English-Reader for 2-nd Grаde Pupils

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У розробці представлено вправи для читання для учнів 2 класу НУШ, що навчаються за підручникам Г. Пухта Quick Minds. Усі завдання і вправи написані відповідно до граматичного та лексичного матеріалу тем, що вивчаються протягом року.
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Нагірна А. О. Збірник вправ для читання «English reader» для учнів 2 класу







Збірник вправ охоплює лексико-граматичний матеріал та вправи для читання, які відповідають лексичній насиченості та тематиці підручника Quick Minds 2. Матеріали збірника вправ відповідають чинній програмі Міністерства освіти і науки України з предмета «Англійська мова» у початковій школі загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів та складений у відповідності до підручника. 

Збірник створений на основі методичної літератури та власного досвіду вчителя, призначений для навчання читання і може бути використаний вчителем на уроці, учнями самостійно та із залученням батьків. 







Матеріали рекомендовано педагогічною радою загальноосвітньої школи І-ІІІ ступеня с. Боратин (протокол №   від    )








1.      imageBack to school ................................................................................................ 5 2

2.     The school bag................................................................................................ 8

3.     The Zoo......................................................................................................... 11

4.     My bedroom ................................................................................................. 13

5.     Come to my party........................................................................................ 16

6.     Off we go!.................................................................................................... 19

7.     Sports club................................................................................................... 22

8.     In the countryside...................................................................................... 25

9.     Amusement park.......................................................................................... 28 10. At the beach............................................................................................. 31






                                  1. Пояснювальна записка   image


Навчання англійської мови на початковому ступені у сучасному загальноосвітньому навчальному закладі є надзвичайно важливим. Це процесс багатоаспектний, що включає в себе навчання усіх розділів мови (фонетики, лексики, граматики) необхідних для формування мовної та мовленнєвої компетенції учнів. Одним із завдань навчання молодших школярів іноземної мови є розвиток уміння читати нескладні автентичні тексти та розуміти їх. Процес оволодіння цим умінням починається з навчання техніки читання, яке забезпечує автоматизованість сприйняття графічних образів, співвіднесення їх зі звуковими відповідниками та їхнім значенням, а також із озвученням їх у голос або подумки. Це визначає важливе місце читання на кожному занятті з англійської мови. 

Однією з основних проблем навчання є проблема відбору текстів і чітка організація роботи з ними. Адже досить часто учні працюють з текстами, які їх не цікавлять. Це не лише зниження мотивації навчання, але й втрата змісту самого читання як виду мовленнєвої діяльності. 

Нова українська школа вимагає від сучасного вчителя зміни його діяльності, що чітко орієнтована на успішність учня та комфортні умови навчання. Це викликає необхідність по-новому поглянути на проблему формування навичок читання учнів англійською мовою на початковому етапі. Перші роки навчання у школі – важкий етап для учня. Не всі з них легко засвоюють   навчальний матеріал використовуючи лише пропоновані вправи підручника, тому вчителям постійно потрібно перебувати у пошуку цікавих тексів та вправ для поліпшення навички чиання учнів.

Завдання збірника – допомогти у формуванні в учнів зорографічних та слухомоторних зв’язків, що сприяють миттєвому розпізнаванню і розумінню вже відомих слів, співвідношенню їх із значенням інших слів; навчити учнів об’єднувати слова у словосполучення, а словосполучення – у більш складні синтаксичні imageодиниці.

Матеріали збірника вправ відповідають чинній програмі Міністерства освіти і науки України з предмета «Англійська мова» у початковій школі загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів та є складеними у відповідності до підручника Quick Minds 2. Збірник охоплює лексико-граматичний матеріал та вправи для читання, які відповідають лексичній насиченості та тематиці підручника. 

Посібник-тренажер, створений на основі методичної літератури та власного досвіду вчителя, призначений для навчання читання початківців і може бути використаний вчитеем на уроці, учнями самостійно та із залученням батьків. 


