Добірка завдань до відеофільму "Сulture Hippies", підручник "English Plus-4"

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Добірка завдань до відеофільму « Culture Hippies»- підручник «English Plus-4». Цей навчальний фільм можна використовувати при вивченні тем «We are young generation», «Youth cultures» в старших класах, a також для повторення граматичного матеріалу Past Simple Active Voice and Passive Voice.
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        Добірка завдань до  відеофільму « Culture Hippies»- підручник «English Plus-4». Цей навчальний фільм можна використовувати при вивченні тем «We are young generation», «Youth cultures» в старших класах, a також для повторення граматичного матеріалу Past Simple Active Voice and Passive Voice.

I . Pre-viewing.

1. Speaking ( підготовка учнів до сприйняття матеріалу, попереднє обговорення).

1. What unites Alcatraz Island and Golden Gate Bridge? (San Francisco, California).

2. What association do you have when we speak about Golden Gates? (the museum in Kyiv and the bridge in San Francisco).

3. What do you know about  these people: Martin Luther King, John Lennon, Yoko Ono?

John Ono Lennon, (born John Winston Lennon; 9 October 1940 – 8 December 1980), was an English musician, singer and songwriter who rose to worldwide fame as a founder member of the rock band the Beatles, the most commercially successful band in the history of popular music.

Yoko Ono  born February 18, 1933, is a Japanese multimedia artist, singer, and peace activist. She is the widow and second wife of The Beatles' John Lennon and is also known for her work in avant-garde art, music, and filmmaking.[1]

Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was an American pastor, activist, humanitarian, and leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. He is best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights using nonviolent civil disobedience based on his Christian beliefs

2. Read the words with their definition.

1). Steep - rising or falling quickly (used about a hill, street);

2). To rebel - to fight against authority, society, a law;

3). Violent - very strong and impossible to control;

4). To share - to divide smth between two or more people;

5). To oppose - to disagree with sbs beliefs, actions or plans and try to change or stop them;

6). To hang out  - to spend a lot of time in a place (informal)

                II. Viewing

1. Look through the sentences, watch the video and fill in the gaps.

1). San Francisco is a city in the state of California _________of the USA.

2). The tourist come to see its__________ , its old ______ and to visit _______.

3). The city has a population of about ______.

4). In the mid ______ San Francisco became famous because of  the _______ movement.

5). The USA had been fighting the war in ______ since ___.


2. Watch the video one more time and find answers for the questions. Work in groups of four.

      1. Where is San Francisco situated?

2. What are the famous places in San Francisco?

3. What’s the name of the famous bridge in San Francisco?

4. What’s the population of San Francisco?

5. When did the movement of hippies start?

6. What was the hippies’ ideology linked with?

7. When and how man many hippies  did come to San Francisco?

8. What did hippies wear in their  hair and paint on their faces?

9. Who became symbols of the hippies movement in 1969?

10. What kind of music was popular at that time?

11. Where can we find hippies communities nowadays

          III. Post-viewing.

                            FOCUS ON GRAMMAR

Revise the usage of Past Simple Passive. How is it formed?


1. Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.

1). The demonstrations _______by the police.

a). are stopped     b). stopped      c). was stopped    d). were stopped

2). People ______ by this violence.

a). was shocked   b). were shocked      c). shocked   d) are shocked

3. Hippies ____war and ____that money wasn’t important.

a). believed and opposed  b). were opposed and believed c) opposed and believed

4). Their ideology _____with peace, freedom and love.

a). is linked   b). was linked c). linked    d) links

5. Both men and women ______ flowers in their hair. 

a). wear  b). wore   c). were worn   d). worn

6. Beads and flowers _______as necklaces.

a). were  b). were worn   c) are worn   d) were wore

2. Prepare a story about San Francisco. Find more information about this city and tell at the next lesson.

3. Describe the appearance, clothes of hippies and their way of life.




До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
1 грудня 2019
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