Додатковий матеріал з теми "St.Sophia's Cathedral" для 6 класу.

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Матеріал містить інформацію та практичні вправи з підтеми "Церкви та собори Києва" (6 клас). Завдання можна використати для роботи на уроці або як контрольну роботу.
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l. Read and com lete the text .Choose the correct words.

St. Sophia's Cathedral (0) consist/consists of some very beautiful buildings. There (I) are/is gold cupolas (domes) on the top of the building. In the I I dl century Kyiv (2) have/had battles with the Peche-negy tribes who (3) destroys/ destroyed the lands. Kyivites

(4) got/get a great victory over the enemy and (5) built/ build the Cathedral there. The word "Sophia'5 (6) means/meanf "wisdom" in Greek. St. Sophia (7) is/was the first place of education in Kyiv Rus. The ruler Prince Yaroslav the Wise (8) found/founded the first library and (9) open/opened the first school for children in the Cethedral.

The Cathedral (10) is/was famous for the mosaic figure of Virgin Mary. It (11) is/were also famous for fresco paintings on its walls. The fresco pictures (12) telViells about the family of Yaroslav the Wise and hunting, dances and performances of musicians. There (13) are/ is a sarcophagus of Yaroslav the Wise in the Cathedral. St. Sophia (14) are/is a great sight to visit.

ll. Read the information about St, Sophia's Cathedral. Match the words with their definitions.

I .St.So hia's Cathedral dome

3.  Pechenegy_

4.  Greek

5.Kyiv Rus

6, Yaroslavthe Wise

7. Vir in Ma

A.  Jesus Christ's mother

B.  a fribe

C.  a country

D a ruler

E.  a round structure on the ton_of the building

F.  a langyage

G, a church

1.St.Sophia was built in the 9th century.

2. The Pechenegy destroyed the Cathedral,

3. Yaroslav the Wise opened the first school for children at the Cathedral.

4, St. Sophia's Cathedral is the building of only one church.

Virgin Mary is created in mosaic style.

6.Fresco paintings tell the tourists about the battle against the Pechenegy.

7.The word "Sophia" means "wisdom" in Greek,

IV.        Write a story about Prince Yaroslav the Wise. Use 5Ws.

V.          Write a visiting card. Use the expressions given below.

Welcome to St. Sophia 's Cathedral!

It is the best place to visit!

You can see t.

You can enjoy .

You can admire

You can learn

10 травня 2021
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