                                                               2. Back to school         image



1.       Choose and name the letter.




Aa  Bb  Cc  Dd  Ee  Ff Gg  Hh  Ii  Jj  Kk  Ll Mm  Nn

Oo  Pp  Qq  Rr  Ss  Tt  Uu  Vv  Ww  Xx  Yy  Zz





2.       Read as quickly as you can! image

a     [ǽ]

Pan      back      bat        mat   

Can      tack      flat        pan    

Sam    shack     dam     smash

Tram    glad      shall      hat

Man      ass       bad        trap



a    [ei]

Pane      bake     bade     grave

Cane      take      late      pane  

Same    shake    mace     mate

Tame     glade    shale    dame

Mane      hate     race       page




Pan  - pane                  glad  -  glade back  -  bake                hat  -  hate bad  -  bade                  dam  -  dame mat  -  mate                 man  -  mane


3.       Spell than read and put in!  

      window  bookcase  wall   clock  board  floor  door   chair


4.       Read the text


We have got a new classroom! It is very big. We have got green walls. The board is green too. We have got yellow desks and chairs. The door is big and brown. Floor is brown too. New classroom is great!


5.       Color the classroom!



6.       Match!


We have got green   ◊                     ◊ desks and chairs. We have got yellow  ◊                     ◊ door and floor We have got brown  ◊                     ◊ is great!

Our classroom          ◊                     ◊ walls and board     




seventeen / nineteen / fifteen





i [i]

is        big         clip         ship it        dim        disc         chip fist      bill        cliff        bin dish     miss      dig          milk pink    mint      mist         fill

i [ai]

like    bike      bite       cite ice       lice        kite      dime lime     mice      five        Nile size     side       pine       site nice     spite     smile       tide

i [i]-[ai]

bill – bile              bin – bine pill – pile              win – wine mill – mile            lift – life rid – ride               twin – twine

3.  imageRead as quickly as you can!


4.  Read as quickly as you can!


There’s a book.                        There are some books.

There’s a window.

There are some windows.

There’s a chair.

There are some chairs.

There’s a cupboard.

There are some cupboards.

There’s a board.

There are some boards.

There’s a rubber.

There are some rubbers.

There’s a pen.                 There are some pens.



5.  Put in words in on under

imagePencils are ______ the pencil case.

Pens are _______ the beg.

Beg is ________ the notebooks. Green notebook is ______ the notebooks and ______ the beg.

6.  Read the text!



 My name is Pam. I’m seven. 

I have got seventeen books in my bookcase. I have got eleven pencils in the pencil case. I have got two begs under my desk and twelve pens on the table. I like to study!


7. Find in the text and put in!

My name is _________.

I have got ___________ books _______ my bookcase.

I have got eleven ___________ in the pencil case. 

I have got ______ begs under my ________ and twelve _____ on the table. 

imageI __________ study!


image                                                                             3. The Zoo               11


1.       Guess the animal and match!













2.       Look at the picture. Read and circle. 

imageimageDo you like spiders?             Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

Does Taras likes zebras?     Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.

Does my cat likes dogs?      Yes, it does. / No, it doesn’t.

Do you like hippos?              Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

Does Merry Likes lizards?   Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.


3.       Read as quickly as you can!


I like parrots.

I like monkeys.

I like snakes.

I like hippos.

I like bears.

I like tigers.

He likes parrots.

He likes monkeys.

He likes snakes.

She likes hippos.

She likes bears.

She likes tigers.

He doesn’t like parrots.

He doesn’t like monkeys.

He doesn’t like snakes.

She doesn’t like hippos. She doesn’t like bears

She doesn’t like tigers.

4.       Read as quickly as you can!

image                                                                                                       12

y [ai]

type       dye        style      my tye         why        spy       shy fry         sky         fly      Clyde cry         try         rye        sly


y [j]

you      yellow      yes       yet play      grey        say       may day        lay          boy       pay  



5.       Read and translate!


a bear                                              a lizard

a big bear                                       a small lizard

a big brown bear a small green lizard a big brown nice bear   a small green happy lizard a big brown nine slow bear         a small green happy fast lizard


6. Look at picture. Read and choose.


This is Marty. He is a tiger / a zebra. He is happy / sad.  He likes apples / sausages.

His friend is Alex. He is a lion / a panda.

Alex likes bananas / fish.

His friend is Gloria. She is a snake/a hippo. She doesn’t like carrots / cheese.

