a good geographical position a geographical situation of … the climate of Ukraine the country I live in impressions of the country I visited North / East / South / West a point of the compass in the northwest in the northern part of … in the west of America in the northwest of Europe a continent a country (countries) one of the largest countries in the world an island a separate island a peninsula a capital, a capital city the capital of England a state a kingdom a union an European Union a part of Great Britain the major part of Ukraine the whole territory the second largest city THE FACT FILES OF THE COUNTRY:
mild soft temperate moderate-continental subtropical dry wet flat long short deep shallow hot warm |
cool chilly cold frosty foggy rainy snowy windy slippery muddy low high major specific |
a good geographical position a geographical situation of … the climate of Ukraine the country I live in impressions of the country I visited North / East / South / West a point of the compass in the northwest in the northern part of … in the west of America in the northwest of Europe a continent a country (countries) one of the largest countries in the world an island a separate island a peninsula a capital, a capital city the capital of England a state a kingdom a union an European Union a part of Great Britain the major part of Ukraine the whole territory the second largest city THE FACT FILES OF THE COUNTRY:
mild soft temperate moderate-continental subtropical dry wet flat long short deep shallow hot warm |
cool chilly cold frosty foggy rainy snowy windy slippery muddy low high major specific |