Додаткові матеріали для вивчення теми "UKRAINIAN TRADITIONS AND RELIGIOUS FESTIVALS"

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Матеріали даної розробки підібрані з метою узагальнення і систематизації знань учнів по темі "Ukrainian Traditions and Religious Festivals"
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 There are dates and events in the life of our county that are memorable to every Ukrainian citizen. The dates of this kind are: the New Year’s Day, Christmas Day, Easter, the Victory Day, May Day, the Constitution Day, International Women’s Day, the Independence Day, Defenders’ Day. These are national holidays; people do not work on these days.

 The Ukrainians, like any other people, have their own customs and traditions: many of these are very old, some appear nowadays. Most of the customs are connected with the religious festivals or with Ukrainian dwelling.

 Recently new national holidays have appeared. They are of religious origin. The most popular of the holidays is the New Year Day; it is celebrated on the 1st of January. On the eve of the holiday children and their parents decorate a New Year’s Tree with shining balls and dolls. The mothers of the families prepare holiday dinners. On that day people exchange presents with their relatives and friends: they often go to see them or invite them to their place to see in the New Year together.

 But the Orthodox Church in Ukraine celebrates New Year on the 14th of January to the old-style Calendar. In the evening on the 13th of January children go from house to house and sing Christmas carols: they wish all the best to the people who live in these houses. Of course, the carol-singer are given some reward – sweets, cakes or a little money. The Orthodox Ukrainian people celebrate Christmas on January, 6: the evening before Christmas is called the Holy Evening.

 International Women's Day (IWD) is a global holiday celebrated annually on  the 6th of March as a focal point in the women's rights movement, bringing attention to issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence and abuse against women

 Easter is another great religious festival: usually it is celebrated on one of Sundays in spring. On that day the religious people go to church and listen to the service: usually they bring with them baskets with food – Easter cakes, butter, and cheese and, of course, painted eggs. In this day people greet each other with the words: «Christ has resurrected!».

 Victory Day is a national holiday in Ukraine on the 9th of May. It is a day to remember victory over the fascism during World War II.

 May Day is a public holiday celebrated on the 1st of May in many different cultures around the world. It is a day of unity, togetherness, and rebirth; a day for everyone to come together and celebrate life as we know it!

 Constitution Day is a Ukrainian public holiday celebrated on 28 June since 1996. It commemorates the anniversary of the approval by the Verkhovna Rada (Ukraine's parliament) of the Constitution of Ukraine on 28 June 1996.

 And, of course, one of the main holidays of Ukraine is the Independence Day, celebrated on the 24th of August. On this day in 1991 the «Act of Independence of Ukraine» was proclaimed.

 Defenders’ Day is a public holiday in Ukraine celebrated annually on 14 October. The holiday honors veterans and fallen members of the Ukrainian armed forces. Its first celebration was in 2015.


EXERCISE 1. Answer the following questions:

1. When do we celebrate Easter?

2. What kinds of holidays do you know?

3. What most of the customs are connected with?

4. How do people in Ukraine celebrate the New Year?

5. What is the main holiday in Ukraine?

6. What holiday do we celebrate in August?

7. When do we congratulate women?

EXERCISE 2. Translate the following proverbs and sayings. How can you explain them?

1. Every country has its customs.

2. So many countries, so many customs.

EXERCISE 3. Write down the possible questions to which the following sentences may be answers:

1. Defenders’ Day is a public holiday in Ukraine celebrated annually on 14 October.

2. Children give their mothers presents on this day.

3. It is a day to remember victory over the fascism during World War II.

4. People decorate New Year trees with toys and lights.

5. Constitution Day is a Ukrainian public holiday celebrated on 28 June since 1996. 

6. On the New Year night people go to a dance, visit their friends or stay at home and watch TV.

7. The Orthodox Ukrainian people celebrate Christmas on January, 6: the evening before Christmas is called the Holy Evening.

EXERCISE 4. Write down 5 sentences with the following word-combinations:

 Memorable; own customs and traditions; appear; religious; invite; the old-style Calendar; Christmas carols; annually; gender equality; to remember; a day of unity; the anniversary; the Ukrainian armed forces. 


7 січня 2023
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