His friend is Marty. He is a giraffe / a penguin. He likes pizzas/ apples.


image                                                                 4. My bedroom            13

1.       Find and circle




2.       Read and circle than match!


imageI like this/these armchair.

I like this/these sofas.

He likes this/these lamps.

He likes this/these bed.

She likes this/these mat.

She likes this/these mirrors.


3. Read as quickly as you can!

image                                                                                           14

e [e]

bed       bell        desk      den       fell         deck     beg       best        tell           hen       edge       send         bet        pet         left           

e, ee [i:]

been        flee        beet          peel        seem         keen feed        feel          feet deep        sleep        seed

   he             she          we


e [e]-[i:]

pet – Pete                fell – feel met – meet              hell – heel bet – beet                slept – sleep crept – creep           text – tree



These toes are mine.

These balls are mine.

This teddy bear is mine.

This plane is mine.

This car is mine.

Those cats are yours.


Those toes are yours.

Those balls are yours.

These teddy bear is yours.

These plane is yours.

These car is yours.

These cats are mine.

5.       Read the text.

image                                                                                 15

Look! This is my bedroom. I like it. It is in the mess. 

This is my purple teddy. It is under the table. Those are yellow balls. They are on the floor. This is my green train. It is on the mat. That is my red car. It is on the shelf. These are my blue fish. They are on the table. That is my orange dinosaur. It is on the wardrobe.


6.       Color the toys and then color the room.



7.       Find where are toys and match.

teddy train car balls fish dinosaur

  is on the mat

  is on the shelf

  is under the table

  are on the table

  is on the wardrobe

  are on the floor





Match and put in.

              small     long     big   short    green       



                                             5. Come to my party       image



________ hair ________ hair


________ ears ________ nose


________ eyes ________ eyes


        ________mouth                                                   ________glasses


2.       Read and guess.



      Hans          Elsa              Kristoff            Anna

He’s got light hair. He has got big nose, big mouth.  _________

He’s got small nose, big ears. He has got brown hair. _________

She’s got big green eyes. She has got brown hair. _______

She’s got long white hair. She has got small mouth. _________


3.       imageRead as quickly as you can!   17

u [Λ]

     bus       duck          bust           lump       Mum         uncle      luck        hut          cup       up          us            but       


u [ju:]

use      dune     unit      music due      duke     mule     tulip Sue      cube     fuse      pupil huge     cute     mute      tube


u [Λ] – u [ju:]

fuss – fuse                   duck - duke mutt – mute                  mud – mute   tub – tube                      cut – cute  hug – huge                     mull – mule


4.       Read the text.

imageMy name is Spot. I’ve got long brown hair. I’ve got big green eyes. My nose is big and mouth is big. I haven’t got glasses. I’ve got big ears too. I’m happy!

This is my friend. His name is Arlo. He is a dinosaur.

He’s got brown eyes. He hasn’t got hair. He’s got very big nose and mouth. He’s got very long neck. He is beautiful and nice.



image                                                                                                                   18

5.       Find in the text and put in.

I’ve got long brown ________. 

I’ve got big ___________eyes.

I’ve got ______ nose and mouth. 

I haven’t got _________. 

I’ve got _________ ears too.

He’s got brown _______. 

He ________ got hair. 

He’s got very ______nose 

He’s got _______ long neck. 

He is __________ and nice.


6.       Read, look and circle.

imageHas he got a long hair?

                    Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t.

Has he got a long nose?

                    Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t.

Has he got a small mouth?

                    Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t.

Has he got a big green eyes?

                    Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t.

Has he got glasses?

                    Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t.

7.       Read as quickly as you can!

a hair a long hair a long brown hair a long brown nice hair 

eyes big eyes big green eyes big green beautiful eyes


image6. Off we go!


1. Read and match.


a)  I’m driving a taxi.

b)  I’m flying a plane.

c)  I’m sailing a boat.

d)  I’m driving a bus.

e)  I’m riding a scooter.

f)  I’m flying a helicopter.

g)  I’m riding a skateboard.

h)  I’m driving a lorry.

i)    I’m driving a motorbike. 


2.       Read and chant.

imageimageWe can fly in a plane.

We can ride on a train.

In the boat we can row.

We can GO! GO! GO!


         We go near, we go far In a bus or a car.

