Drill-brochure (навчально-інформативна брошура)

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Продовжую презентувати назагал свої навчально-методичні роботи. Наступна брошура призначена в першу чергу для навчальних армійських центрів ЗСУ. Де система навчання абсолютно перекликається з навчанням у школі. Також є класи, також є парти і також інструктори готуються до уроку і пишуть календарне планування уроків. Тож моя брошура покликана допомогти за короткий проміжок часу опанувати люб'язно наданий технологічний девайс країни дядька Сема. Маючи власний бойовий досвід Я помножив його на викладацький і занотував до методичних рекомендацій лишень самий важливий зміст, що мають знати українські захисники на полі бою у разі застосування вище зазначеного високотехнологічного гаджету. Більшість довідкової інформації взято мною із відкритих джерел інтернету, а власний бойовий досвід Я люб'язно презентую українцям для ознайомлення. Також всі свої роботи Я дублюю англійською. Це надає змогу ознайомлюватися з подібними роботами не тільки лишень україномовним, а й нашим союзникам з блоку країн НАТО(таким чином привертаючи увагу міжнародного суспільства до наших чергових визвольних змагань більше). Англійська це мова міжнародного спілкування, тоді ж як українці з іноземної мови знають лишень російську. На моє глибоке переконання час робити зміни на цій царині. Також ця брошура, на мою думку, буде в чомусь корисна і для викладачів предмету ''захист України'', де вони матимуть змогу ознайомитися самі та ознайомити своїх учнів з найсвіжішим бойовим досвідом по захисту нашої держави. Тим самим збільшивши моральних дух майбутнього покоління захисників. Всі інші можуть ознайомитися з брошурою як з художньою літературою. Додатково зацікавлені особи можуть лишати свої коментарі на моїй фб сторінці: Focault Chanez.
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Foucault Chanez Sir Javelin

War is logistics and mathematics.

K. Fartushnyi


1.  Introduction.

2.  Logistics and mathematics.

3.  Technical description.

4.  Practical experience.

5.  Conclusion.

6.  Information sources.

If the self-confidence(spirit) is weak, they will not help neither hand-to-hand combat techniques nor weapons.

I. Lichtenfeld


This brochure was intended primarily for existing or future practitioners, who use or will soon start using this a high-tech product of Lockheed-Martin CORP (Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE: LMT)). You can also consider this kind of instruction (manual), as a great thanks to the brotherly American people in our struggle for independence, democracy and human rights.

Collected here are the technical aspects of life on the battlefield of the operator of this beautiful product and directly the author's own combat experience, which he loves to share. In this small educational and artistic brochure, everything you need is reviewed technical material and certain practical skills of operation and use of FGM-148"javelin".

At these links below, you will find a complete instruction written in true scientific writing language, even with colorful pictures, every professional warrior has know the characteristics of your weapon:

I.                 https://mil.in.ua/uk/articles/posibnyk-z-ekspluatatsiyi-javelin/

II.              https://sprotyvg7.com.ua/lesson/fgm-148-javelin

III.           http://www.ngu.com.ua/weapon/antitank/at_javelin_all.html IV.   https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/FGM-148_Javelin

My ‘‘drill-brochure’’ will be about how to quickly become a professional tank hunter, even if your level of knowledge of English is google translate on your smartphone.

As you know, a weapon is a soldier, everything else is a tool. Javelin is just also that tool. However, high-tech. And high-tech tools require high-tech users. So let’s start.




Javelin is a set of mirrors, foam plastic and microchips. M. Hurtovyi.

Logistics and mathematics.

As you can see from the title of this section, we will talk about such a thing as logistics and mathematics.

What could this mean for a javelin fighter?

Only these meanings:

Logistics is how much you can carry with you.

Mathematics - distance to target. That's all.

Without knowing the first, will not be able to calculate the exact amount of what you need and must take with you, without the second you will make distance mistakes. The distance to the target is the main criterion of your hit or miss. Accordingly, not more nor less but a matter of your life or death.

Residents of the russian nonblack soil strongly dislike Ukrainian ATGM operators, they don't like Ukrainians at all, but they don't like Ukrainian anti-tank fighters in general. That is why, it is desirable to hit on the products of the Tagil wagon-repair plant from the first shot. So, preparing to fight the armored bestiary of the enemy, in addition to technical characteristics of

FGM-148 ``javelin``, also consider and pay attention to such matters as your logistics and then it's your math. In general, what distinguishes a professional from an amateur is attention to details This drill-brochure is about that.


First of all, understand your way of transportation. Your own transportation. And more important, how you (already as one unit with a CLU and a couple of missiles) will be deliver to the place of combat. Also consider one or two of your partners.

Even more in detail, if your gods awarded you at birth with intelligence and with a smart face, plus an innate curiosity about weapons in general, it's complete a guarantee that your company commander will make you a present and give you this beautiful one anti-tank portable ``javelin`` complex.

From now on, you are a full-fledged owner of high-tech weapons that simplify and complicate your life at the same time. Simplifies, because from this moment you become popular and famous among the female acquaintances at home, because you display your formidable photos in popular social networks in an embrace with this beautiful device, winding the number of females likes under your photo. And, more importantly, popular among colleagues, since when an enemy tank enters the direct line of fire, your co-workers are trembling and shivering in the pits and praying for someone who will shot down this armored bitch as soon as possible.

Accordingly, "someone" is you.

And it complicates your life.

The specifics of this weapon are that it works by direct fire. Only direct fire.

