Цей фрагмент уроку надає приклад формування STEM- компетентностей, містить завдання, які формують в учнів навички креативного та критичного мислення та самостійного пошуку інформації в інтернеті.
Фрагмент уроку англійської мови у 9 класі за темою «Вибір професії»
Вчителя англійської мови КЗШ № 79 Іголкіної Л. М.
Обладнання уроку :
Смартборд, интернет, смартфони учнів.
Тип уроку : комбінований.
Хід уроку
Good morning, dear students!
Today we are going to talk about the choice of your future profession, discuss Pros and Cons of different jobs, analyze the factors, which help to do your future job better.
Hope you will be active and creative!
Let” start!
Seven people were asked, “What do you like about your work?”
Here are the parts of their answers. Match the parts.
(Робота з підстановчою таблицею)
What are the most important things for you in the job you would like to have? Look at the smart board and make your choice:
Here are some aspects of work:
Учні називають критерії, які вони вважають головними при виборі майбутньої професії.
Now, please answer my questions:
Dear students, now I would like to draw your attention to the most ordinary profession: the profession of a salesperson.
What do you know about this job? Who of your parents do it?
Вчитель ділить учнів класу на 3 групи. Кожна група обирає свого лідера.
Кожна група отримує своє завдання:
Now, please, look at the smart board and pay attention to the factors, which can help you to do your job better:
Dos and DON”Ts
Don’t assume you know what your customers want.
Target the 20 per of your customers who provide 80 per cent of your profit.
Don’t try to compete on price alone: think about quality, reliability, etc.
You need to have realistic objectives.
Don’t forget to evaluate your strategy, and if something isn’t working, change it.
The task for each group:
Give your own examples at least to three of these factors.
Let’s talk about advertising, which is very important for good selling.
Учні відповідають на питання , використовуючи інтерактивну технологію Мікрофон:
Do you agree with me that some products have better sales due to good advertising and their brand?
What is the most important quality of a good brand for you?
Each group discuss and choose the most important qualities from the list:
Кожна група називає обрані якості товарів та наводять прикладі таких товарів.
Some brands are very famous even when people don’t know the origin of them.
Now I would like you to find the origin of three brands using your smartphones. Find in the internet the information about the next 3 products:
The task for the leaders of each group:
Speak about pros and cons about these products.
Make your own advertisement for any product.
Use the internet and find the information about your future profession and outstanding representatives of it.