Take a rocker to the Moon.

But be sure to come back soon.

3.       Read as quickly as you can!

image                                                                        20

e [e] a [ǽ]

met – mat       send – sand      men – man     beg – bag         bed – bad        ten – tan           peck – pack     pet – Pat        

i [i] e [i:]

fill – feel       fit – feet           pill – peel      grin – green      hill – heel      ship – sheep      


ar [α:] u [Λ]

       carp – cup              park – puck        barn – bun              mark – muck        Bart – but                lark – luck        cart – cut                March – much        harm – hum            dark – duck


4.       Read and chose!


imageWhat are you doing?

I’m lying a plane.

I’m flying a helicopter.

What are you doing?

I’m driving a bus.

I’m driving a lorry.

What are you doing?

I’m riding a scooter.

                                        I’m riding a skateboard.                 




5.       Read the text.

image                                                                                                                         21

My father is a driver. He is driving a blue bus and a black taxi. He likes sailing an orange boat too. 

My mother is riding a pink bike. Today she is riding a yellow scooter! She likes driving a red car too.

I’m riding a green skateboard and a yellow scooter. Today I’m flying a purple helicopter! I have got many helicopters in my room! 


6.       Find in the text and put in.

 Father is driving ________________ and ______________.

He is sailing _______________.

Mother is riding ________________ and ______________.

She is driving ___________________.

I’m riding __________________ and _________________ .

I’m flying ___________________.


image                                                                 7. Sports club            22

1.       Find and circle 












badminton football

volleyball baseball


hockey tennis








































































2.       Make up sentences.

swimming riding



listening to flying

a bike is music is

a boat is a kite is

hockey is in the sea

great fun


boring difficult






3.       Read as quickly as you can!

image                                                                        23

 o [o]

rod        rock      job        odd god       loss       hop        not dog       lot         lost        Tom


o [ou]

no      coke       cone      smoke go      zone       dose       stole roe     mode      pose       poke foe     sole       bone       stone role    rose       broke     hope


o [o] o [ou]

  rob – robe                mot – mote

      not – note                smog – smoke slop – slope             Tom – tone cock – coke              hop – hope


4.       Look at the picture and put in like / don’t like. 

imageI like playing hockey.

I ______________ playing football.

I ______________ playing tennis.

I ______________ playing badminton.

I ______________ playing volleyball.

I ______________ playing baseball.

I ______________ playing table tennis.

I ______________ playing basketball.


5.       Read the text.


Children like playing games. Tony likes playing football. He likes playing team games. Football is difficult and very fun! Ron likes playing with a toy car. It is easy and great. 

Karl likes riding a bike. He likes riding with Bill. Bill likes riding a skateboard. Raiding together is great! 

Justin likes flying a kite. Flying a kite is his hobby. Flying a kite is difficult and fun.

Tomas doesn’t like playing games. He likes reading books. Reading books is not boring, it is great.



What are their names? 



image                                           8. In the countryside        25

1.       Read and match.


2.       Read 

one dog – two dogs one horse – two horses one goat – two goats one cow – two cows one rabbit - two rabbits one chicken – two chickens one mouse – two mice one child – two children one sheep – two sheep one man – two men  one woman – two women one person – two people



image26 3. Read as quickly as you can!

th [ð]

this         that           then         these      those         with          than        bathe        clothe       their        them        there they       brother     mother

th [Ө]

three         cloth          thrill     thick           thin            both

 fifth          throve        think Maths         depth          sixth   thing            thank          myth

th [ð] z [z]                                     th [Ө] s [s] that – zest                                   think - sink this – zip                                      thank - send those – zone                                   thin - sing these – zero                                    pith – peas


4.       Count and answer the questions.

How many legs have goats got? 

Goats have got eight legs.

How many eyes have mice got?


How many tails have herses got?

Horses________________________ How many ears have sheep got?

Sheep _______________________


5.       Read the text.

image27 A Lost Mouse

imageA Mouse always plays in the forest. But today it is lost! Mouse come to the farm! There are many animals!! Brown cow has got big nose! Horses have got long tails. All animals are so big and Mouse is so small. 

Mouse meet a Chicken. “Mouse, are you OK?” asks Chicken.