However, about that's later.

Now we are analyzing out the logistics.

Of course, you will be part of the unit and it is unlikely that you will be given an individual car for carrying out your work. Therefore, be ready to ride “public” transport under called an BTR (Bradly M2), an MTLB (caterpillar military truck), or something like a cargo tented wheeled vehicle, together with other colleagues on dangerous business. Usually, it will be a BTR or some other evacuation/supply vehicle, which hangs between the front line and rear of our troops. Keep in mind, there will be no comfort at all transportation from the word “absolutely”.

As for you, the devils will not catch you, but Sir Javelin, as a true Anglo-Saxon, does not tolerate such attitude.

As you read from the abstract above, javelin is a set of mirrors and foam plastic.

Moreover, his heart - is CLU (Command Launch Unit). It is the most valuable and the most fragile part. In general, missiles ride on armored vehicles normally, they will even withstand when a bunch of armed bearded men are sitting on them, however, try to push the missiles, for example, behind the anti-accumulative (anti-RPG7) grid, which all our BTRs are currently covered with. Everyone throws all their things(staff) there and no one sits on the edges, so this will increase the percentage of the suitability of your weapons and the survival of your group on the battlefield as a whole.

The standard logistics bag for carrying a CLU is a miserable sight, it is quite possible that the US military does not have to suffer in such inhumane conditions in which we conduct combat operations, and therefore, in the best case, you will be given a CLU in a nylon bag, very thin on plastic loops with two pockets in the middle for a cooler (BCU), (it is such a small black thing with two half-cylinders and a metal mesh on top. Without it, the shot will not take place. It has a white spot on the side, it is an indicator of use. On new, unfired ones, the dot is white, after a shot, the middle of this white indicator turns black. Additional/spare coolers will be given to you in a small cardboard box with a foam lining in the middle. I then transferred my BCUs to


the ammunition pouch and carried them along with the CLU.

 Usually they come already set(installed) to the missile in the regular place, but  ALWAYS  have a spare.)

One of the pockets of the standard carrying bag is sewn for the spare.

So, more about the bag.

Another pocket in it is designed for battery (battery/olive flattened square with places of the connection connector to the entire CLU, a new battery comes in a package made of clear film and usually with foil fuses glued to the connectors, keep this in mind if you have to recharge the battery at night, this film if you don't remove it from the contacts, it won't allow the CLU to turn on.), the pockets are sewn to size, you can't go wrong. The reliability of this carry bag is at the level of the reliability of the MALL polyethylene bag. And that's if supply staff give you this bag. It happens that you are simply handed an CLU without any carry items for transportation (and this happens most often). So, think about how you will transport your weapon. In what? What will you use for carrying your CLU?

Sir Javelin strongly dislikes bad weather conditions, dust, dirt, fall-out. There is no question of dropping from a height at all. That is everything that surrounding a soldier at the battle-ground. So that it does not happen that you kill an “American” without reaching the enemy. The author found a solution in transportation thanks to GLOVO delivery.

Of course, it was bought with one's own money and, of course, it was not without volunteers who additionally sewed a loop of stiffness on the body of the backpack. In terms of size, the CLU fits perfectly into this one backpack plus battery and cooler too.

What's more, I also carried mashalats (camouflaging gilles-suit) with socks and T-shirts in it. They additionally served as a source of amortization and safeness. I even ordered kevlar-fiber protection from bulletproof vests for the volunteers and inserted them into the side compartments of the backpack to protect the CLU from debris / artillery shells, but later removed them due to the fact that the weight of the backpack increased significantly. You can see mine kevlar-fiber protection in the photo GLOVO; accordingly, several cans of olive paint were used to transform the backpack from a civilian to a military model. It is closed hermetically on a rather large zipper with velcro, and therefore all-weather conditions during the transportation of the CLU in it do not harm the it (CLU).

When moved directly to the position, this backpack prevents the ingress of earth, sand and other dirt, which is full of trenches and dugouts / blindages. Thereby saving the CLU itself from damage and dirt, which can cause problems for the optical parts of the CLU. I took the “American” out of the GLOVO-backpack only to shoot in combat directly or, when it was a calm period of battle, for minimal maintenance and visual inspection. In all other cases, the

CLU lived in a GLOVO-backpack, which protected it from over contamination and damage.




Such a backpack allows you not to drag the CLU into the dugout/blindage, reducing the already small shelter space, but to leave the CLU next to your trench, having previously dug the required depth in the ground according to the backpack size, at the bottom of which you throw a few logs and put the backpack with the CLU on them. Putting the backpack into the ground protects the CLU from shelling. You can also not worry about weather conditions. In general, the javelin operator is either walking or digging or shooting. Sometimes he sleeps and eats.

Also, when vehicle/BTR-transporting you with Sir Javelin, GlOVO significantly increases the percent of CLU survival by protecting it from metal parts of the vehicle, other things and weapons, which will be full on the top of vehicle/BTR while moving. I will remind you once again that the movement of the ATGM operator, that is you, will take place together with all the fighters. If there are thoughts or dreams that you will be driven in a comfortable HUMVEE, throw them out of your head right now.

Only hardcore.

Comfortable cars are for the Petter Puffer’s friends. This (in the photo) is the conditions in which you will fight, so I think the question about the container for carrying the CLU is cleared.



When carrying the CLU itself, it should be carried comfortably and protected. I think this question is explained and closed.

Now let's move on to the operator himself and his logistical support.

