Environmental Problems TBL Урок

Про матеріал
Конспект уроку з англійської мови на тему " Проблеми навколишнього середовища". Дана розробка стане у нагодій вчителям для підготовки уроку англійської мови для учнів середньої школи. Конспект уроку базується на технології Task-based Learning.
Перегляд файлу

“Task- Based Learning.” (TBL)




Topic: Protection of the environment


Subtopic: Recycling and reusing


Learning outcomes:

  • students recall the information on the topic;
  • students explain the ideas;
  • students use information in a new way;
  • students make a new product



I. The Pre - Task stage


  1. Motivation


Teacher: Recently I have watched an official trailer of a documentary film. It’s an unusual video, that makes us think of our way of life and daily habits. Let’s watch it together and answer the question: What is “A wave of change”?




  1. Giving instructions for the task


So, “the wave of change” should start in every person’s life and we should lead a nature-friendly way of life. Make up groups of four and discuss the rules everybody has to stick to for saving our planet. Make a poster illustrating one day of life of an ideal nature-friendly person.


Don’t forget to make your speech and manner:

  • Interesting to the audience
  • Easy to follow
  • Speak clear
  • Look up and look at your audience
  • Look interested
  • Use reasons and pictures
  • Keep it short
  • Use specific examples
  • Make sure you have a conclusion
  • We have to be able to hear you


3. Material support

Paper, pictures from magazines, felt-tip pens


4. Scaffolding the task


4.1 Ordering the rules

  • To start with …
  • The main rule is …
  • Another rule is …
  • It’s also important to …
  • And finally …


4.2 Presenting of an ideal nature-friendly person


  • Name
  • Last name
  • Age
  • Country/city
  • Profession
  • Daily routine


4.3 Lists of good habits


  • Take reusable bags and containers for drinks
  • Take your old notes to the recycling center
  • Take public transport
  • Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth
  • Sort the rubbish
  • Use cotton napkins instead of paper one’s
  • Plant a tree
  • Throw rubbish into the rubbish bin
  • Get creative with useless and unwanted items
  • Buy local products
  • Use fewer chemicals
  • Volunteer for cleanups


II Task.

The groups make and display posters.


III. Language Focus and Feedback with more practice.

Teacher-led correction of mistakes common to many pupils.