                   
  5. Save                    e. a document                                       
  6. Wireless             f. a video call                                       

  1. Write the correct words

1.He cut his hand  by accident, and it started bleeding/burning. 2. He can save photos on a presentation/ screen. 3. I should make a video call /mouse.  4. Let me introduce / welcome you to my parents. 5. Have you got your wireless headphones / printer? I want to listen to music. 6. Someone went out / knocked over a cup of hot tea.


  1. Complete the text with the Past Simple or Past Progressive of the verbs in brackets.

Last week Jack ____(sit) at his desk studing while his parents _____( get) ready to go out. As soon as they ____( leave), he ____( go) to bed. A few minutes later he___( hear) a loud noise downstairs. He __( go) down the stairs to check what it was.


Read the text and write T for True and F for False

                          The father' of the World Wide Web

   Tim Berners-Lee was born in 1955, in London, England. His parents were computer scientists, and he learnt a lot about computers from them. From a young age, he liked learning about how things worked and, later, he decided to study physics at Oxford University. When he graduated, he got a job at CERN, a research centre in Switzerland. At that time, it wasn't easy for scientists in different places to send each other important information.

   In 1989, with the help of Robert Cailliau, Tim invented a system to help people send and see documents-the World Wide Web. With this system, it was easy for people to use the Internet from different places in the world to send, receive and find information using their computers.

1. Tim taught his parents a lot about computers.

2. Tim graduated from CERN.

3. Scientists couldn't send each other important information easily before the World Wide Web.

4. Tim Berners-Lee invented a new kind of computer.



                                                                             Test 2 

                                                   Communication and Technology     Variant 2


  1. Match

     1. Take                 a. in trouble

   2.get                   b. a mark  

     3. Turn of            c. a computer

   4. Set                  d. the time

     5. Be                   e. a break

     6. Click on          f. a link

  1. Write the correct words
  1.      I have to write an essay on this create / creative topic. 2. She spilt the hot tea and burnt / injured her hand. 3. It is dark outside. Have you got a torch/ladder? 4. I haven’t got my mobile phone/ technician with me. 5. The teacher asked  me to hand / print in my composition. 6. Yesterday I wanted to present a new project / email to my colleagues.


  1. Complete the text with the Past Simple or Past Progressive of the verbs in brackets.

Some days ago my mum ___(cook) while my dad ____ (watch) TV.  Suddenly we ____ ( hear) a loud noise . We ___ ( run) there to check what it was and ___  ( see) our cat. It  ____ ( fall) over and ____ ( lie)  on the floor.


Read the text and write T for True and F for False

                     The father' of the World Wide Web

    Tim Berners-Lee was born in 1955, in London, England. His parents were computer scientists, and he learnt a lot about computers from them. From a young age, he liked learning about how things worked and, later, he decided to study physics at Oxford University. When he graduated, he got a job at CERN, a research centre in Switzerland. At that time, it wasn't easy for scientists in different places to send each other important information.

   In 1989, with the help of Robert Cailliau, Tim invented a system to help people send and see documents-the World Wide Web. With this system, it was easy for people to use the Internet from different places in the world to send, receive and find information using their computers.

 1. Scientists couldn't send each other important information easily before the World Wide Web.

 2. Tim Berners-Lee invented a new kind of computer.

 3.Tim graduated from CERN.

 4. Tim taught his parents a lot about computers.


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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
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