Simple terms this means that in addition to the CLU, you carry all your individual goods with you. And this is at least an additional backpack, cot and sleeping bag. And this is not counting personal weapons, a couple of carbine magazines full with cartridges and a bulletproof vest and a helmet.

I also took a couple of grenades for close combat.

Also add MRE and a bottle of water there.

Ideally, there is also a radio station, spare batteries for it and a thermal imager (scope), in case you go to the individual hunting, or in a separate/another position from allied company with your assistant together. So, what you take depends on you and certain circumstances. Approach this issue wisely and in advance. As for a personal bag, I can only recommend a backpack with vertical loading and without zippers. All zippers diverge and cannot withstand the load at the most inconvenient moment. In “katsaps” (russians) backpacks, this theme is well thought out, so a similar trophy will happen, use it without any doubts.


   The weight will be big, so the company commander, understanding such moments, will give you a “working mule”.

Or even two (it's better).

The task of the “working mule” is to drag the missile behind you and provide you with fire cover in close combat. The truth was that it was different who provided cover to whom, but still.

It also puts you in charge of this pet, as you must now take care not only of yourself, but also of those whom we have tamed, as the proverb say.

“Working mules” are not always the best - young, these people have such a thing as temper and fear. They can stand on their heels and sabotage certain orders (straight command) when it's scary (and it's NOT scary there only when you forget in a short sleep), and they can simply refuse to go to the position you need in case when the enemy artillery shaved the ground but you have to go to the position.

Therefore, the age limit of your working mule should not worry you much. If possible, look closely at his moral and willpower qualities. Spirit and inner core are more important than physical condition.

Or stupidity.

In war, this quality comes in very handy.

However, you usually work with who/what is available and acceptable. This is to the point that you should be ready to pick up the missile and carry it yourself to the firing position in case the mule is killed or sabotage the command. Therefore, minimum physical training for candidates for ATGM operators is welcome.

The question of weight will play a key role for you from dusk till dawn, so think over your equipment in detail. Armor protection of the 5th or 6th class is not always worth it. In general, I fought in everything volunteer and trophy. This will save you from further headaches in the case if appear the necessity to hand in back of the state property’s stuff (uniform, etc.), which have the ability to be lost. In general, everything was my own. I had a polyethylene armor plates, or, in scientific language, "DYNEEMA" (NIJSAPI 10´´× 12).

They are light and in principle even hold a standard bullet (USSR/RU ПС ГС 5.45×39). However, weight is the most important thing.

First aid kit, of course.

War is quite an expensive thing, so approach this issue wisely and thoughtfully.

This also applies to radio communication, you have the opportunity to buy your own radio station for yourself and your colleagues, specify in advance the model used by your unit and the possibility of flashing it into a single frequency network. But this is for rich&bitch, as we say. You will keep a radio connection in any case, the army will supply and provide you with it.


A few more sentences on logistics and let's move on to mathematics.

As you know, only an alive soldier can fight, this postulate is more important than ever for an ATGM operator, because it is a priority target for all tank gunners/operators of armored vehicles of the Russian Federation.

Simply terms, you are alive until you are invisible (masked).

And the optics on the enemy tanks are very high-quality. And far-sighted. Therefore, attention was paid to such an issue as the correct selection of masking agents.

In some ways, the work of a javelin fighter is similar to the work of a sniper, so it will not be a wasting time to challenge some sniper skills.

Also add a shovel to survivability.

Not a small engineer squad grade’s shovel, but an ordinary spade, or shoulder spade. The number of subsequent dawns you encounter also depends on how quickly you dig into your position. Leave the stock of shoulder spade no more 1(one) meter or 1.2(one&half) meter and 20(twenty) centimeters. Saw off a long spade stock. In any case, you ``must have`` a shovel/shoulder spade.

This is in general about the logistical issue. In more detailed of your military stuff you do yourself. A soldier must be self-sufficient/self-competented/self-enough.

Think about it.



Before I start this chapter, I have something to say – Shoot!

Do not be afraid to hit the enemy with a missile. See the target, Shoot! I often saw such moments as anxiety and excitement before the shot. Sir Javelin is a really valuable thing, but with each missile launch you become more professional and additionally create turnover in Nature. Each missile launched is a decrease in the number of invaders on our territory and an increase in the number of orders from the Ministry of Defense of the United States to the Lockheed Martin Corporation.

Thus, you bring only benefit with your professional actions. In principle, the javelin was developed for fighting in an urbanized area. For the needs/requirements of the US Army. Our realities are mainly steppes and tree lines between them. Fields occasionally populated areas. Such territorial conditions. So, keep in mind that you will almost always be working at the maximum range for your weapon. You will almost never have a comfortable 1000-1500 meters. Of course, invaders are apes, but they are not suicides (unfortunately). Optics on armored vehicles/tanks allow them to keep at a comfortable distance from you and see clearly and shoot any target that they do not like. The enemy has an unlimited amount of ammunition and therefore shoots even at our single soldier, there is not even a speech if the tank operator sees in his optics an UA fighter with a thick pipe on his shoulder. Be sure that the enemy tank will work on such “delicious” target repeatedly. Therefore, be ready to take a fight at approximately this distance. With the rare exception of when you are at a distance from enemy armored vehicles at a comfortable distance for your weapon.

