Додаткові матеріали для опрацювання теми "British Museums"

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Матеріали розробки дають можливість учням поглибити знання по даній темі, повторити "Present Simple Tense" та "Passive Voice", потренуватися в складанні питальних речень.
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  1. Read and translate the text. Write down the sentences in the Present Simple  Tense:

British Museums

There … (to be) many museums in London. One of them … (to be)  the Tate Gallery in Millmank, which … (to present) modern masters of England and France. There … (to be)  some fine examples of modern sculpture. Its collection of French Impressionists … (to be) marvelous. There … (to be) the Victoria and Albert Museum in Brompton Road. It … (to have)  an outstanding collection of the applied arts of all countries and periods.

The National Gallery in Trafalgar Square … (to have) one of the best picture collection in the world. It … (to have) the most valuable display of French paintings from the early of the Impressionists, and, of course, the finest English painting, with Gainsborough, Turner, Constable and others. It … (to show) the progress of Italian painting from the medieval to the Renaissance, some outstanding pictures of the old Roman masters. It also … (to have) a great variety of Dutch and Flemish masters and an excellent choice of Spanish painters. There … (to be) great treasures dispersed in private collections all over the world. The Queen's collection… (to be) the most valuable among them.

  1. Write down the questions to the following answers:
  1. There are the Victoria and Albert Museum in Brompton Road.
  2. The National Gallery in Trafalgar Square has one of the best picture collection in the world.
  3. London is rich in galleries and museums.
  4. To the right of the square there is the National Gallery which has a fine collection of European Paintings.
  5. One of the best known museums is the British museum, with its library, reading room and the collection of manuscripts.
  1. Read and translate the text. Write down the verbs the gaps of the text:

The Museum of British Transport

 This museum in south London 1) … the story of public transport in Britain. The first bus-service in London 2) … in 1829. The bus 3) … by three horses and looked very much like a large carriage. The first double-decker bus 4) … in 1851, but the upper deck 5) … a roof until 1930. The passengers 6) … raincoats to put on if it started to rain. The first trains, like the first buses, 7) … by horses, but they were not passenger-trains. There 8) … in mines and factories to carry material from place to place. The first passenger railway in England – and in the world – was the Liverpool and Manchester Railway. In 1829, this company 9) … a prize of 500 pounds for the best steam train. The prize 10) … by George Stephenson, with his famous train, the «Rocket». It could travel at 29miles per hour, which 11) … very fast that time. Do you know the world record speed for a steam train? The record-braking train, «Mallard», which is now in this museum, was built in 1938; it traveled at 126 miles per hour!

(were drawn, was, did not have, was started, tells, were used, were given, offered, was built, was drawn, was won)




3 січня 2023
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