Дидактичний матеріал "​​​Why do people bully? "

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Why do people bully?

Objectives: to activate the topic-related lexis; to practice speech patterns; to develop pupils' speaking skills.

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Bullying - Залякування /знущання; to bullyзалякувати/ знущатися;  bully той, хто залякує/знущається.                                             

                                                                  Why do people bully?              Bully                                         

They pretend they are tough |tʌf|/крутий/ .

Картинки по запросу Why do people bully? clipart They have difficult life at home. Someone else bullies them, maybe their parents.

They can bully others because of jealousy.

Картинки по запросу Why do people bully? clipart

They look for/шукають/ attention. They copy others who bully.

Картинки по запросу Why do people bully? clipart Sometimes a bully wants to impress and entertain /розважати/ his friends.

Картинки по запросу report bullying clipartBully is often a coward that’s why he picks on/вибирає/ a younger and a smaller child.

Картинки по запросу Why do people bully? clipartHe is unhappy.  He doesn't have any or many friends and is usually alone.

Похожее изображение Do you stand and watch when bullying is happening?                                                                          

Do you help the victim or do nothing to stop bullying?

 Do you feel curious – why, what is this about?                                                                                   Do you feel excited and laugh with the bully?

Bystander is a person who watches something happen, but doesn’t do anything.                               Are you a bystander?

 Do you feel afraid because the bully can pick on you?

Похожее изображение

Do you try to pull the bully or bullies away?

Картинки по запросу report bullying clipart Do you step away from the conflict situation and tell someone you can trust?

Похожее изображениеDo you comfort a person who is bullied?                      Do you show your empathy /співчуття/?

Do you offer /пропонуєш/ the victim   your help?

Картинки по запросу stick people up against a bully clipart Do you have the courage |ˈkʌrɪdʒ| /мужність/ to stop bullying?                                                Do you speak confidently to the bully?

 Картинки по запросу stick people up against a bully clipart

You’re a great person who deserves |dɪˈzɜːvz| /заслуговує/ respect and kindness from others.




What can you advise a bullied person?

Ignore the bully.                                           Pretend you don't hear him.                                                              Don’t look at him.

Don't cry, get angry, or show that you're upset. That's the bully's goal /мета/.

Even |ˈiːvən| /Навіть/ if you're feeling really hurt, don't let it show.  



If you're being bullied again and again, there's one "Most Important Thing" you should do: Talk to an adult|ˈædʌlt| /дорослoмy/ who you trust.



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Картинки по запросу report bullying clipart Картинки по запросу Why do people bully? clipart



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