Of course, you can send all these advices to hell and say to this “drill-brochure” goes and f*ck itself, and keep on to fight relying on your luck. It’s your choice. But if you decide to read, use the next some tricks: view google maps and the approximate distance in advance, there are even apps for smartphones and tablets like "Kropyva" or "Milchat", but there is no internet on the front line absolutely, keep that in mind. However, these programs work offline. Learn how to use them before going on a mission. Of course, a tablet with similar programs is an additional weight for your logistics. The smartphone has too small screen diagonal, so it is inconvenient to use these programs on cells/smartphones at all.

Also, there is a third way out of this situation. I personally used it. This is a laser rangefinder.

imageThe main criterion when choosing a rangefinder is the measurement range. According to your Javelin construction specifications, as well as the prevailing conditions in which the enemy will put you, you need to know the distance. If an enemy tank is within three thousand meters of you - shoot!

This is the critical distance for your missile. In the category of missiles under the abbreviation "E" it is 2,500-2,600 thousand meters. However, it will get up to three thousand. Even if the missile lies next to the tank at a critical distance, it will make tank move accordingly and reduce the ability of tank’s aimed shots.

Enemy tanks, more correct - tank guns, have analogue aiming systems, or in Ukrainian language -  fire control system (  СУВ ), in English – it’s named gyroscope (the system of tank guns stabilization). For you this means that for aimed shooting, the enemy tank must stop, they almost do not fire on the move.

Usually, a tanchik (UA slang word means - tank) goes into the firing line, stops and starts shooting everything he doesn't like. The duration of tank gun reloading is about 7 (seven) seconds. At your leisure/rest time, instead of tick-tock, read the characteristics of you’re the most likely/probable armored vehicle enemy, the most massive tank of the Russian Federation is the T72, so read about it.

Google knows everything.

Wikipedia has the characteristics of all samples of Soviet-made weapons.

So, look for a rangefinder with a measuring distance of up to 3000 meters. I had HALO. In any case, a rangefinder of such a range will cost approximately 20-30,000 hryvnias (UA currency ₴). War is expensive. You have to pay for professionalism.

Every time you take a position, immediately find out the distance to the probable occurrence of your target. In principle, the commander himself will tell you where and from where the enemy tank appears, it is your job to take a position where there will be a maximum percentage of hitting the target.

imageWithout this small plastic device, it will be difficult for you to get the correct distance. This can reduce the effectiveness of the shot. In general, get into the habit of knowing the distance to the most visible landmarks, this knowledge will be useful to you and your brothers in arms. For example, machine gunners. If you don’t know the distance, you’re miss, and accordingly you draw attention to yourself with the resulting consequences (try to explain this to your comrades as well). Often our military uses old soviet ATGMs as an observation field glasses, the optics on these ATGMs are excellent, it is stationary (because it stands on the ground) and simply great for observation. However, it is your choice. Moreover, you need to know all ATGM systems that you have in your arsenal. As for the javelin, it is a weapon of war, not of observation. In rare cases, you can use it to observe at night. However, having your own mobile handle thermal imager is the best solution. If you use the javelin for observation, the battery will discharge quickly. Battery is a single charge device, you remember.

A new one you will not get soon. So, use your javelin wisely. Remember, without your friend “sir Javelin” you transform into a non – hacker infantry man with big useless missiles. You need a rangefinder to find out a comfortable distance for your position, then you can use the same rangefinder as binoculars. Do not forget to mask yourself, observe covertly/meanly, constantly keep in radio contact with the allied unit/platoon. Be an apex predator. Hunt. Love your job.

War is not only death, but also priceless experience and emotions that you will not get anywhere else. If you can, buy small but high-quality binoculars (this again additional weight and space in your logistics). I personally had. You can take a monocular. This is lighter than binoculars and take up less place in your transportation backpack.

‘‘Amat victoria curam’’


Technical description.

You will have time to prepare. Ideally, you will be trained at the training camp, which is the best. Ask any questions that come to your mind. Especially ask the instructor for combat experience. If there is no such thing, ask the javelin specification. Be thorough. Your life depends on your attention and awareness, plus don't forget your work mules. They want to live too. So, pay attention to study.

If you are unlucky and the weapon is already given to you on the second front line, then this is also the norm, you will have time to prepare and everything depends on you. Salvation of the drowning by their own hands. Be untoward and interested then there will be an instructor for you too. I will not delve into javelin technical characteristics on the pages of my brochure. I leave only the links of the best Internet pages, where young officers have done their job well having written all the characteristics and technical points on the Internet pages. In public access. Here they are:



 https://sprotyvg7.com.ua/lesson/fgm-148-javelin  http://www.ngu.com.ua/weapon/antitank/at_javelin_all.html  https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/FGM-148_Javelin https://web.archive.org/web/20170606095437/ http://www.military-today.com/missiles/javelin.htm https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/FGM-148_Javelin

It is better for me not to describe, but to engage in pointless copying and description of pictures, I do not see the sense, if everything has been done and painted a long time ago. My job is to compile correctly and add practical advices. Everything else depends on you. Below I will give samples of my preparation.

I studied most of it on my own experience, although there was also a practitioner who prepared us. However, the lion's share of training is gleaned from the Internet and your own experience.

Also, review the minimum characteristics of your enemy. It's a T72, as I said. Plus BTR80. They are the most common. Wikipedia knows everything. Work on yourself.

https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A2-72 https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A2-72%D0%913

this is a link to T72. https://sprotyvg7.com.ua/lesson/btr-80-btr-80 it's eighty (BTR 80).

Your main tool in learning. Everything is simple, get and write. Don't rely on memory, take it down.





