Дидактичний матеріал "Genres of the films " до теми "Cinema" в 7 класі.

Про матеріал
What is your favorite genre of film?

To revise and expand students´vocabulary on the topic;to develop students´ speaking skills.

1) Match the names of genres with their descriptions. 2) Answert the questions

Перегляд файлу

 What genres |ˈʒɑːnrəz| of the films are these?                                        


  … has lots of stunts, shooting /стрілянина/, fights |faɪts| /бійки/, car chases |ˈtʃeɪsɪz| /погоні/ and dangerous actions. 

|ˈsʌɪəns| |ˈfɪkʃn| наукова фантастика


… is about some interesting travels, expeditions for lost /втрачені/continents, treasure|ˈtrɛʒə|/скарб/ hunting.                                                                                           



tells /розповідає/ us about real  life of people who lived in the past many years ago.                                                          


… is a film with  lots of songs and dancing.                                           

… is a film with information about  real people and                                 countries, science and technology, animals and nature.




shows /показує / life situations, people’s problems, their  emotions and feelings.                                     


… is a romantic story about a relationship |rɪˈleɪʃnʃɪp|/стосунки/    between two people who are in love.                                                            



… is a film about murders |ˈmɜːdəz|  /вбивства/  strange creatures|kriːtʃəz|                    / істоти/, dead |ded|  /мертві/people come to life. There are many special effects that make us jump in our seats.                    

… tells us about friendship, love, kindness  |ˈkaɪndnəs| добро and evil|ˈiːvəl|    /зло/Main characters |ˈkærəktəz|  /Основні герої/ are animated people, animals or creatures.

… is an exciting story about crime |krʌɪm| /злочин/ and police where the detectives  solve /вирішують/ many criminal cases |ˈkeɪsɪz| /справ/ and murders.                                    


… is a funny film. It is a story with crazy situations. It makes us laugh |lɑːf| /сміятися/  all the time.                                               

… is about the future |ˈfjuːtʃə| /майбутнє/, space travel and life on other planets. It’s not realistic. We can see aliens |ˈeɪliənz| /прибульці/ and fantastic creatures.    


Answert the questions:


1.   What is the best film you have ever seen? – The best film I have ever seen is…


2. What genres of the films are you fond of /любиш/? - I am fond of…


3. What do you like to watch about?

- I like to watch films about…

4. What types of films make you  think over important /важливi/ problems? –    films make me think over…  


5.What types of films make you feel fasci –nated /зачарованo?   - … films make me feel…                              




6. What types of films make you feel excited |ɪkˈsʌɪtɪd| /захопленo/?  - … films make me feel…


7. What types of films make you feel scared |skɛːd| наляканo/?                  

- … films make me feel…                              



8. What types of films make you feel amused |əˈmjuːzd| /весело/?  - … films make me feel…   

                                             9. What types of films make you  feel  bored |bɔːd| /нудно / ?  - … films make me feel…                





10. Do you sometimes weep /плачеш/ during /під час/ movies?


11. Who is your favourite actor/ actress? 


12. Would you like to be an actor/actress?                              



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  1.  Lara
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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
24 січня 2018
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5.0 (1 відгук)
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