Fairy Tales party for the children (4 – 5 forms)

Про матеріал

Підготовка до цього вечора включає в себе постановку п'єс, розучування пісень на уроках англійської мови, виготовлення костюмів, декорацій, оформлення зали,написання запрошувальних листівок для гостей.

Крім того, учням пропонується намалювати ілюстрації до улюблених казок і вивчити назви англійських казок для участі у вікторинах "English Fairy Tales".

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Fairy Tales

party for the children

(4 – 5 forms)


Підготовка до цього вечора включає в себе постановку п’єс, розучування пісень на уроках  англійської мови, виготовлення костюмів, декорацій, оформлення зали,написання запрошувальних листівок для гостей.

Крім того, учням пропонується намалювати ілюстрації до улюблених казок і вивчити назви англійських казок для участі у вікторинах "English Fairy Tales".

                                                                      Проведення заходу

Teacher   - Hey, everybody! It’s time to start our party of ‘’Fairy Tales’’. Hello, children!

  Song “Knock Knock Hello”    (Співають діти)

Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello!

Come in…

Let’s sing…

Let’s play!

Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello!

Knock, knock, knock…

Come on in!

Let’s sing…

…and play…

…and learn together!

Knock, knock!


Teacher  -I know all children like tales very much. They like to read tales from the books or watch cartoons on TV.

-Do you like tales?


1. Виставка дитячих малюнків.

Teacher  -Look at the pictures. You can see different characters from fairy tales. What are they and what tale are they from? Let’s guess who is this?

1. She is a little girl. She lives in the forest with her mother. She has a red hat. (Little Red Riding Hood)

2. This is a very pretty girl. She is hard-working. She worked from morning till night. Who is this girl? (Cinderella)

3. Who lived in the mitten? (A Mouse, a Fox, a Frog, a Bear, a Wolf)

4. A Grandfather, a Grandmother, a Granddaughter, a Dog, a Cat, a Mouse. What tale are they from? (The Turnip)

5. She is very nice. He is very ugly. But he loved this girl. (Beauty and the Beast)

- I see you know the characters from fairy tales very good. Thank you for your pictures. They are very beautiful!


2. Слухання пісень.

Teacher  - Послухайте пісні до російських казок. Що це за казка? Яка англійська назва відповідає цій казці?

Аленький цветочек. - Beauty and the Beast

Красная шапочка. – Little Red Riding Hood

Золушка. - Cinderella


3.  Matching the words of fairy tale’s characters with the title of the tale.

Teacher   - One more task for you. (Вчитель зачитує уривок з казки, діти вгадують назву казки.)

1. ‘’Take a basket and go to your Granny!’’ (Little Red Riding Hood)

2.’’Who was sitting on my chair? Who was eating my porridge? Who was sleeping on my bed?’’ (Three Bears)

3.’’I have run from a grandfather. I have run from a grandmother. I have run from a hare. I have run from a bear…’’ (Gingerbread Man)

4. ‘’I have two sisters and a stepmother’’ (Cinderella)


4.Game “ What’s  Colour ?”

Teacher  -Can you name the colours from fairy tales? Let’s try!

1. What colour is the Little Red Riding Hood’s hat?  It’s red.

2. What colour is the Big Wolf? He’s grey.

3. What colour are the Three Bears? They’re brown.

4. What colour is the Frog in the mitten? Green.

5. What colour is the Goldilocks’ hair? Yellow/golden.

- I see you know different colours! You are good! What colours are the monkeys from our song?

Song ‘’ Five Little Monkeys ‘’ (Діти співають)

Five (Four, Three, Two) little monkeys One little monkey

Jumping on the bed,                                                 jumping on the bed,

One fell off and                                                             She fell off and

 Bumped his head,                                                 bumped her head,

Mama called a doctor                                                 Mama called a doctor

And a doctor said:                                                 And a doctor said:

 -No more monkeys                                                       -No more monkeys

  Jumping on the bed!                                                    Jumping on the bed!


 5. Game ‘’ What Tale Are These Things From?’’



Teacher  -Look to these things. Let’s guess what tale these things are from.     (Вчитель показує різні речі з казок: кришталеві черевички,троянду, корзину, три миски та три ложки,іграшкове мишеня, діти мають вгадати, з якої казки цей предмет)

1. The crystal shoes – Cinderella.

2. The rose – Beauty and the Beast.

3. The basket – Little Red Riding Hood.

4. 3 bowls and 3 spoons – Goldilocks and Three Bears.

5. The toy-mouse – The Turnip.


6.  Гра «Знайди помилку»

Teacher  - Listen to the sentences from the fairy tales and clap your hands when you’ll hear the mistakes.

1. Little Green Riding Hood met a Grey Fox in the forest.

2. A Grandfather, a Grandmother, a Granddaughter, a Dog, a Frog, a Cat and a Mouse were pulling a very big apple.

3. Cinderella played with the Prince.

4. Naff-Naff, Nuff-Nuff and Niff-Niff were three little cats who lived in a big town.


7. Game ’’I Can’’  (Учитель разом з дітьми проводить рухливу гру «Я можу» )

-Can you jump like a frog? – I can.

