Eco Tourism in our country and abroad

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Урок для учнів 11 класу із залученням матеріалів із підручника Real life intermediate bySarah Cunningham and Peter Moor
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                 Конотопська спеціалізована школа І-ІІІ ступенів №9









                 ECO- TOURISM











                                                                 Урок розробила учитель англійської мови

                                                                 Хоменко Тетяна Федорівна












Planning a short eco-holiday for tourists

Objectives:    to practice using the words on the topic;

                       to develop students’ speaking, listening, writing and

                        reading skills:

                        to stimulate pupils to express and prove their own

                        point of view:

                        to encourage students to use their imagination

                        while working on the topic.

Equipment: student book Real life (intermediate), videos, articles on the topic    

  1. Warm up

Go around the class exchanging information about where they went for their last holiday, who they  went with, where they stayed, e.g. hotel, tent, villa, etc. and how 'green' (environmental) you think their holiday was.

  1. Reading and speaking (group forming activity)

1     Put the holiday activities in order from 1 (most important) to 5 (least important). Compare your order with a partner.

 staying in a luxury hotel or villa  



 seeing exotic places and beautiful scenery 

        being green 

Pre-reading task



Discuss questions in groups (information read at home)

  • Why is ecotourism popular nowadays?
  • What are the main goals of ecotourism?
  • What opportunities does ecotourism give to the tourists?


Future trends: Eco-Tourism

Readers often ask us if travel will become more environmentally friendly in the future. We put your questions to our travel correspondent, Simon Lace, and look at the some of the latest ideas.

  1. 1. Will we be able to have luxury holidays in exotic places without damaging the environment? (Steve Southall, Manchester)

SIMON: Building hotels and villas permanently affects the environment, that's why many holiday companies are looking for alternatives. One possible answer is luxury 'holiday pods'. You can assemble them anywhere in the world, from the South Pacific to the Sahara Desert, and they can remain in place for up to fifteen years. Then they can be packed up and moved to another location. The damage to the environment is almost zero: all the waste produced in the pods is collected and recycled. But some people don't believe there's anything particularly new in this. As travel writer Carl Jenkins has said, 'Lots of people already have similar pods, they're called caravans.'


2. Will I be able to travel by air without producing carbon dioxide? (Kathy Price, USA)

SIMON: Why not try a holiday on a helium-filled airship hotel? As we all know, air travel creates more carbon dioxide than any other form of travel but this revolutionary airship might change that. It will be able to travel for 3,100 miles without stopping, and combines the experience of travelling by cruise ship, hot air balloon and aeroplane. Yet it requires no fuel or runways. The engines use hydrogen and the airship travels at a lower speed and altitude than a normal plane, giving passengers the opportunity to sightsee from above. As the designers say, 'Passengers can see fantastic places without landing and buying a ticket.'


3. B What are the options for young people who care about the environment but also want adventure? (Neeta Madahar, London)

SIMON: A big trend for young people is 'ecoteering': a combination of voluntary work and environmentally-friendly holiday. Choices include replanting tropical forests in India, working as a jungle tourist guide in remote parts of Cambodia, or working with endangered wild animals. According to student Laurence-Ford, who spent two months working at a wolf sanctuary in New Mexico, USA, 'The whole experience was awesome. I formed a real bond with the wolves and I loved waking up to the sound of their howling!' Whatever you decide to do, I think the days of choosing a holiday without thinking about the environment will soon be over. Eco-tourism is growing three times faster than any other kind of tourism!


    Read the text and choose the correct answer.

1 Holiday pods

a cannot be moved from one place to another.

b do not damage the environment.

c have to stay in the same place for fifteen years.

d are a way of recycling the waste that tourists produce.

2 Carl Jenkins thinks that holidays pods

a are bad for the environment.

b are not really a new idea.

c will eventually replace caravans.

d are a very original idea.

3 The airship hotels

a need to stop often.

b travel faster than aeroplanes.

c provide a more eco-friendly way to sightsee.

d will be cheaper than travelling by plane.

4 Ecoteering is

a a good way of relaxing.

b a way of attracting more tourists to remote places.

c becoming more and more popular with young people.

d is very dangerous.

5 Laurence Ford

a enjoyed all aspects of his holiday.

b couldn't sleep because the wolves were so noisy.

c went searching for wolves.

d didn't enjoy his visit to the wolf sanctuary.

Post –reading

    Discuss the questions in pairs.

 What are the good and bad points about each of the eco-holidays described?

 Which appeals to you most and which appeals the least? Why?

 What is your ideal holiday?


Case-work  task is to make a plan of a short eco-holiday for tourists in our region (each group discuss)

  • How the tourists will arrive in the country;
  • How will they travel within the country;
  • Where will they stay;
  • What the holiday consist of.

(It can be either as an oral presentation or as a poster, or both)


  1. Writing

Write a postcard. Imagine that one of your guests shares his opinion with friends about your Eco tour.

Include the information about:

  • the place/the other people
  • how he spends his time
  • whether he is enjoying himself. Why
  1. Sum up
  • What are your plans for the next holiday?
  • Would you like to have an eco-tourism holiday?
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