Fire card. As you can see, the limit line of fire is depicted in me, because I used both "E" and "C" variants of missiles. And the distance allowed me to work perfectly, which I did.

I love the brave. However, it is not enough to be a feller, know who you are felling.


Practical experience.

Since you are reading these lines now, it means that I wrote them. And as you understand, only a living person can write something. So, this brochure is proof that you can (and should) go through the war alive. Before moving on to practical advice, I want to tell you some of my inner beliefs.

General "mad dog" Mattis once said to marines - fight the clear heart.

What does it mean?

This means that not only weapons and equipment are at war with soldiers, it is primarily your consciousness that is at war. Your persistent psychological beliefs. Moreover, these psychological beliefs of yours should only strengthen after each fight. It is very important. Before your first fight, you can brave anything and anyone. The fight decides everything and shows who is who. And it is very important to stay with your convictions, not allowing your fear to take over you and become your tsar. Ukrainians have never had a tsar. Our nation does not like tsars or fears, you can be repulsed by that truth. Think about it. How you fight your fear depends only on you. Mantras, prayers, beliefs, you will choose yourself what to protect yourself from this terrible emotion that will flood your mind. It is a fact that it is impossible to absolutely release yourself from fear, but it is quite possible to impact it to minimum at your mental health. There is also another way to protect yourself against fear, taking appropriate substances (drugs). However, this is a dead-end branch of exit from this issue and is not considered at all in the pages of this brochure. I do not advise.

It is better to focus on such a position: with each successful shot, the number of your comrades who will return home alive increases. Period.

In war, you find yourself alone with your fear. And who will win depends only on you.

Pump yourself up psychologically. Willpower is a big thing. Now we go to practice. Over time, you will gain personal experience and know all the subtleties of your work. I am sure that the fate of an outstanding soldier has been prepared for you and you will invest part of your efforts in our victory. We achieve the best results in any sphere of life when we cooperate.

War is a team sport, so try to team up with others familiar like you.

Of course, the situations and tasks will be different, as well as the methods of solving them, but remember that it is better to kick the father in a group than to kick him one by one (UA quotes). For example, I got better results when I cooperated with fighters similar like me. The old Soviet ATGM systems work perfectly and if you cooperate with these operators in tandem, it will significantly increase the percentage of funerals for russian mothers, and decrease ours. I am not saying that this will be a mandatory condition or dogma, there are no dogmas on the battlefield in general. There is only an command and its execution. Everything else is unimportant. Orient yourself according to the situation.

Remember also that you must be rested. It means sleep. Even in war people have to sleep. Therefore, outline these questions with your partners right away. Their job is to drag missiles behind you, you job - shooting.

So, the responsibility is on you. You will be responses to commander for your hits and misses not your working mules. It’s hard job to explain your commander that you overslept a tank because you were at guard all night

I'm not talking about selfishness now; I'm talking about the fact that the key link in the FGM148 ``javelin'' ATGM system is its operator. It’s mean - you. The body should sleep. All these written above also means how good digger you are. Try to arrange your position with minimal amenities. Everyone digs his own trench. I dug such that I could sleep with outstretched legs. Pay attention to such things.


You should also notice food and water too. You can spend some time without food supplies, but there is no way without water. It may happen that you have to collect water in some ravine or undergrowth from some creek where animals drink it. Usually, you drag water and MRE to the position with you, but different/unexpected situations can happen. A pack of disinfectant pills won't take up much space in your pocket, but it will keep you from getting diarrhea.

Try to think through your steps, this will allow you to outline a list of all the necessary things that you will carry with you.

For example, I stumbled upon the positions when I wandered there in the selection of fire position, on all kinds of huge knives lost by our fighters, volunteer thick homemade chocolate bars and many other weird stuffs. Think carefully about your further task mission and what you will need. Excess weight in your backpack is your enemy. But it's not worth going naked either.


Your brain is your main weapon. In general, preparation is a useful procedure, the more you prepare, the less time will be left for your fears. Our brain is so arranged that it cannot be afraid and do something at the same time.

Switch it on. You start to feel an attack of fear, occupy yourself with some kind of activity. Agree to anything, you can use as fearkiller any methods. Pay attention to general household issues. This will make your life easier in war.

You prepare, you shoot, you sleep. You prepare, you shoot, you sleep. Repeat.

Now we move on to shooting.

As you know, training shooting at the range is very different from shooting on the battlefield. And when the rubber meets the ground, you understand why. This applies to your carbine as well as yours FGM148’’javelin’’. If you're lucky enough to launch your missile at the training ground, consider yourself lucky. Don't waste this chance. Practical experience is invaluable, even if it is training shooting. As I wrote above, the enemy strongly dislikes anti-tankers with a yellow-blue flag on their uniform. So, if they(foe) even scent an UA ATGMs operator in the positions, they will try to make your work as difficult as possible. In simple terms, the tank (or BTR/БТР) will be move.

And take cover as much as possible with the landscape and any buildings or structures. This is not very good. Because it is more difficult to hit a moving target than a static one. And this the same as to both a moving soldier and a moving tank. They know it. And there are no suicides among them (unfortunately). So be patient. Gold lies at the bottom of patience.

Do not worry, in general, movement is captured by the human eye much faster and more clearly than the static position of the body in space. The tank gunner has excellent optics, plus the tank commander has the same sight glass, at least two pairs of eyes will be looking for you. And in their hands is a supersonic 125mm cannon. Plus 40 tons of armored steel protects their bodies. You protected by only your uniform and God. The Lord always protects us. Therefore, do everything so that these tractor drivers from the Russian Far-Eastern Military District are the first to meet Him. No matter how scary you are.

