Final test (11th form)

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Підсумкова контрольна робота для учнів 10-11 класів. Включає в себе контроль письма ( Active Voice, Passive Voice, Reported Speech, Conditionals,Modal Verbs та вживання мови ( Use of English).
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1. If I had more time, I (come)  to your party yesterday.

а) would come б) would have come в) will have come г) came 2.Give the book to Jane if you (read)  it.

а) will read б) would had read в) have read г) has read

3. If you hadn't lost our flight tickets, we (be)  on our way to the Caribbean now.

а) will be б) would be в) been г) had been

4.If you (have)  dinner right now, I'll come back later.

а) will have б) have в) were having г) are having

5. If we (set)  off earlier, we wouldn't be in this traffic jam now.

а) had set off б) have set off в) were setting off г) set

6.Please, be patient. The plan___  in two days. (announce)

а) is announced б) will announced в) will be announced г) would be announced 7.All the rooms ______ at the moment. It will take us two or three days. (paint)

а) are being painted б) be painted в) are painting г) being painted

8.What were we doing at 11 o'clock? - We ___  by a reporter. (interview)

а) were interwiewing б) were being interviewing в) were being interviewed г) interviewing

9.After the window pane _______ someone smashed the window again. (replace)

а) have replaced б) have been replaced в) had been replaced г) had been replacing

10.Where have you been so long?You___to arrive so late if you worked for me(not allow)

а) would not be allowed    б) will not be allowed

 в) would not allowed        г) will not allowed

11.Barbara: "Must I do my homework this afternoon?"

Barbara asked me if she

 а) must do her homework that     б) had to do her homework that

 в) has to do her homework this    г) must does her homework

12. Linda: "Did Max fly to London two weeks ago?"

Linda wanted to know if Max

а)had flown to London two weeks ago         б)had flown to London two weeks before

 в)has flown to London two weeks before    г)has flown to London two weeks after 13. I think I _________ have failed the test, but I'm not sure.

а) ought to    б) might    в) shall

14. We have to rush. We __________ miss the last bus home.

a) needn’t б) couldn’t в) mustn’t

15.If you had let me know earlier, I __________ have been able to come. а)would   б)will   в)shall

16. ... several times, he was rather annoyed.

a) Been interrupted б) Having interrupted в) Interrupted г) Having been interrupted 17. I like to study sea life. Marine biology is __ .

а) fascinated  б) being fascinated в) fascinating

18.What would you do if it ________ on your wedding day?

а)rained  б) will rain  в) would rain

19. Anne, ....., lived here before her marriage.

а) that married William when she was 26,  

б) who married William when she was 26,      

в) who married William when she was 26







Read the text below. For questions (1–5) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

The waggle dance is a term used by beekeepers for a particular dance performed by honey bees. When a honey bee comes across a patch of flowers where nectar (1) _____ be found, she returns to the hive 2) _____ this information with the other inhabitants of the hive. Here, in the middle of her sisters, she performs the waggle dance. She moves in a figure-eight and shakes her body. As a result of this, the other bees know the exact location of the flowers. Apart from the waggle dance, honey bees also perform a dance known as the tremble dance. When a bee returns to the hive with the nectar she 3)_____, a receiver bee assists her. If there are a lot of bees arriving with nectar, areceiver 4)_____ the tremble dance in order to recruit more receiver bees to deal with the extra work. For honey bees, dancing is a 5)_____ of communication and is very beneficial for the hive as a whole.

1)   a) should              b) has to                  c) must                  d) can

2)   a) to share            b) share                  c) sharing              d) shares

3)   a) is gathered       b) has gathered      c) gathers              d) is gathering

4)   a) will do               b) does                   c) would do            d) did

5)   a) mean                b) meaning             c) ment                  d) means



Sherlock Holmes, whose name is well-known, didn`t really exist. However, for many who (6) _____ his adventures, he might as well have been a real person.

