Екологічний вечір на тему “Earth Calling”

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Захід спрямований для того, щоб привернути увагу школярів до гострої необхідності вирішення проблем забруднення.
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Екологічне зібрання на тему “Earth Calling”

(для учнів 9-11 класів)



1. З’ясувати  проблеми навколишнього середовища.

2. Визначити шляхи вирішення екологічних проблем.

3. Привернути увагу школярів до участі в акціях щодо охорони навколишнього середовища.


1. Привернути увагу школярів до гострої необхідності вирішення проблем забруднення.

2. Активізувати творчу діяльність учнів  у процесі роботи над створенням проєкту.

3. Удосконалювати навички монологічного висловлювання, діалогічного мовлення.

4. Розвивати почуття прекрасного засобами поезії та прослуховування музичних творів.

5. Розвивати почуття відповідальності  в учнів за виконання частини спільної справи.


2. Агітаційна наочність в фойє школи, мультимедійний проектор.

Хід заходу

1. Під музику Дж. Леннона учениця декламує вірш “Imagine”.

2. Ведучий: Look at this apple. Now use your imagination and say what does the apple look like? It looks like our earth.

I cut the apple into 4 quarters. Three quarters of the Earth’s surface is water and only one quarter is land. I’ve cut the piece, represented the habitable earth, into four pieces. Only a quarter of the Earth’s habitable land is where all the Earth’s food comes from. You can see that it is a very little piece and we should take care of it.

3. Let’s start our reunion with a song “We all live together” 

We live in a house in a neighborhood
The neighborhood is a part of the city
The city’s in a county
And the county’s in a state – a part of the USA
And the USA is a good al’ place – but it’s
still just a part of a place called Earth
The good of Earth is out in space: a part of the Universe

Oh, we all live together
Yes, we all live together
Oh, we all live together
Together every day

Ведучий: Many years ago man lived in harmony with nature because industry was not much developed. Today the contradiction between man and nature is dramatic. The protection of nature has become one of the most burning problems. The nature provides people with mineral resources, rivers, forests, fields. The development of industry has had a bad influence оn the nature of the whole world. Let's speak about environmental problems in the world, in our country and in our region. We'll discuss how to help nature, how to help ourselves and future generations.

4. Доповідь ”The Protection of nature” представляють двоє школярів. Після виступу кожного учня задаються питання.

5. Обговорення:

Millions of cars and smoky factories pollute and spoil the air we breathe in. Smog is hanging over big cities like an ugly brown cloud. It hurts our lungs as well as the life of animals, birds and plants (слайд).

  • Cars are the biggest air polluters. But scientists are trying to invent cars that pollute less (слайд).

Карта зменшення озонового шару над Антарктидою (слайд)

  • The Pollution and the ozone layer destruction could lead our planet to a global catastrophe. About 5 billion tons of carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere every year. Every year one industrial region throws out into atmosphere about 50000 tones of dust and other harmful substances (слайд).
  • Radiation has become one of the main problems. Many people died from radiation in Chornobуl (слайд). It was a great tragedy. People build nuclear stations and carry out nuclear tests. As a result, radiation represents one of the main problems nowadays. But some countries such as Switzerland and Austria stopped building nuclear power stations.
  • Water Pollution (слайд). It is not a secret that the largest river of our region Dnipro is polluted very much. Yet, companies don’t know what to do with waste materials of industry, so they pour them into water. They pollute the water we drink, and the land we live in.
  • Mercury can get into the Dnipro. It is a real danger. But some countries build plants with a closed–loop recycling system. They don’t have any waste water because every time it is reused. It is the way to solve this problem.

Карта забруднення світового океану (слайд). 

Таблиця джерел забруднення (слайд).

  • Every year the World Ocean gets about 25-30 mln tones of harmful substances. The ways of their getting into the water are different:

23% from different ships

28% from river waters

17% from loading of sea ships

16% from industrial water

10% from acid rains

5% from oil ships accidents

1% from oil boring

  • Acid rains. When the sulfates mix with clouds, acid rain falls and harms lakes, rivers and planets. Also, the wind blows the air around. So, sulfates from one place can fall as acid rain many miles away. Our clothes become dirty, trees, plants die. Acid rains do not fall seldom. And we can see yellow parks, grass in the middle of summer. (слайд)

Ведучий: Children, you know there are a lot of environmental problems in our region.

Опитування учнів щодо забруднення довкілля рідного краю (відеозапис).

6. Виступ учнів – мультимедійні проєкти з теми “Екологія рідного краю ”.

