Діагностична робота для 6 класу, Full Blast Plus 6, Unit 7 Teen life

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Діагностична робота для 6 класу, Full Blast Plus 6, Unit 7 Teen life. Лексика, граматика, читання, аудіювання, письмо.


BART Last night's episode was great. Steve was playing basketball and his brother, Clark, went to see him. They argued and Clark got very angry and left. As he was driving home, Clark had an accident and called Steve from the hospital. That's where it ended. I can't wait to see it today. It's going to be great.

HAYLEY I watched it from the beginning till the end. It was really exciting and Shane Winters won in the end. He was in great shape and I think he's lost weight too. Anyway, he was brilliant on the court. He won €500,000! That's a lot of money. He's a great player. I think he's going to win in New York next month too. He will if he plays like that.

DOUG Yesterday's programme was silly really. The contestants had a lot of time to answer and the questions were really easy. I knew all the answers. Only the last one was difficult. It was about elephants or something. I couldn't get that one. Anyway, I might write to the TV channel one day. I'd be great on that show, I'm sure.

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Unit 7.  Teen life



A. Circle the correct words.

1.   When the band came on stage, the crowd went wrong / wild.

2.   All of the contestants were very talented / champion.

3.   I really like ice cream, correctly / especially chocolate ice cream.

4.   How many songs are there on this album / performance?

5.   My uncle is a reporter / newsreader for the local newspaper.

6.   An Arsenal player kicked the ball and it hit a spectator / colleague.

 Score 6 /____

B. Choose a, b or c

1. I watched a_____________________ about killer whales last night.

a. wildlife documentary          b. soap opera           c. sitcom

2. My favourite band didn’t go on___________________ this year.

a. award                       b. tour                          c. gig

3. After the concert, I waited to get the singer’s______________ .

a. audience                          b. fan                              c. autograph

Score 3 /___


A. Complete with the Present Perfect Simple of the verbs in brackets.

1.  A: ________________________________(you / ever / see) a polar bear? B: Yes. I _______________________________(visit) London Zoo many times and I_____________________________ (see) lots of polar bears.

2.  A:________________________ (Mona / tell) you anything about her hiking trip?

B: No, I_______________________________________ (not speak) to her yet.

3.  A:_________________________________ (your brother / finish) his homework?B: Yes, he____________________________ (already / do) his homework and he’s listening to music now.

Score 7 /____

B. Complete with the Past Simple or the Present Perfect Simple of the verbs in brackets.

 Dana (1)____________________________ (always / love) travelling. Two weeks ago when she (2)_________________________ (become) 18, her parents

(3)___________________ (give) her a wonderful present: a trip around Europe for a month. She (4)_______________________ (leave) a week ago and she (5)______________________ (already / be) to Italy and Germany. When she (6)________________ (be) in Italy, she (7) _____________________(go) to a pop concert. She loved it!

Score 7 /______ C. Circle the correct words.

1.   A: Have you ever / never heard this song before?

 B: Yes. I’ve heard it once / since before.

2.   I’ve read three books so far / yet.

3.   A: How long / When have you had this car?

 B: I’ve had it for / since March.

4.   A: How long / When did you buy your new bike?

B: Two weeks ago / since.

Score 7 /_____

D. Complete the sentences. Use too/enough and the words in brackets.

1.   He isn’t going to do well in the exam because he isn’t________________ (clever).

2.   I’m not going into that old house. It’s_________________________ (frightening).

3.   I won’t buy that watch. It’s_________________________________ (expensive).

4.   My younger brother isn’t__________________________ (old) to ride a motorbike.

5.   It’s______________________________ (noisy) in here. Let’s go outside.Score 5 /________


Read the text and write T for True or F for False.

Hi Ellie,

How are things? I’m not OK. I’ve got a problem. You see, I’m looking after my neighbours’ goldfish while they’re on holiday. Everything was fine until yesterday when one of them died. I think I gave it too much food. Or maybe it was ill and now all the other fish are going to get ill and die, too. Actually, I’ve got the flu at the moment. Maybe, it got the flu from me. But goldfish don’t get the flu, do they? Do they get ill? I just don’t know. Anyway, what should I do? If I call my neighbours and tell them, they’ll get upset, won’t they? I could buy them a new one. Or is that a silly idea? Write back as soon as you can.


T or F

1.   Carl is writing to Ellie to ask her for advice.________

2.   Carl knows why the goldfish died._________

3.   Carl is ill.___________

4.   One of the other goldfish is ill.___________

Score 8 /______


Listen to three people talking about TV programmes and match the name with the correct programme. There is one extra programme that you do not need to use.

1.   Bart

2.   Hayley

3.   Doug

a.   game show

b.   soap opera

c.   sports programme

d.   wildlife documentary

Score 6 /______


Imagine you are a friend of Carl’s from the reading activity above. Write an e-mail to him giving him advice about his problem.







Score 10 /_____

Score 59/_______

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