The man who created Holmes was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 7)_____ in Edinburg in 1859. He 8) _____ trained as a doctor, but found he could earn more money by writing than by practising medicine. He wrote not only stories about Holmes, but many other books that people also liked.

The place where the Holmes mysteries 9) _____ is Victorian England. Holmes, who is a brilliant detective, uses his intelligence and scientic knowledge to solve the mysteries. Even though Doyle wrote many

Holmes mysteries, we`ll never know the reason why he gave us so little information about 10)_____ private life.

1)   a) have read            b) read                c) has read                d) had read

2)   a) was born             b) born                c) has been born        d) bore

3)   a) success               b) successful      c) succeed                 d) successfully

4)   a) set                       b) is set               c) are set                   d) have set

5)   a) Holmes`              b) Holme`s          c) Holmes                  d) Holmes`es





The term Viking covers all the pagan peoples of Scandinavia who  ... (1)  Old Norse, and originated in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Gotland. The Vikings were  ... (2)  farmers, fishers, hunters and skilled craft workers. Many Vikings traded with Europe, Russia and Asia,  ... (3)  furs, walrus ivory, amber and slaves for silver, gold and luxury goods including wine, fine textiles, pottery and glassware. Restricted by a  ... (4)  of natural resources and land some Vikings  ... (5)  overseas to places such  ... (6)  Britain, Iceland, Greenland and Newfoundland in search of better land to farm.  

During the ninth century, Danish Vikings  ... (7)  in eastern England. From AD 870 they moved west and invaded Wessex in AD 878. King Alfred of Wessex  ... (8)  them in battle and established a frontier dividing England into two parts. The north and east came under Danish control (Danelaw) while Alfred governed West Mercia, Kent and Wessex.

1      told            spoke                   talked             said

2      basic           general                  mainly           remarkably

3      changing      interchanging    exchanging           converting

4      lack              lot                             plenty                     little

5      removed       migrated                 abandoned         disappeared

6      that                 so                               as                like

7      set                settled                   placed             housed

8      defeated        demolished                finished               wiped







Why did European exploration begin to flourish in the 1400s? Two main  ... (1)  stand out. First, Europeans of this time had several motives for  ... (2)  the world. Second, advances in knowledge and technology helped make  ... (3)  of discovery possible. Motives for Exploration For early explorers, one of the main motives for exploration was the desire to find new trade routes to Asia. By the 1400s, merchants and crusaders had  ... (4)  many goods to Europe from Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.  Demand  ... (5)  these goods increased the desire for trade. Europeans were especially  ... (6)  in spices from Asia. They had learned to use spices to help preserve food during winter and to cover  ... (7)  the taste of food that was no longer fresh. Trade with the East, however, was expensive and difficult. Muslims and Italians controlled the flow of trade. Muslim traders  ... (8)  goods to the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea.

1      cases                   senses                   reasons                     excuses

2      exploring      researching            inspecting                     investigating

3      trips                              crossings                   voyages                      cruises

4      given                  caught                    brought                      run

5      for                          in           to                    on

6      keen                                 interested      attracted                             attentive

7      over                                 down          off                                up

8      passed             carried               conducted               removed





Five sentences have been removed from the text below. Choose from the sentences A-G the one which fits each gap. There are three extra sentences which you do not need to use.


A     Janet doesn’t mind the lack of view.

B     It wasn’t strong enough even for one person to walk there.

C     But he was pretty sure he could solve the problem.

D     But it was possible to see into other flats from there.

E     The view from the windows of the flat was incredible.

F      The flat itself didn’t attract her attention.

G     These could then be covered with wood to make the garden more attractive. H  Garden plants could be planted directly into them


Janet Morris was looking for a flat to buy in London. When she saw a top floor flat in Hampstead, she knew this was the one she wanted.1)_______ image What she really liked was the flat roof just outside the large glass windows.

She                 thought                that               she               could               turn               it               into               a                   garden.


She bought the flat and contacted a garden designer, Terry Moore. But as soon as Terry saw the roof, he knew there was a problem.2)_________ image It certainly wasn’t strong enough to support the weight of soil and plants. They are really heavy, especially when they become wet.

