План--конспект уроку англійсько- мови в 9 класі -за темою "Масс--медіа"

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План--конспект відкритого уроку англійсько-ї мови, проведеного в 9 класі -за темою "Масс--медіа".
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План-конспект уроку англійської мови.

Клас: 9

Тема: «Масс-медіа. Телебачення.»

Мета: повторити й поповнити лексичний запас учнів із теми. Розвивати навички аудіювання із метою розуміння загального змісту тексту та з метою детального розуміння. Розвивати креативне мислення, комунікативні навички. Практикувати учнів в говорінні за темою. Виховувати культуру спілкування. Мотивувати учнів до самостійного вивчення іноземних мов. Учити користуватися інтернет-ресурсами з метою самоосвіти.

Тип уроку: комбінований.

Обладнання: інтерактивна медіа-панель, планшетні ПК, роздаткові матеріали (картки “Matching”, “Word List”).


Хід уроку

І. Вступна частина уроку.

1) Привітання. Greeting.

T: Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. I think you are all fine and I hope you will be very active and energetic during our lesson.

2) Мовна розминка. Warm-up.

T.: Let’s warm-up a bit. There is a riddle on the board. Who can read it?

Whenever the weather is cold.

Whenever the weather is hot.

We’ll whether the weather,

Whatever the weather,

Whether we like it or not.

T.: Let’s read it altogether!

3.) Повідомлення теми та мети уроку. Aim.

T.: Tell me, please, what is the weather like today?

How do we get information about weather, news, famous people? (From Internet, television, radio, press.)

So, the topic of today’s lesson is “Mass Media”.

During this lesson you will:

  • revise and enrich your vocabulary on the topic “Mass Media”;
  • work in pairs and in groups over the kinds of Mass Media and different kinds of TV programmes;
  • watch the video, listen to the song and do some tasks.

II. Основна частина уроку. Main Body.

  1.  Актуалізація опорних знань. Опорна схема. Updating.

Mind maps.

T.: Divide into four teams as you are sitting. I’ll give you the cards with the names of categories and a list of words which are associated with these categories.

Your task is to match the words to the appropriate category.

You’ve got 2 minutes.

T.: Now, stop working. Choose one member of your group to go to the whiteboard and write down the words under your category.

 Good work. You are right.


Робота з лексичним матеріалом теми. Practising the lexical material of the topic.

a) Активізація ЛО теми.  Робота в парах. Activating lexical material. Pair work.

T.:  Let’s talk about one of the parts of Mass Media – Television. What is this word associated with?


T.: And now work in pairs. I’ll give you the stripes of paper. Your task is to match the descriptions of TV Programmes to their names.  For example, Tomorrow’s weather. -  Weather forecast.

You’ve got  3 minutes.

 Your time is over. Let’s check it up. Read out the definition to the TV programme.



Description                                            TV Programme


We can see it between and                      Advertisement

during the programmes. It                       (commercial).

attracts all viewers by dif-

ferent goods: medicine, elec-

tronic equipment, householding

goods, perfumes and others.



A long interview with a                             Chat (talk) show.

famous person.


The latest events in the world                    Music programme.

of music, the fresh information

about popular Ukrainian and

foreign singers, this week’s

top ten.


In this programme they tell                        News programme.

you what has happened today.



A serious film or television                        Documentary.

programme that gives facts

about something.


Watching this programme                         Sport news.

You may find out about box-

ing from Kyiv, swimming

from Sidney and football

from Liverpool.


Some funny stories from                           Animated cartoon.

Disneyland with Donald Duck.   


3. )  Здоров’язбереження. Фізкульт-пауза. (Вправа на тренування обох півкуль головного мозку). Physical activity (whole brain activity).

T.: Listen to me, do the same and say the same as me:

- Stand up.

-Sit down.

-Stand up.

-Hands up.

- Hands down.

- Put your leg up.

- Put your leg down.

T.: Listen to me, do the same, but say the opposite:

-Stand up. (Sit down.)

-Sit down. (Stand up)

-Stand up. (Sit down)

-Hands up. (Hands down)

-Hands down (Hands up)

-Put your leg up (Put your leg down)

- Put your leg down (Put your leg up)



4.) Розвиток навичок аудіювання. Listening.

а.) Перегляд відеотрейлера. Watching video trailer.

T.: And now we’ve got a very interesting task. But first tell me please, have you ever read the book “Peter Pan”? Do you know who is the author of that book?

We’ve got some variants on the whiteboard:

  • Joanne K. Rowling
  • James Mattew Barrie
  • John Ronald Reuel Tolkien


T.: We should prepare for doing the listening task. Switch on your tablets. Go to join.naurok.ua. Enter that code and your name.

So, now we are ready to watch the teaser to the film “PAN” by Warner Brothers.

But first let’s look through the questions of the test you are to do after watching the video.


T.: Do the listening test. You’ve got 5 minutes.

We can see your results on the screen. Not bad, somebody have done it very well!

Now, let’s check it up.

Look at the board. (Flash-cards)


Do you like watching the videos and doing such tasks?


b) Прослуховування пісні. Listening to the song. (Резервне завдання – 5 хв.)

T.: You know, the winter is coming. And we’re waiting impatiently for our winter holidays – Christmas and New Year. We are going to listen to the song “Let it snow” by the famous American singer of mid 20-th century Dean Martin which is often heard on TV during winter holidays. We use our favourite web-site LyricsTraining. Who wants to go to the board for doing the task?


III. Заключна частина уроку. Summarizing.

  1. Домашнє завдання. Homework.

Join/enter LyricsTraining and do the exercise to any song you like.


  1. Рефлексія. Reflexion.

T.: -  Did you enjoy our lesson today?

      - Do you think Mass Media influences your life?


T.: I’d like to thank everyone for active participation. You worked hard. All of you have got a mark for the listening comprehension task.

But I’d like to admit the pupils who worked the best today: ……, …..  .

Stand up, please! The lesson is over. Good bye!



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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
5 грудня 2019
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