Show it.  Jump, jump, jump. (Діти стрибають)

- Can you swim like a fish? – I can.

Show it.  Swim, swim, and swim. (Діти імітують плавальні рухи)

- Can you walk like a duck? –I can.

Show it. Walk, walk, walk. (Діти ходять перекачуючись)

-Can you fly like a bird? – I can.

Show it. Fly, fly, fly. (Діти руками імітують рухи крил)

- Can you say “Moo-moo” like a cow? – I can.

Say it together.(Діти відтворюють мукання корови)

- Can you say ”Meow-meow” like a cat? – I can.

Say it together. (Діти відтворюють мурчання кота)



8.  Інсценізація казок.

Teacher  - The characters from these fairy tales are here at our party. Let’s meet them.

  Beauty and the Beast                   Author, Father,Daughter 1,Daughter 2,Beauty,Beast

  1. --  One day a letter came for the men.

F.    --  Girls!

D-s.--  Yes, Father!

F.    --   I have to go away on business.



D 1.--   Please, buy me a new dress.

D 2.--    Yes, a new dress for me too.

F.    --    What do you want, Beauty?

B.   --    I would like a rose.

F.    --    I’ll bring you a rose, Beauty.

D-s.--     Goodbye, Father!

F.    --     Goodbye, girls!


F.   --    Look, roses! I’ll pick a rose for Beauty.

B-st --  Don’t pick the rose!

F.  --     Oh, no! It’s the Beast!

B-st --   You must die for this!

F.  --      I just wanted a rose for my daughter.

B-st --   A daughter?.. I want to see your daughter.

F. --        Oh, no! Don’t take Beauty!

B-st --    Bring me Beauty or you will die!


  Cinderella        Father, Mother, Cinderella, Sister 1, Sister 2

F.  --  You are a good girl. Be kind to your new mother and your new sisters.

C.  --  Yes, Father!

F.  --  This is your new mother.

C.  --  Hello!

M. --  Hello!

F.  --  Kiss your new sisters.

C.  --  Yes, Father!

S1  --  I hate our new sister because she is good!

S2  --  I hate her because she is beautiful!

M.  --  Come here, girl! You must do all the work!

S1   --  You can wear this old dress!

С.  --  Oh, no!

S2  --  Start working! The house is dirty! ( She is laughing )

C.  --  I’m so sad!  ( She is crying )


 Little Red Riding Hood    Author, Mother, Red Riding Hood, Wolf

A.--  This is a story of a little girl, her grandmother and a big bad wolf.

M.  --  Dear daughter, your grandma is ill.

R.. – Oh, no!  I am sorry to hear that.

M.  --  Go to her house.

R..  --  Yes, mother.

M.  --  Take her some bread and butter. Don’t stop and play in the forest!

R..   --  No, mother.


R..   --  La, la, la, la…

W.  --  Hello! Hello!

R..  --  Hello!

W.  --  How are you?

R..   --  I am very well, thank you.

W.  --  Mm… bread and butter?.....

R..   --   Yes, it’s for my Grandma.

W.  --  Grandma?!!....

R..   --  Yes, she is ill.

W.  --  Where does  your Grandma live?

R..   --  She lives in the forest.

W.  --  It’s good!


 The Turnip                    Author, Man, Woman, Girl, Dog, Cat, Mouse

A.--  This is a very interesting story. This is the man.

M.  --  Hello!

A.  --  This is the woman.

W.  --  Hello!

A.  – This is the girl.

G.  --  Hello!

A.  --  This is the dog.

D.  --  Woof! Woof!

A.  --  This is the cat.

C.  --  Miao! Miao!

A.  --  This is the mouse.

M.  --  Squeak! Squeak!

A.  --  And this is the  turnip.

T.  --  Hello! I am a very, very big turnip.


The        mouse      pulls the          cat

               cat                                     dog

               dog                                    girl

               girl                                     woman

               woman                             man

               man                                   turnip


They pull and pull and pull and…

Yes, we’ve got the turnip!!!!!!!


   Goldilocks and the Three Bears      Author, Father Bear, Mother Bear, Baby Bear

A.--  This is the story of a little girl and the three bears.

F.  --  Hello! I’m Father bear.

M.  --  Hello! I’m Mother bear.

B.  --  Hello! I’m Baby bear.

A.  --  The three bears lived in a house in the forest.

M.  --  Breakfast is ready!

F.  --  Look! Porridge for breakfast.

B.  --  Oh, good! I like porridge!

M.  --  It’s hot! We can’t eat it now. Let’s go for a walk in the forest.

F+B  --  Yes, let’s go for a walk!


Teacher  -The tale is a little wonder. Read tales and become better. Our party is over. Have a good day. Bye-bye!



Клименко Майя
13 листопада 2018
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