But Terry did not give up. He contacted an engineer for advice. The engineer said that it was possible to make the roof stronger. To do this, they would need to say lay many long pieces of metal across the roof.3)__________ image It would not be cheap. But Janet didn’t mind paying for it. After all, the roof garden was the reason she bought the flat.

Another problem was the view from the roof. Janet hoped to enjoy the views of London from her new garden

4)___________image People like their homes to be private. They don’t want strangers looking through their windows! Janet could only get permission to build her roof garden if there were no views from it. So pots were fixed around the edge of the flat roof and tall bushes were planted inside. With these in place it was impossible to see into other people’s homes. That solution satisfied the town planners   5)_________image She says that her garden is cosy, and she can’t hear the noise of the city traffic










Read the text and then answer questions 1-5.


At first glance, there is little in Horton to attract people. The other nearby towns have much more to offer: Bradfield has its river and historic buildings, while Newtown has shops and entertainment. The buildings of Horton look dirty and unloved. For shops, there is a small supermarket, a few bargain shops, a bakery which, strangely, does not sell bread and a florist which has one stand of sad-looking flowers. Even so, Horton has several advantages over its neighbouring towns.

Firstly, it has a country park. Four thousand years ago, this was an important fort. There are no historic remains here now, but there are wonderful views over the countryside. On sunny weekends you can often see kids out with their parents, kicking balls or flying kites.

There aren’t many job opportunities in Horton, and the roads to nearby cities aren’t really fast, but there are excellent rail links. You can be in London in an hour and a half, and other cities are less than an hour away. That means that parents can earn a good salary and still get home in time to spend the evenings with their families. Houses in Horton aren’t pretty, but they’re functional and cheap. The streets are quiet and safe, and there are plenty of parks and playgrounds. It has a library, three primary schools and a secondary school, St. Mark’s.  It’s not as academically brilliant as other schools in the area, but it is friendly and offers a wide range of subjects and activities to children of all abilities and backgrounds.  The town also has a swimming and a sports centre, and the community halls hold regular clubs and events for people of all ages.

1.What is the writer’s main purpose?

a)    To explain what tourists can do in Horton

b)    To explain why Horton is a good place to live

c)     To explain why Horton is not as pleasant as other towns

d)    To describe the history of Horton

2. What part of Horton does the writer find disappointing?

a)    the shops

b)    the country park

c)     transport links

d)    the schools

3.What type of people is Horton most suitable for?

a)  wealthy professionals

b)  low-income families

 c)elderly people

 d)sport and history students

4.What advantages does Horton bring to workers?

a)  There are plenty of jobs available in the town.

b)  You can drive to nearby cities in a short time.

 c)You can get to several cities quickly by train.

 d)Working conditions are better here than in other towns.

5. Which of the following is the best description of Horton?

a)  A quiet, country town which has a number of good leisure facilities.

b)  A friendly, historic town which is a great place to live, work and take a holiday.

c)   A busy, industrial town which has good links to neighbouring cities.

d)  A dirty, unpopular town which has little to offer visitors or residents.















Five sentences have been removed from the text below. Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each gap. There are three extra sentences which you do not need to use.


A     However, life on board a ship isn’t always the dream she expected.

B     But to take part, she had to stay on a very strict diet.

C      One day, she was inspired by a female magician to study magic.

D     She was too old to dance and could not act or play a musical instrument.

E      Many people are inspired by the story of her life.

F      She had never spoken about some of her issues before writing it.

G     Although this was a successful time in Romany’s life, she was not happy. H  She went to college to do a course in story-telling.



International star Romany has just published a book about her life. Her story describes how she dealt with personal problems and eventually realized her dream of becoming a magician. Her book is a very honest account of her life.1)________ 

As a child, Romany loved ballet. She was convinced that one day she would be discovered and have a life on the stage. At the age of fifteen, she was given a role in a show.2)_____ image She managed to stay very slim but it was not good for her. She developed a serious eating problem.

