Домашнє читання завдання

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Розробка завданнядо Домашнього читання в англійській мові.На тему дике життя "Аляски"
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11 class

Home Reading

“Alaska’s Wildlife: on the Verge of Extinction”

I.Find the translation and the transcription of the words.

1) mighty moat                                   11)oxen 

2) patchwork                                       12) curl

3) shielder                                            13) walrunes

4) moose                                              14) otters

5) caribou                                             15)extinction

6)prowl                                                 16) puffin

7) laden                                                17) parkas

8) paws                                                 18) poacher

9) hibernate                                         19) herb

10) den                                                 20) University

II .Answer the questions

1.About what is the first question of the plan?

2.About what is the second question of the plan?

III. Make a summary of the text.


9 лютого 2019
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