Good Deeds Brighten the World

Про матеріал

Цей урок було підготовлено з використанняіалів підручника А .Несвіт та

матеріалів проекту e Twinning,в якому ми брали участь. Проект мав назву

"Альтруїзм та Егоїзм". На уроці велику роль було приділено тренуванню лексики, виконувались різні завдання на лексичні одиниці. Були використані ІКТ та проектні технології спрямовані на розвиток критичного мислення учнів , розвиток письма та слухання.

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Theme: A Good Deed Brightens the Dark World

D:\робота 20162017\урок на курси 04 10 16\IMG_8328.JPGVolyn region

Lutsk district

Khniagynynok specialized school

Teacher of English  : Tetiana Karpuk





Materials:  TV set,   laptop, colorful papers, pencils, cards with tests, cards with words, posters with proverbs.

Aim: by the end of the lesson pupils will train grammar, vocabulary, discuss some important issues of this topic, develop listening ,speaking, reading  and writing skills.

Teacher: Good morning pupils. How are you  today. I hope well. So look at the blackboard. The theme of our lesson is “Good and bad deeds in our life”. How do you think what are we  going to speak about ?

Pupils: pupils try to guess the activities at the lesson.

Teacher: Look at the blackboard one more time. Here we have 2 big sacks .Now they are empty I want you to fill them with vocabulary we are going to use today.

(Pupils on cards write vocabulary to this topic , and stick them on the blackboard.)

Teacher:  let’s read your vocabulary. Make up sentences with words.

Teacher: When we talk about deeds. They can be good or bad and people who act these deeds have different character traits.  Look, there are character traits which are growing on the tree . Now I will join you into groups .Each group take   5 features from the tree. Your task is to combine features of character into a story.

Pupils: pupils write and read their stories

3o        Teacher: Well, now think please and answer my question: If you win 1million dollars, what will you do with this money? (pupils give their ideas)

Teacher: We are going to read text about person who won much money. Scan please this text and fill in gaps.

(pupils read the text  and  fill in gaps)

Teacher: You have read the text and coped with the first task. Now tell me please who was that man?  What family was he born in? How did he got his fortune?

D:\робота 20162017\урок на курси 04 10 16\IMG_8250.JPG.So we can see that there are people who are ready to give everything they own.

And you are going to listen to the song.

-Do you like songs?

-What kind of music do you like?

Pupils: Pupils talk about music they like.

Teacher: I think that all music is nice. It can be touchy or melodic, funny or sad but it makes our life interesting.  Now I distribute you these cards, on cards are written some words, look at task before listening to the song. Now listen to it and find synonyms from the song to your vocabulary.

Pupils: pupils have cards with the words and find synonyms to them from the song.

Words:To hide, damage, give freedom, the best period, posses, refuse, to be aware, believe, to look forward to

Song: Everything I Own

You sheltered me from harm
Kept me warm, kept me warm
You gave my life to me
Set me free, set me free
The finest years I ever knew,
Were all the years I had with you

And I would give anything I own
I'd give up my life, my heart, my home
I would give everything I own,
Just to have you back again

You taught me how to love
What it's of, what it's of
You never said too much,
But still you showed the way
And I knew from watching you

 Is there someone you know,
Your loving them so,
But taking them all for granted?
You may lose them one day
Someone takes them away,
And they don't hear the words you long to say

Teacher: So if we talk about good deeds we must not forget about people who donated a lot of money for charity.  Our next point is projects about these people.

Pupils: pupils show projects about people who are engaged in charity

Teacher: Really, charity is very important in our life. We must help people who are in need because good deeds make our world bright. By the way, do you like films ? Now you will watch one.  Your task is to give the ending of this film using linking phrases.

Linking phrases: by the way, to tell the truth, as for me, I am sure, as far as I am concerned, to sum up.

Pupils: in groups discuss the possible ending of this film

Teacher:  There are many proverbs about good deeds, your home assignment was to develop one of these proverbs.

Pupils: pupils read proverbs and their stories

D:\робота 20162017\урок на курси 04 10 16\IMG_8248.JPGTeacher: You worked very hard today.  I hope you persuaded one more time that good deeds are important in our life. We must help people in need and be tolerant to them. And I want to finish our lesson with the words: good deeds make our dark world bright, let this world be brighter and brighter.











До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, профільний рівень) 10 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
11 квітня 2018
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