By the way, both the gunner and the tank commander can fire independently of each other. They both have trigger hooks for the tank gun. Look at the characteristics of the enemy's weapons, you can learn a lot of interesting things. Remember, it takes one minute and forty-two seconds to put your CLU into "fire" mode. That's a hell of a long time. While the tank charging conveyor throws a new tank cartridge with a gun powder cartridge into the tank gun bore in 7 (seven) seconds. Know the specifics of your weapon. That is why I recommend working in tandem with operator ATGM another design/model. “ФАГОТ” (the most common USSR model of ATGM system) is the best. There are enough of these ATGM system left at the UA army after USSR collapsed, they are absolutely not picky about pollution and weather conditions, their optics are excellent, and the missile has a range of up to four kilometers. And what is important, the time of bringing “ФАГОТ” into the “fire” mode takes a few seconds. Whereas you have to wait one (1) minute and forty-two (42) seconds for the thermal sighting mechanism to start.

And you will not keep your CLU on all the time, you will lose the battery. Hence the importance of having good binoculars or a monocular in your fire position. So that you are not in position and whatever you are busy with, make it a good habit to scan the enemy's side from time to time. No one will dig a trench for you, of course, but you understood my message. Now two more important points, in my opinion. These are positions and aiming. The training position for firing the Sir Javelin is sitting on the butt, holding the FGM148 on the shoulders. That's how in the picture:

imageThis is a very comfortable and stable position for the training ground. In battle ground, you will use it extremely rarely. I won't say that you won't shoot like that at all, but it's extremely rare. You will make the total mass of your launches standing straight or from both knees, quickly sticking out from behind some kind of shelter, shoot and quickly jump in the tranches.

Repeat again,  standing straight  oron both knees.

Sometimes I got to the firing position on all fours, throwing a missile already connected to the CLU on my back and with the “safety” flipper in the “night” mode ON, so that I could immediately fire as soon as I reached the firing position. The battlefield is not a training ground, there are full of obstacles for your direct fire. Plus, constant artillery bombing/shelling. Absolutely types of artillery guns (mortars too). They have ammunition, as fools have a dirt.

And they don't save/economize them. This does not greatly stimulate to jump out of the trench


binoculars. The GLOVO container is also visible in the photo. I put out sir Javelin from GLOVO backpack just only for shoot, all other period of time CLU was inside of GLOVO container. I use my binoculars for observation as you can see in photo.

Now aiming.

As mentioned above, most often you will work in a position that is not comfortable for your shooting. Maybe you'll be lucky and get yourself on a comfortable distance is about 1000-1500 meters to enemy tank/БТР. Then you will see in the screen of your CLU a picture like this, which taken from an online guide https://sprotyvg7.com.ua/lesson/fgm148-javelin with clear contours of enemy tank/БТР.


If you see the tank rollers in the sight of your CLU, as in this photo, it means that you have a

comfortable distance to work on the enemy. And then you can play with the scopes/aiming/scope lock frame brackets (at your own discretion).

But, if the distance more far than smaller the target will be accordingly. At the maximum distance for you (which will be most often) you will see the target as a small dot. Of course, you can use the focus mode button to change the observation of view to a wide spectrum and a narrow one, in simple terms, you can use this mode to zoom in on the target in the scope. However, after activating the missile with the left trigger, the missile's kill vehicle will switch the CLU to the standard spectrum of view focusing mode.


That is, you saw the target in the thermal sight, it is far away and you see only a small dot, you click the vision spectrum button (closer to the target), of course, you immediately activate the missile, and at this time the screen goes out for a second or two (the missile at this time is characteristically will click and start hissing), after which the missile's kill vehicle automatically ejects you from the near range of spectrum into the normal one. And you again start to see the target as a small dot.

But the missile is already activated, you can't zoom in on this focus (I call it zoom, for ease of understanding), but the aiming frames(brackets) have already appeared and are flashing/blinking. And in the case when a similar situation happened to you, and the target is far away, you see it as a dot on the screen, then it is better not to play with the aiming frames(brackets).

Do not try to reduce them to target as shown in the picture and advised by the instructions. Only if you are at a comfortable distance for yourself and you can see the tank's rollers as in the picture, then set up the aiming frames as shown. If the distance is uncomfortable for you, but you have already activated the missile and in the mode of the normal zoom spectrum you see the target as a dot, then in this case just place the target inside the flashing/blinking aiming frame(brackets), do not narrow them by trying to cover the dot (target) with them.

In this case, the most important thing is to put the crosshair exactly on this dot (target) with the second click of the left trigger, as in the picture. Then the missile will hit the target. Otherwise, it's a miss. The main thing is to fix the cross precisely on the dot (target), as in the photo here.

Regarding the blinking frame(brackets), and why it is not worth playing with it at a critical (not comfortable) distance for yourself:

The battlefield is not a training ground, there are no comfortable conditions for the fighter at all. You will be tired, exhausted, on a constant adrenaline rush. And all this under constant fire from the enemy, he throws all the ammunition he has on the heads of our soldiers, plus a bunch of copters and drones, which they use to spot priority targets. All this does not assist to normal aiming. You may simply not have time to aim for a long time (if you want to live, of course). All this must be done quickly, jumped out (and you ALREADY turned on the CLU night mode in the shelter), lock the target, activated the missile, shot, HID.