One of the most serious problems is air pollution. More and more factories, cars and lorries add their bad breath to the air. What can you say about this problem in our town?

Cars are the world's biggest air polluters. There are a great number of cars in our town. In cold winter days their engines work day and night. They add their bad breath to the air. The authorities of our town make laws against air pollution, but the problem of pollution is growing.

Another serious problem is water pollution. Do we have such a problem in our town?

- There are a lot of lakes and rivers around our town. People like to swim in hot summer days there. Some people are fond of fishing. Freshwater fish is very tasty.

But many rivers are dirty now. On the banks of the lakes and rivers there is a lot of litter. People leave bottles, paper, food after their resting. Sometimes they throw them into the water and it's dangerous to swim there, because you may hurt your feet. That's why it's necessary to clean our lakes and our park and keep them clean.

One of the most serious problems is our countryside. There are great forests around our town. Twenty years ago they were rich in wild animals, mushrooms and berries. Has the countryside changed with the developing of industry?

- Our town is an industrial town. Of course, the countryside has changed greatly. Look at these pictures. The countryside is spoiled. Wild animals have disappeared in these places. We cannot eat the fish from our rivers because it is not very good for our health. In the result of man's activities a lot of species have disappeared. You can see them only in the Red Book.

Are there any environmental organizations in our town?

- As far as I know there is such an organization in our town.

What problems does it solve?

- It tries to protect nature and people who live here. It takes care of lakes, rivers, forests and animals of our region.

How can you help to protect the environment?

- We must keep the country tidy.

- We must grow flowers and trees.

- We must protect animals and birds.

- Wе should not throw trash in the streets or parks. A lot of trash can be recycled.

So we all must work together to keep our world green. The world around us is wonderful. Let's preserve it.

Slogan:”Keep our town tidy!”

7. Rubbish. At the end of 20-th century each person in the USA threw away 2 kg of rubbish daily. You would fill 45000 trash trucks every day! A large part of this waste comes from packaging. Some companies have started recycling projects. Everyone should try to throw away less. But it is not enough today.

Газета “Our Environment is in Danger”

8. 3 учнів представляють рубрики:

  • How long litter lasts

You see the rubbish problem is very important now. Look at this poster "Litter lasts...”.

You can see that a traffic ticket lasts 1 month.

A banana peel lasts up tо 3 months.

A woolen sock - 1 уеаr.

Wooden stakes - 4 years.

A wax paper cup - 5 years.

Tin cans - 100 years.

Aluminum cans- up to 500 years.

Glass containers - they never decay.

  • Do you know…

Do you know the English equivalents of these Ukrainian expressions?

- проблеми довкілля– environmental problems

- екологічна катастрофа - environmental disaster

- екологічна безпека - environmental safety

- акції на захист довкілля - environmental actions

- захист довкілля - environmental protection

- екологічна система - environmental system

  • What to do?

Children, look at the blackboard please. You can see a nice big tree there. By the way, I know that at the last lesson you made paper leaves and wrote your promises to protect the environment. Now I want you to stick your paper leaves with promises on this tree. So go to the blackboard, read your promises and stick your leaves on the tree.

(Учні підходять до дерева, зачитують свої обіцянки та прикріпляють листя на його крону)

9. Ведучий: So, in spite of everything, we believe that the Earth is our common home. All its inhabitants – people, animals and birds need to live in peace and harmony. Let’s adopt the result of our meeting.


I. Say “no”:

 1) wars

2) Battles against wildlife

3) everything that threatens the Earth biosphere threatens people, threatens each person.

II. We say “yes”

1) Peaceful life

2) Love and responsibility for wildlife

3) New biological ways of agricultural development

4) Science and wisdom

5) Ecological culture

ІІІ .We should:

1) Pick up litter

2) Use less paper, less packaging

3) Buy milk or juice in cartons, not in plastic bottles

4) Help communal workers keep our town clean and tidy

5) Leave the places of our rest clean

6) Plant trees, flowers

IV.Під музику Чайковського учні виходять з плакатами, зачитуючи:

1) Keep the environment clean!

2) Avert the danger of environmental disaster!

3) Protect the environment from industrial pollution!

4) Keep the land, air and water clean!

5) Save energy!

6) Pick up litter!

7) Recycle!

8) Save water!

10. Підведення підсумків

Our short discussion is over. I’m sure you are real friends of our planet and you are as green as grass. We all must keep the air, water and land clean. We must protect our nature to live happily.

Let’s read the declaration together:


Гавренко Юлія
17 травня 2022
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