“I’m lost” cry the little Mouse. Chicken is clever. she knows where forest is.  image

image“Let me help you! Come with me!” They come to the forest.

Mouse is so happy!

“Thank you, Chicken!”  says Mouse. 

“No problem! Goodbye!’ and chicken runs to the farm. Happy Mouse is in the forest!

6.       Find the correct answer.

A Mouse always plays…

a) on the farm.       b) in the forest 

image             Brown cow has got …

 a) big nose              b) long tail

Mouse meet

a) a Cat                   b) a Chicken      c) a Dog

Chicken is…

a)  nice             b) old                  c) clever

imageHappy Mouse is

a) in the forest             b) on the farm

image                                                  9. Amusement park          28




2.       Read what can you do at the park than tick or cross.

imageimageimageI’d like to win a prize.     X    I’d like to buy a horse.

I’d like to drink a chips.

I’d like to eat a burger.

I’d like to ride a roller coaster.

I’d like to throw a roller coaster.

I’d like to drink a lemonade.

I’d like to eat a prize. 

I’d like to ride a horse.

3.       Read as quickly as you can!

w [w]

week     waste      wee      welt will        witch       win      wish web       wave       wife     wide swim     sweet     sweep   swift

wh [w]

which         white         while wheat           why         whiff whip           wheel         whir what           where         when   



4.       Order the words.

listen to/ She’d / music / like to She’d like to listen to music    a roller coaster / like / to ride / He’d


to buy / She’d / a lemonade / like


a ball / to throw / like / I’d


He’d / a burger / like / to eat



5.       Circle the wrong letters. Make the word 

1.   buy burglers

2.  ridee a horse

3.  wimn a prize

4.  throow a ball

5.  imageridne a roller coaster

6.  eat chaips

7.  dridnk Cola

8.  ride a hoerse

                                     1    2     3    4     5    6    7    8


6.       Read a text.

image30 I have a great plan for my holiday! I’d like to go to Italy.

I’d like to listen to music in the plane. I’d like to swim in the sea. I like swimming! I’d like to drink lemonade, to eat burgers and ice cream all summer! It is great idea!

I’d like to go to the park. I’d like to ride a roller coaster. Ridding a roller coaster is great fun! I’d like to ride a horse. It is my favourite animal!

My plan is great!




image                                                       10. At the beach           31


      paint _______________   listen _________________


3.       Read as quickly as you can!

sh [ ∫ ]

she    shelf      shape     shell fish    shake    sheriff    shy shop    dish      ship      sheep short   cash     mash     shuttle dash    flash     shift     crush


ch [t∫]

chalk           chess           child cheap          birch           coach   church       change        chair cheese        cherry         cheap 


gh before t is silent eight                          might      flight                          fight weight                         light           bright                          night


4.       Chose the answer and circle.

Let’s swim in the sea!

Good idea!           I’m not sure.      Sorry, I don’t want to.

Let’s swim take a photo!

Good idea!           I’m not sure.      Sorry, I don’t want to.

Let’s swim catch a fish!

Good idea!           I’m not sure.      Sorry, I don’t want to.

Let’s swim look for shells!

Good idea!           I’m not sure.      Sorry, I don’t want to.

Let’s swim eat an ice crean!

Good idea!           I’m not sure.      Sorry, I don’t want to.


5.       Read the text.


This is a day at the beach. The sea is very beautiful and very big! Children come to swim in the sea. Swimming is difficult but they like it.

Some children look for shells. Shells are beautiful. Two girls paint a picture. Boy takes photo. It is good idea! Taking photo is interesting.

Girls sit on a mat. They eat an ice cream and drink lemonade.

Mat is dirty but they like it!

It is a good day!

6.       Find in the correct answer.

This day is…

a) in the park         b) on the farm           c) at the beach The sea is ….

a) beautiful            b) very beautiful        c) cold Swimming is ….

a) boring                 b) interesting             c) difficult Taking photo is….

a) a good idea          b) difficult                  c) boring

image7. Find what do they do and write down.

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Всього відгуків: 1
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Дика Катерина Павлівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
25 лютого 2021
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (1 відгук)
Безкоштовний сертифікат
про публікацію авторської розробки
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