Діагностична робота з письма 5 клас НУШ

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Діагностична робота з письма 5 клас НУШ за підручником Prepare Джоанна Коста, Мелані Вільямс. – Київ: Видавництво «Лінгвіст»,
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Діагностична робота з письма 5 клас НУШ 2 семестр      Variant 1    Name_____________________________Form_______

           Task 1.Underline the odd out word in each line

  1. bus, foot, tram, car
  2. glass, bottle, knife, cup
  3. rain, wind, winter, snow
  4. fat, slim, old, thin
  5. lion, tiger, zebra, cheep
  6. dollar, cent, pound, check
  7. slow, long, short, tall
  8. glasses, skirt, shirt, hat

Task 2. Choose the correct answer (A or B)

  1. Yesterday we went to the football match. It was fantastic but we were _______ for the tram.
  1. slow,  b) late
  1. My homework was ______. I worked many hours.
  1. easy, b) difficult
  1. Only at night I ______  my work.
  1. finished, b) started
  1. Anna is tall and_____.
  1. long, b) slim
  1. We usually go to the _______ to pick up flowers in summer
  1. garden, b) forest
  1. Do you have _______ for today’s concert.
  1. fans, b) tickets
  1. Let’s go to the _____ and watch a good film.
  1. concert, b) cinema
  1. What is more______ for you : playing the computer games or playing football?
  1. comfortable, b) important

Task 3. Write the past simple of the verbs.

  1. invite____________
  2. live______________
  3. love_____________
  4. walk_____________
  5. ask______________
  6. want____________
  7. work____________
  8. carry____________


Діагностична робота з письма 5 клас НУШ 2 семестр   Variant 2    Name________________________________Form_______

           Task 1.Underline the odd out word in each line.

  1. bathroom, bedroom, dining room, bath
  2. phone, gloves, watch, camera
  3. bread, hair,  hand,  head
  4. cheese, book,  chicken,  chips
  5. maths,  music, swimm, history
  6. badminton,  baseball,  basketball, visite
  7. doctor, farmer, firefighter, picture
  8. film, museum, university, station

Task 2. Choose the correct answer (A or B)


Task 3. Write the past simple of the verbs.

  1. want______________
  2. work______________
  3. open______________
  4. carry______________


5. invite____________                                                              6.  live______________                                                            7.              love_____________                                                             8.              walk_____________





Фіцай Світлана
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Англійська мова, Контрольні роботи
14 травня 2023
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