After that, she decided that ballet was not for her. She got a degree and got a job in sales. But she never stopped being attracted to performing. In her free time, she joined a circus club. Before long, she was offered occasional jobs. 3)______ image She was working all day, and spending all her free time doing circus work. She became very stressed and tired and her eating problems returned.

She knew that her life could not continue in this way. So she took a long look at her life and thought about what she really wanted. She realized she really wanted to work on stage. However, she wasn’t sure what to do.4)_______ image But then she had an idea. She quit her job and applied to the National Centre of Circus Arts to study magic.

Now Romany travels the world performing magic tricks on cruise ships. She is also often asked to tell the story of her life.  5)_______ image Romany teaches them that life is difficult for everybody. But if you have a dream and work hard to achieve it, anything is possible.

























Read 4 reviews for a hotel.



Patsy190 writes:           

6 of us stayed here for the weekend. The first thing we noticed on entering our room was how small it was. Our rooms were clean, but the bed cover was stained.  The furniture was really outdated, especially the bathroom, which had an old pink suite and linoleum on the floor. The ‘shower’ was a hose that you fit onto the taps.  The sink was in the bedroom, right next to the television sockets which seems pretty unsafe to me. We had dinner there, and it was well-cooked, but we were still hungry afterwards because the servings were so tiny. The drinks prices were extortionate - £5 for a small glass of wine. My friend ordered a brandy and coke, but the waitress brought him whisky and coke. When we complained, she just walked off!  Not impressed. I would like to say it was cheap and cheerful but at £120 a night, it was neither - overpriced and depressing more like. B

MellowBunny writes:           

Just returned from a 3 day break here, and thought that the Coach Hotel was very good value for money. I had requested a quiet room and this was noted at reception. I got a great room - large, comfortable and clean, with a seating area overlooking the racecourse. The only disappointing thing was that there were no tea/coffee facilities in the room - not even a kettle. The furniture and decor was not particularly up-to-date, but that’s what you would expect from an old hotel. There was a wide selection of well-cooked food on offer. At breakfast I had poached eggs, and they were done to perfection. In the evening, I had a delicious three-course meal, and I wasn’t kept waiting for ages between courses, which is definitely a plus when you’re dining alone. I found the staff friendly and always willing to help.


TomWheeler writes:

The hotel’s is just 200 metres walk away from the racecourse, so it’s really convenient. There’s plenty of space to park. The bed was comfortable with clean cotton sheets. Good power shower. I would agree with some of the less favourable reviews on the site too, though. The room definitely needed some attention – it smelt musty and the furniture was old, cheap and battered.  The bin hadn't been emptied from previous guests, and there was other rubbish on the floor. The fan in the bathroom was very loud, and the plumbing made strange noises in the night. The walls were thin too. Breakfast was okay, but there wasn’t much of it.


JadeUnicorn writes:

Don’t be fooled by the pictures online. What you see is definitely NOT what you get!  First, it’s not close to the city centre – it’s at least a 35 minute walk. Furniture was old and dated, although the bed was comfortable. Tiny bathroom, with an absurdly loud extractor fan. No lock on the bathroom door and no toiletries, not even soap. There were cobwebs all over the hotel. The dining room is dark and uninviting, with no windows except one tiny one. The food simply was the type that gives Britain a bad name. Instant coffee and cheap sausages. Service was poor, with staff clearing the table while we were still eating.

1. The hotel was too expensive.                 2. The service was good.                  3. The bed clothes were dirty.  4. The room was dirty.                   5. The room was big.     6. The location was bad.              7. The shower was inadequate.     

8. The food was bad quality.       9. The room wasn’t quiet.           








Ключ до тесту( граматика)

1.   б 

2.   в 

3.   б 

4.   г 

5.   а  6. в  7. а  8. в 

9.         в 

10.    а 

11.    б 

12.    б 

13.    б

14.    в

15.    а





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