You don't need to watch how does your missile fly with an interested face. It will fly even without your observation, but the place of your launch can be (and most often will be) fixed by the enemy. And a bunch of cast iron will be dropped there IMMEDIATELY. The enemy does not suffer from squint and he shoots very accurately.

I shot and quickly with an empty missile tube and a working CLU rushed into my shelter (I always dug my holes not far from the line of fire, at least I tried. And I was not near the fighters of my unit/platoon. The life of a javelin fighter is the life of a singleton. Do not often stay near your group of fighters, they have their own war, you have your own war. The tank usually shots at a bunch/group of our fighters immediately.).

I had to take 90% of my shots while standing, half-bent, but still standing. When the enemy shaves the ground around you, of course there will be shortness of the breath & frustration, and, of course, the aiming frame (brackets) will hope/jump/thrill/tremble like a crazy monkey.


All of this will make it impossible to properly align the sighting frames, so this is how: activated the missile, the frames appeared, breathe as calmly as possible (do not hold your breath), fix the crosshairs on the target and launch. Everything else will be done by Sir Javelin himself.

As soon as the missile jumped out of the tube, you RUN to the shelter and only there you switch the CLU to “OF” mode, and already in the shelter you disconnect the empty missile tube.

Do not start disconnecting the empty tube at the place where you shot. These are extra seconds of hassle-bassel and the left missile tube in the open territory will attract a lot of attention.

Also, even empty missile tube - mask.

This photo shows the location of my firing position. To shoot, it was necessary to jump out of trench in a tree line and launch a missile on a flat place.

As you can see the unharvested corn field in front of you, it is high, so you will almost never be able to shoot comfortably while sitting. Standing. Do not throw the shot container just like that (try). A javelin container, just lying on the ground, will surely attract the attention of a drone/copter. Just put it under some driftwood or throw it into the bushes.

Orient yourself by the environment. The same applies to non-fired containers, combat containers. Once in position, dig in your rockets to protect them from fire and cover them with something (I used my camo scarf to cover them). In the previous photo above, you can see that my missile tubes/containers (spare) is covered by a splintered branch, and the GLOVO backpack is covered by a cut bag from gas mask. This color of the gas mask bag fabric perfectly masks and blurs the contours of things.

This explains why I attach so much importance to determining the distance before the need for a shot arises.

Let me put it even more simply, immediately at the firing range (from where you will shoot), determine for yourself the reference point of the critical range. If the tank comes within this reference point, shoot!

If it is on the edge or further, or on the edge but moving quickly, then it is better to wait and NOT activate the missile. Movement is bad, it can suddenly disappear behind trees or a hill, which you will not see in the thermal imager. You will see only the thermal signature of the tank/armored vehicle, everything else will be a single color. In this case, it is better to wait for at least a small stop of your target.

Only if you have previously felt the entire side of the enemy with your eyes and know that, for example, this road goes exclusively through the field and there are no obstacles to your view, then you can work on a slow-moving target. I personally waited in such cases. They strongly shun our anti-tankers and therefore try to quickly slip from landing to landing.

More simply say, tank covers itself by tree line or move at that distance which is unreachable for sir Javelin, than shoot everything what the tank commander doesn’t like & hide again behind some kind of shelters (obstacles).

Hence my remark about working in tandem with someone similar like you else. One-by-one fighting with a tank is difficult. Especially if they know where your positions are. Therefore, as an ATGM operator, it is not always worthwhile for you to be together with other fighters of your unit in a bunch/group.


In the case when you activated the missile and the target hid. It is no longer possible to stop the missile.

More simply say, you will not transfer it back to pre-activation mode. Chemical processes have started and if you did not have time to launch the missile, your cooler (BCU - a small black two-cylinder piece of crap on the missile tube/container with a metal mesh) will be used in 4 minutes. A black dot will appear in the middle of white dot of the marker, exactly in the center. (photo above) BCU is used.

You can't launch a missile without it.

It is for such a situation that you should have an additional (spare) cooler. Or shoot a new one from a spare missile. They are equally suitable for all models of missiles (type E, type C). It may take some effort to install the BCU from one type missile to another, but they set into place. I had to move the BCU from the E-type missile to the C-type missile, and with effort set the cooler into its regular place until it clicks.

During my first deployment as an FGM-148 operator, I had a similar situation when I activated the missile, engaged the target, and then, bang(!), it disappeared.

And that's it, the cooler worked its 4 minutes and became useless, I reloaded the spare cooler, started waiting, the target appeared again, I activated the missile again and again, damn(!), the target disappeared.

Another BCU lost again, and only the third time, when I removed the new cooler from the second missile and waited patiently, was able to hit the target. By the way, I worked in tandem with the another ATGM operator then. And the tank just rolled from the forest strip to the caponir and back, in my opinion, he lured the птурист (ATGM operators). Ride and shoot, whore.And only when he froze for a certain time without movement, I was able to shot on him. Therefore, a moving target is not a very good thing.The CLU battery is enough for 2-3 shots. As far as I know, the manufacturer claims 6 (six) shots on one battery. Perhaps this is the case if you shoot continuously and without taking into account the time of observation and aiming.

In battle, count one battery for 2-3 shots.Therefore, you must always have a spare. Also, know that you may have a conversation with the company supplying sergeant about where you put your BCUs?

And I understand these questions from the company supplying sergeant, in the same way that at the supply warehouse he will also be asked what and why he orders additional coolers, if there is already one on each missile container.

However, in this case, you have a company commander and your clear and detailed explanations will remove unnecessary headaches. And when you become an effective javelin top gunner with notches on the J-handle, then in this case you will be given everything whatever you want. And an extra rank, and a tributed revolver as well. Therefore, take the initiative. This is a good character of trait.

A few more words about aiming. Own experience.

In the photo, my firing line, on the left, on the edge of the caponir, is the campaign cover of Vasiliy from Ryazan. Vasiliy, by the way, is also lying there nearby (I will drop his photo as well). As you can see, Sir Javelin is ready for battle, in a trench/caponier, protected from artillery shells/debris during an artillery fire. And on the opposite side, look closely, there is an AK74 sticking out of the ground. See? So, this is my AK74 and I used it as a stand for my javelin, when shooting, to reduce body vibration and better aiming stability.

The battle happened in next way: the enemy tank entered the firing line, I jumped out of the caponier/trench to my AK, my comrade threw up a javelin to me from the caponier/trench, I grabbed it, and while standing on my knees I set/stand sir Javelin on the stock of the my AK74, this stabilized the aiming and made it possible to capture/lock the target. Plus, I hopped onto the firing line on all fours or bent over to reduce my silhouette. You understand why.


This is what a real battle launch of a missile at the enemy on the battlefield looks like. Everything is normal with my AK, I wrapped its ДТК (the end of AK74 barrel) with insulating tape, making it impossible for soil to enter the barrel hole.

This is Vasily from Ryazan, he laid down because war is hard work and he needs to rest sometimes. And there are a lot of them out in those tree lines and fields.


Empty, shot containers (missile tubes/containers) can also come in handy. Again, empty missile tubes can be used to lean/stand Javelin on it and fix your position for accurate shooting. In the tree lines and fields, you won't always have something at hand to place your weapon on for stabilization. The shot missile tube will suit you perfectly as a stand in case the situation requires shooting while standing.

It took me a minimum of time, I have been waiting one minute and forty-two seconds in the shelter/trench, then jumped out of the shelter, picked up an empty tube with my hand, ran to the line of fire, quickly stood the javelin to this empty tube, locked the target, launched and just as quickly disappeared from the place of shot. I will remind you once again, if you work at the maximum distance, stabilize your weapon.

Now a few words about maintenance.

imageMonitor the serviceability of the CLU and missiles. Keep them close to you always. For this they (commanders) give you working mules. Visually inspect the launch containers (missile containers) from time to time and check them every time after your movements on the transport. I described why above.

As for the CLU, you remember that the javelin is a set of foam mirrors and microchips. So, treat your weapons with care. Check the CLU for integrity, also for the indicator near the eyepiece (a kind of nut with glass in the middle, and under it a blue marker with the inscription removes when discard), it should be blue, if it turns red, the CLU needs repair. Of course, don't unscrew or tamper with anything. In your hands you hold a typewriter for producing funeral cards for russian mothers. Appreciate your weapon for that.

Also, do you remember that you will also have a personal weapon? But I am sure you know very well how to take care of your carbine.

Pay special attention to the optics of your CLU. This is the javelin's vulnerable spot. There are only three of them on the CLU. This is one eyepiece and two lenses, a thermal imaging (large) and a small one for normal viewing. Lenses have protective caps.

Thermal imaging - foam protective cover, ordinary - metal. The eyepiece has protective curtains in the middle of the rubber eyecup. Curtains are a specific thing; they interfere a lot. The eyepiece will fog up quickly, know that. Therefore, carry with you a bunch of fleece wipes for wiping the optics and a pack of alcohol wipes for wiping the CLU.

Don't wear optics with the lapel of your military jacket. THIS IS a “mauvais ton” (fr.)

I carried such napkins in a jar of vitamins. And one in the pocket for wiping fogged eyepiece directly during shot if necessary.


Covers for closing contacts.

The contacts that connect the launch container and the installation are protected by caps. And these caps are attached to the missile tube with a fragile rubber band, which quickly tears and, accordingly, the caps are lost, thereby increasing the danger damage to the connection contacts. I removed the regular strap from my flashlight/pocket torch and used this cord to connect the caps to the missile container. This is an ideal solution of the situation.

Everyone tries to appear (cut a dash) instead of being. In war, you have to be, not appear (cut a dash).



You can buy anything in life, except for two things. This is health and experience. Each practitioner develops a bunch of useful practical skills that help him win and survive.

Which path of your war you will choose is only your personal matter.

I chose to be a pro in my field. And what distinguishes a professional from an amateur is attention to details and small things. Constant work on yourself dulls fear better than all existing antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs. As I said, our brain cannot be afraid and do something at the same time. Occupy yourself with something when it's scary or when waves of depression/anxiety roll in.

For example, wipe the CLU with alcohol wipes or read Wikipedia about the T72. I personally, in a state of depression and frustration, designed and engineered a CLU carrying bag.

And you know what?

I designed it, ordered volunteers and they sewed it for me according to my drawings and order. I can now sell my javelin carrying bags to, for example, our Ministry of Defense. It distracts the best from bad thoughts. Set yourself firmly on victory and fight with a clear heart.

And I`d like to conclude this drill-brochure with the words of Ambrose Bierce from his book:

“That would probably not affect the duration and result of the war, but it is the business of a soldier to kill. It is also his habit if he is a good soldier” 


       Good luck.                                                                                                                 






Focault Chanez
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